ABSTRACT: Students who have sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) return to the school setting with a range of cognitive, psychosocial, and physical deficits that can significantly affect their academic functioning. Successful educational reintegration for students with TBI requires careful assessment of each child’s unique needs and abilities and the selection of classroom interventions. The brain teasers are divided into three categories to choose from – Easy, Medium, and Challenging. Use these as part of a game, as challenges on the board to consider during slow parts of your lesson, or just something to get students – and colleagues – thinking outside the box.

Regularly challenging yourself with brain games, mental exercises and new activities keeps your mind running on all four cylinders.In fact, adults who frequently engage in mentally stimulating activities are 63% less likely to develop dementia than those who rarely do such activities, a New England Journal of Medicine study discovered. A University of Michigan study found that adults who play a mentally challenging brain game every day for several weeks can dramatically improve their memory.The week’s worth of games and activities that follow are designed to do just that. They were developed as part of a brain-boosting lifestyle program called the Brainpower Game Plan by by Cynthia Green, PhD, an assistant clinical professor in the department of psychiatry at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and founder of its renowned Memory Enhancement Program.Playing these brain games, along with and exercising can boost your brain power by up to 78%!1. Name your colorsChallenge your ability to stay focused: Quickly read out loud the color that each word is printed in—not the word itself. Try it repeatedly to see if you can improve. In just 7 wordsTest your creativity with this verbal challenge.

Write a short story—and use only seven words to tell your tale. (Bonus: This will boost your Twitter and Facebook storytelling skills).3. Opposite dayBuild new connections between brain cells by putting your nondominant hand into action. If you’re a rightie, use your left hand to perform daily tasks such as brushing your teeth, combing your hair, and eating. Even try to write with your other hand, too.

Does using your nondominant hand become any easier over the course of the day?4. Find itThis teaser will help hone your visual searching skills. The table features many different symbols. Using 30 seconds for each symbol, count how many times each of the three at the top appear in the table. (Answers below.).

Gifted kids can be a joy to teach when you know how to identify what engages them. These 50 tips and tricks come from my own experience and from around the Web. They’re good to have in your bag of tricks whether you’re a newbie or an old hand at teaching these high-level thinkers. Know Their InterestsEvery year, I start by having my students complete an. This helps me ensure that curriculum is personalized to their interests. TryShare what you are reading with gifted students. Often, these students experience a reading lag where they can’t find a sweet spot because it is hard for high-ability students to understand what is both challenging and appropriate.

Keep Them ActiveGifted students often need to have the ability to move when learning pacing, flapping and bouncing are parts of their thinking process. Offer Flexible SeatingA window seat is my favorite place to read, so I keep that in mind when offering seating. Try to offer different seating options for students: beanbag chairs, carpet squares, pillows, director chairs the list can go on and on.SOURCE: 5. Model Social SituationsSocial situations can be challenging for some gifted students as their ability to understand social cues can be underdeveloped.

Team up with other teachers to model the proper way to start conversations. Star command pc. 6. Share Current Eventsare important to incorporate into gifted programming. We want these students to be thinking about how they can use their talents to solve real-world problems. Look for the HelpersAs important as current events are, it is also just as important to understand that gifted students internalize global happenings on a very personal level. Kids do not have the experience with the world to understand that despite there being a war or attack, there are still good things happening in the world.SOURCE: 8. Allow for GroupingsNot all gifted students are meant to be the project manager. Allow students the opportunity to work alone or in a group.

Even cross-grade groupings work well with gifted students. Mind the Child Labor LawsGifted students who finish early should not automatically be the teacher’s helper. Gifted students can be some of the worst students to assist others because their brains often work very differently. Having a gifted child help a student who is struggling may do more harm than good. Create aMy grandmother always said, idle hands are the devil’s workshop so keep some key things in the back for busy hands. LEGO bricks, cardboard and masking tape, and Snap Circuits are some of my favorites!

Introduce Minecraft EduDon’t be scared to incorporate students’ passions and interests. I once had a student who never wanted to practice spelling words until I told him he could practice them in Minecraft. Has lots of great ways teachers can implement this engaging game in the classroom.SOURCE: 12. Give Them End DatesProvide gifted students with clear endpoints on projects and assignments. Gifted students can create unusually high expectations and never see an end in sight; a book reflection can easily become a 10-page paper, a PowerPoint can become an intensive course on the topic.

Letting students know where to stop can be helpful. Set Realistic GoalsUse and have students write a letter to their future selves. Once students have written the letter, you can set the date for it to be sent to their inbox. What a great way for students to set goals and create natural check-in points. 14. Teach Decision-MakingGifted students can have a huge case of FOMO: fear of missing out. They understand that decisions have consequences, and sometimes they need to be given an inordinate amount of details about their options. Allow for the gifted student to fully understand the pros and cons of a decision.

Be PatientGifted students are processing a lot in their minds. Be patient and give them the time to reflect on what they need to come to a consensus they can live with. Assign Expiration DatesMy gifted students walk into class with exploding folders and binders.

They keep everything because there is a fear of being unprepared. Just like expiration dates for food, think about adding a footer to your handouts: “This handout expires on April 15.” 17. Model Organization StrategiesOr at least model how you organize life.

Gifted students like options and seeing how they work in the “real world” is very helpful. I show students how I use notes to, how Google Calendar is my lifeline, and what I do for physical notes. I have used in the past and show those examples as well.We also review different apps that could be helpful. I urge students to find what works for them. No system is not an answer.

We all need a system to help us be productive. When I taught younger students, we would all try different systems together as our end-of-the-day procedure.

Use Brain BreaksOffer gifted students a hobby that can help calm their busy minds. Teach them how to, breathe, meditate, make friendship bracelets, knit, color—anything that allows for them to focus carefully on details can help them quiet some of the extra noise.SOURCE: 19. Explore Their PassionsSome gifted students don’t have a passion yet because they haven’t found it. Provide exposure to as much as possible. Are one way to help students think about different topics. Even has created teaching enhancements.

Read Tons of BiographiesReading, watching or listening to the lives of others can help gifted students develop a plan of action and see what others did to accomplish goals. Read Lots of EverythingIt is true, so many gifted students have found a book that becomes so much a part of them, they can discuss it at length. Bibliotherapy is a great way for students to experience how to deal with issues and learn tactics and strategies. Pre-Assess ThemFor the love of anything that is holy, this should probably be no. Research states that most gifted students do not learn new information until January. Don’t make a student who has already mastered a concept sit through the lesson again. 23. Allow Them to FocusLet gifted students pursue their interests.

If they want to let everything be about dinosaurs, more power to them! We need paleontologists. As mentioned in, it takes over 10,000 hours to be an expert. To get that many hours on a time card, students have to be allowed to focus.

Make ConnectionsWe need to allow students to hyper-focus but also then be the “guide on the side” that helps them make connections from one area to another. Perhaps we can get our dinosaur expert to use and make a “Dino Dig” math game? 25. Find MentorsGifted students need mentors within their interest areas. Mentors can teach students how to navigate through professions and can even be gatekeepers to additional opportunities. 26. Practice Like ProfessionalsAllow students to practice like the professionals.

Use the same processes that professionals use. Looking to try fashion designing?

Have students actually sew, measure, use patterns and do the alterations. Visit the interactive site.

Locate Authentic AudiencesThe work students create should have a real audience and be appreciated by those who authentically would benefit from its completion. Younger students are a great first authentic audience. 28. Put Them in Escape RoomsIf you haven’t heard of these yet, drop everything and head over to. These are a great way to curate the knowledge you want your students to gain.29. Watch WebinarsYou can find webinars on just about any topic that interests your students. If you sign up at, they will send weekly lists of upcoming professional webinars.

Submit InventionsInventions are a great way for students to take risks and try different things. I feel like students are more apt to take risks when they are creating something new. Challenges students to submit an invention that will make the world a better place and there are winners every month. 31. Try GamificationI love, which challenges students in grades K–12 to design their own mathematical game. Check Out Local HappeningsDo you live in the middle of nowhere?

But I was surprised to learn there were still a TON of events happening on the weekends. If you are in the urban areas, you are rich in opportunities. Look to local libraries, museums or universities. Send Them to Summer CampSome of my closest childhood friendships started at summer camp. These times allowed for encouragement and allowed kids to be nurtured in an environment where trying something new was the goal.

Summer camp allowed me to be myself and try new things. Solve Local Problems“With great power comes great responsibility,” says one of our favorite superheroes, and he is correct—kindness counts. We need to do good with the gifts and talents we have been given.

Give gifted students the opportunity to solve local problems and see the need for change in their own community. Allow a book to inspire this mission:,.

Develop Book ClubsWhat do friends all have in common? We are attracted to those who think similarly and those who challenge our beliefs. Make for a great space for likeminded students to come together to discuss a common theme in this case a book, which serves as a great discussion starter. Allow for Voice and ChoiceHow many of you hated a certain book in high school only to read it as an adult and see how wrong you were?

The moment we lost choice (of what to read in this case), we also lost joy. Allowing gifted students to have choice in the classroom allows them to feel empowered and engaged. Choices do not need to be huge either, small choices are just as important. Raise the BarNo one wants to only be the big fish in a small pond. We want to be around people who will make us better and want to achieve more.

Allow your gifted student to be challenged by participating in academic competitions such as National History Day. Your students will see what true competition is. BrainstormThis is one of the best ways to develop critical thinking. Show a picture of clouds what do you see? This type of activity develops fluency, elabora tion, originality and abstract thinking, which are all integral parts of being a creative thinker. Try Google’s It’s a great tool for getting students to think rapidly—it’s also a gem for indoor recess. 39. Model CuriosityWhen the students ask a question you don’t know, look it up with them.


As librarian media specialist Melissa Thom says, “the smartest people are the people who know how to find answers to their own questions.” Follow her on twitter at. 40. Try Flocabularycreates content-rich raps (yes, as in hip-hop) about just about ANYTHING. There are so many wonderful resources embedded within—contests, lyric labs, lyric notes, connections to primary sources, teacher plans, corresponding handouts, questioning and so much more!

This will quickly become your favorite teaching resource. I promise!41. Let Them Read Below-Level BooksWhy do we expect every book gifted students read to be 1.5–2 grade levels above their reading level? I say, if a student is enjoying a book, read it! Yes, challenging books are needed to develop reading ability but don’t discount a book just because it is below a student’s level. Reading a book for a different purpose can increase the difficulty of a book without changing the text.

Connect Globallyis a program where one book is used to connect the world. Pernille Ripp founded GRA in 2010 with the simple idea to read a book aloud to her stude nts and during that time try to make as many global connections as possible. This mission has grown exponentially and has reached over two million students. Collaborating with students in other states and countries will help a gifted student think empathetically. Incorporate MythologyIf you know a gifted s tudent, then you know that mythology can be a huge interest—often spurred by the series by Rick Riordan.

Allow students to build a better understanding by incorporating mythology into different curricular units. BlogThis is an authentic way for gifted students to share their reading in a way that we would as adults. Creating readers means treating them like readers—when I finish a book I do not take a comprehension quiz. I talk about it, share it with friends or write about it.

Have your students react to reading like real readers. Is a great tool for creating safe student blogs. CrowdsourceTwo heads are better than one! Allow students to go places where they can collaborate.

Google Docs is a great place to start, but also explore tools like, a tool that allows students to record and reply to one another. 46. Be a Safe SpaceProvide a safe space for gifted students to take risks without being put down. Gifted students are often timid to answer something they are unsure about because of the social stigma attached to not answering correctly. Create a classroom culture where wrong answers become an opportunity to celebrate different thinking. Check out Nancy Anderson’s book,. Use QR CodesCreate a QR Code Museum or Gallery or even a QR scavenger hunt on one of your classroom bulletin boards.

Write HaikusA frog jumps into the pond, splash! Silence again. This is Basho Matsuo’s famous haiku. Use haiku as a way to challenge gifted students to summarize chapters, current events, biographies or vocabulary words.

Haiku are student-friendly yet force them to be concise and purposeful with their word choice. 49. Change the WorldAction is powerful for gifted students.

Allowing students to find solutions to problems they see in their school, neighborhood or community will allow them to understand that they can make a difference. Internalizing that they can be the change in the world is transformational.

Watch these to show them what kids like them are doing to change the world. 50. Record ThemAllow gifted students to record their voices into an app or movie application. Teaching in front of peers is public speaking and that is its own beast. By allowing gifted students to show their work in a way that allows their confidence to be present is a win-win. Is a collaborative and interactive whiteboard tool that makes this approach a piece of cake! This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.

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