.Visual novels are a medium using the narrative style of, but in a digital format that could technically be considered a. Visual novels put emphasis on the plot and on characterization, rather than on action scenes. They are effectively a digital version of the books, with music, pictures, and occasionally even voice acting or movies. However, unlike most books, they, and have a lot less choice points.The level of gameplay can vary, leading to difficulty in defining the boundaries of the medium. On the far video game end exist games such as the series, with (visual novels completely devoid of interaction) and on the far literary end such as. Because they are treated as games, the fact that many of them tell well-written, compelling stories can be easily overlooked.

Games like, and the series are bringing this style of gameplay into markets outside of Japan, where they are much more recognized.Visual novels that are also tend to tie every storyline to a specific romanceable character, a habit which has carried over to most of the rest of the medium.Because the market for is virtually non-existent outside of Japan, people tend to assume that any Visual Novel that is a should be called a Dating Sim, when they are actually quite different. (It doesn't help that most -style are marketed as 'Dating Sims' when they are translated for the US market.) Using well-known examples, the series has very much a style of gameplay, while the Xtreme series is probably the game closest to a true with mass-market appeal in the US.Most Japanese visual novels, though this is beginning to change with companies such as MangaGamer and JAST licensing more and more visual novels.

Still, the bulk of visual novels are if they are translated at all. Many of the novels on this list have an existing, partial or full.There are also a small but growing number of English-developed visual novels, generally created by indies and not sold through mainstream channels.is a database dedicated to visual novels, in the vein of IMDB. It also lists any existing fan translation a novel may have.See.

Music from my visual novel, Frozen Essence. This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue.

Try playing it first before using the walkthrough. The VN is almost straight forward once you tried it once. You should really use it only to get to some endings you missed.

XD-Aug 10th 2010:Summary:In a world balanced by essence, a girl is unsealed from her crystal prison. With no recollection of anything. Much of the world is new to her, not to mention people are after her. Whether she finds her way out of this or finds love, it's up to the player to decide her fate.

With the guidance and protection from the bodyguards and the oracle within her realm, her journey begin.Genre: Fantasy, otome (gxb), visual novelRating: Teen, with minor blood and violenceFeatures12+ different endings75+ CGsOriginal sound track (22 songs)4 obtainable guys + 1 hidden character (reminder, no yuri, no yaoi!)Approx: 60 mins - 80 mins per path. It depends on how fast you read.MinaThe main character without a memory (sounds cliche, eh? The player will decide her fate with the choices that come up.RuneRune is laid back, but he is serious bodyguard.

He's quite protective and most things don't seem to affect him.CaiusCaius is quite chaotic, and seems to enjoy the misery of others for some reason. He's the more unpredictable bodyguard who does as he pleases.AureliusA charming, polite and famous soldier comes from another land. He is optimistic, and he loves his ladies.VarianA very serious man who doesn't seem to stop working. Not much is known about him and his mood is quite grim at times.+ Hidden CharacterScreenshotsDownload (approx: 130 mb)CreditsArt:VenusEclipseDreamerAlias - Weaponry and Logo Design.Script:VenusEclipseAleema - Interface Help. Helped made my GUI look pretty.Music:Carmen Chow (aka Lykaios): Did Good Morning, Hopeless, Legend, Oracle, Together, Reveal the TruthVenusEclipse: Did all tracks not listed by LykaiosTesters: (Also gave opinions and grammatical checksAleema - Windows XPRiviera - Windows XPi82fast - LinuxCarmen Chow - MacDreamerAlias - Windows VistaSpecial Thanks:i82fastFree resources onlineLemma Soft CommunityPyTom.

Frozen Essence Visual Novel

SUPER CONGRATS!!I'll download the new version and play through some of the altered paths. Review Edit Venus!

Very yes.I liked it.I've never been one to be a collector in VNs. Going through each and every path is exhausting and boring. Testing this game has shown me that I was lacking an interest in those other games before.

I was honestly intrigued by ALL the characters. I wanted to know each and every twist and turn.

Even the 'bad' endings felt so satisfying!Art: Your revised sprites showed a LOT of improvement. And the White Order sprites were handsome, handsome men, which just goes to show how awesome your drawing has gotten. I look forward to future games with art like this. We've been over this one behind-the-scenes. It's supposedly the mainstream/cannon ending, but it originally felt like one of the least romantic paths.

After having achieved the 'True' ending and after your changes, it's the most beautiful path. I really, really liked the True ending. I think that's how it should have gone. As soon as Rune told me that he hated living forever, then I thought 'YOU'RE IN LUCK, BUDDY', so when I got the 'light ending' I was a bit unsatisfied. The true ending is the only way to go.

The changes you made to his path are.squee.! Pulling her into the pushes and then, lol, groping her. Genius tactic to really up their relationship quickly. A very wise choice, along with the added 'I'll carry' you and resting in between the fighting. It really felt well-paced after that, and Rune was coming back to life. Major improvement! I was pretty turned off on Caius from the intro before the cave sealing.

He seemed really pyscho and crazy, and just unappealing all around. Why my girl would call his name or save him is beyond me - BUT I'm glad she did!! This was my favorite path for a long time. I love the secluded-with-your-sweetie story mechanic, because it's all about character development, and that's the good stuff. I admit the waking up with him next to you in bed was the best thing ever, ever. The fact that he's so underdeveloped when it comes to interacting with others is SO intrigued.

'sometimes it feels good to touch another person's body' coupled with 'SO LEMME DO IT I'M IN CHARGE!!' (not direct quotes, lol) made me melt. Him just randomly touching/exploring her is love in its purest forms, since he's obviously never felt it before.

Of course, it wasn't 'love' in the romantic sense, but an infatuation and posessiveness. While being posessive is scary because it usualy degrades the person to a mere object, I didn't feel like that was the case for Mina. I think he just really doesn't understand what he feels, so it must be because it's his territory they're touching. I could go on, but I'll make the other path's jealous. Aurel instantly intrigued me when you introduced him.

So I had a lot of expectations of him, lol. He was a sweet guy, and a real hero throughout it all. And it's nice that you didn't do the cliche 'Lady Killer to One Woman Only' ending, though his light ending was kinda disappointing because I never felt like there was a real romantic connection between him and Mina, perhaps because he was a womanizer, and perhaps because he clearly said that he just found her interesting, rather than appealing. I know, I know, this is where you shoot me, right? I didn't bring it up in testing, because it honestly wasn't THAT big of a deal. And it's your story, not a bug or a typo, it wasn't confusing, it just was.

I figure I liked it less because I liked other paths more. And there's so much more to the game that it doesn't matter. Virgil's exposition was REALLY interesting, though. It's good to see that Oryon was really just a super fanatic that even his underlings were like 'um. Also, forgot to mention this in Earth path, but Cascade is awesome!

I was skeptical about her when she first appeared in Earth path for me, like she would become the temptress/other woman/just be evil, and she totally wasn't. She was a caring, thinking, intelligent, STRONG woman, and that's great.:3 Fire Path.

First time I saw Varian, I went 'FFFF!!' Because I knew I had to stay on Rune's path for that go. XD I even clicked through all his dialogue really fast because I didn't want to enjoy it yet.:3 Good thing, though, he has a totally different exchange if you refuse Rune/Cai's help earlier. I'm still wondering what the hell he was dragging around the first day, but I'll assume that it was White Order stuff, or essence as a weight to it. I was very happy to see this was another 'alone time with hot guy' scenario. Again, my favoriote. He was really tsuntsun, pushing her away.

I didn't understand why, like Mina, but it also really intrigued me, like Mina. After learning it all, I'm surprised he wasn't even more mean to her, haha!

The choking scene, where Mina passes out. That was awesome in the 'got goosebumps' kind of way. The CG of them sitting opposite the same door was also.swoon. I felt he was really conflicted, but his morals about the death sphere was getting in the way of how he felt for the person harboring it. There was a big info dump after Mina passed out, between Var and Virg (and them having similar names didn't help my eyes, lol).

The ending was pretty sweet and in-character. They just travel together, helping each other, just like a husband and wife pretty far into their marriage. If you're reading this and you just want to know who the heck Water path is, then go back to the game and try not to capture anybody. If you did get water path, OMGGGG, was it not the CUTEST thing EVER??

Totally my favorite path. I can tell you did this path last, Venus, because your art was the best.

Zareh's kissy scenes were to die for. And his 'dark/bad' ending CG is my favorite out of the entire game. Still haven't gotten the Light death path. I even followed your instructions. But what I did get was the naughty dark ending, that was a satisfying fanservice. Needs adult fanfiction. Oryon + chains + lolita dress - Someone get on it.All in all, a very successful, wonderful game.

Ape music download. I know you are probably an emotional rollercoaster right now, but trust me when I say it was an amazing game. Your effort and love is clear, and I don't think the time I played through it was wasted in the least.Again, congrats on such a big release. I'm sure it feels good to get it out there!Kudos. X rebirth download.