Walkthrough of all the missions in the single player campaign of Supreme Commander 2, showing how to beat the missions on hard difficulty while also completing all hidden objectives for the. Supreme Commander 2 Walkthrough. UEF Campaign and Tutorial. This page as well as the following two pages will go through the tutorial and all three faction campaigns. The tutorial features two.

Strength in NumbersYou're an ACU pilot. Though that means you're in a position of power, you're nothing without the forces you command. To bolster your ranks, you'll want to start producing more units as quickly as possible. If you already have factories and Mass Extractors in place, they can start doing this immediately. If you don't, build them, whip up some Engineers, and send your ACU off to do other things. As for how you should order up those units.Logical ProductionTo make a dent in your foes' defenses, you want a lot of firepower. All the guns in the world won't do you any good if they're reduced to smoldering piles of metal, though.

Considering, there are situations where you'll want to both offend and mend. To manage both simultaneously, order a factory to create a small amount of offensive units, then queue up a few Engineers. Some should assist your factories to ensure they're building units at top speed.

Afterward, order up some more attackers, then another small batch to repair them with. By breaking up your requests into smaller groups of each, you won't be waiting for a group of fifteen tanks to be built before a single Engineer pops out— after most of your units have already been destroyed.

Fortunately, if you ever do order too many of a certain unit, you can reduce its queue by clicking on the associated factory, followed by right-clicking the numbered icon at the lower right.Constant DeploymentYou've got the resources to build with, and your factories are hard at work. If all or any of your units are currently sitting idle, put them to work! As the tutorial teaches, you can preemptively designate destinations for whatever your factories are building. Sometimes, those targets will be destroyed before anything is completely built, however. Furthermore, there may be a cluster of foes who snuck around to your back, or who have otherwise gone undetected. Constantly survey your surroundings and deploy your idle units wherever they're needed, and frequently order the wounded to retreat for repairs. Where, though, will you be sending them?

That's something you should plan for.Know Your SurroundingsEarly on, you're familiarized with the camera controls. One of the most useful options is the Zoom In/Zoom Out toggle. Pet society play online. Although you'll have to rely on Radar/Sonar to expand your field of vision, zooming out to see the entire map is something you should often utilize.

It helps you plan ahead. For example, if a multitude of enemies are hiding in the map's northeastern corner, you'll want to pad your forces with additional units where theirs can't reach.

If they're creeping toward you, you can retaliate by constructing buildings and appropriate defenses before they arrive. Without viewing the entire map, it may be significantly tougher to make these calls.Keep the Road ClearYou know you need units, turrets, Mass, and Energy. That's great, but you don't want to recklessly clutter the landscape with factories and stationary units. If you do, you may partially or completely block some passages, preventing your units from rolling through them. Though building a variety of anti-tank and anti-air turrets at a structure's flanks is logical, scattering them straight across the horizon in a zig-zag pattern isn't. Always make sure your construction habits won't cause irreversible traffic jams.

If you accidentally create an awful roadblock, have your Engineers Reclaim the buildings right away. Never Play FairThough you can use Radar Installations to technologically ascertain your surroundings, they won't show you everything. When there's something you want to see—such as a faraway enemy base—there's a way to 'shine the flashlight' on them, so to speak, and reveal what they're hiding.

Simply send a lone, quick aircraft flying overhead. It'll likely be destroyed, but watch its course, and you'll be able to see everything around it.

Although this glimpse is 'frozen'—it remains there, and can be referenced whenever you like—it isn't updated in real time. Nonetheless, it's a great way to get a peek at your enemy's territory, and helps you plan your invasion. What if that aircraft didn't survive long enough, though? The solution is simple: send in something bigger, like an empty transport unit! There are other dirty tricks you can use to get around various complications, too. A mass of Engineers can Capture slow-acting enemy units, and defenseless buildings. Comparatively unnecessary units can be thrown into the lion's den and draw your foes' attention, while your true heavy hitters follow close behind, and deal out damage uncontested.

If you're about to do something terribly risky, save your progress just before the fateful click is made. Do your best to conjure up the most devious strategies possible!

Objectives. Sneak Attack. Defensive Position.

Research Technology. Experimental InvasionWhen this battle begins, Cybran forces will already be attacking from the north, east, and south. Immediately dispatch your existing forces to combat them, and order your Land Factories to produce a few Engineers. Following that, produce a large mix of additional tanks and Engineers, and make sure both factories' productions are going to head out to fight your foes.When that is taken care of, send your ACU to build a Mass Extractor on the nearest hexagonal node. As you learned during the tutorial, Mass and Energy are your best friends. Thus, you'll want to manually send your first Engineer to the second Mass iconograph and start building another Extractor there. You don't need to worry terribly about your Factories' defenses yet, as the small enemies assaulting your surroundings won't come for them.By now, new units should be flowing out of your Factories.

You may have already lost some of your existing units to the onslaught. If possible, pull any suffering units from the front lines and into an Engineer or Factory's healing range. Meanwhile, make sure each of the enemy's groups are being assaulted. If any of them are happily blasting away without contest, fix that as quickly as possible.Once you're certain the Cybran groups are being handled, observe your surroundings.

If you notice any destroyed structures relatively close to your ACU, use it—or additional Engineers—to Reclaim those damaged buildings. You weren't taught about this in the tutorial, but reclaiming pulls additional mass from smoldering wreckage.

Utilize this option during idle moments.Eventually, the last of the first wave will fall. Things will go quiet, but the battle doesn't end. Fear the walking dead. Use this time to send Engineers out to reclaim wreckage, repair your units, and create more tanks. You should also build missile defense units in the center of your facility. Once your tanks are in tip-top shape, send them—and more Engineers—to the far east side of the map, beyond the exterior of the facility. This is near where the second group of Cybrans shall attack.They'll send in two huge Experimental machines. Fearsome as they are, you'll want to follow Dr.

Zoe Snyder's advice, and conduct Research. To help this along, you'll first want to build a Research Facility or two. Use your ACU to do this, and—when you dispatch your tanks to attack the Cybran Experimentals—send your Engineers to keep your units healthy.Now, to determine the improvements you can utilize, click the Research icon in the upper left corner. You should be able to select from a string of upgrades. On top of that, click on your Land Factories, and build some brand new Demolisher Mobile Artilleries, then send them after the Cybrans, too. Don't be shy, as these options are reset each time you start a new battle. This is also required to satisfy the Research Technology objective.