For fans of Prey, the idea of a roguelite DLC might have filled them with trepidation, but 'Mooncrash' is an experience that shouldn't be missed. Reach the end of level 5 and the simulation will crash, with Peter's sanity taking. Apr 01, 2013  PREY All Cutscenes Movie (PREY 2017 Full Movie) - Duration: 3:46:43. RabidRetrospectGames 135,176 views.

As stated, I just finished the DLC last night and since then had a wide array of thoughts floating in my mind. Obviously, SPOILERS ahead so do not read if you do not want things spoiled!I don't hate mooncrash, far from it, i think it has some really impressive mechanics and variables it can rotate into. Originally posted by:I think you are right in that it was reworked. I believe it was going to be a traditional story dlc untill the bad Prey Sales cut the budget back which is why it is the way it isI doubt it. These newer game systems would have taken a lot more work than making the level a little bigger, while adding some more lore/story. I'm actually glad they decided to go with an experiemental game mode instead of just a small spin-off story. If they want to continue the Prey story.

I'd rather they save it for the sequel, not DLC.This simply sounds like a balance issue for those Nightmare Prey players that can brute force/speed run to the final objective. They should remove the timer and instead just mnake the enemies so hard to kill they are almost sure to kill you.I am also finding the game waaay too easy after starting with several hundred time loop items and making sure the curruption never goes over level 1.I would rather have had no death timer at all and instead the enemies become insanely difficult to manage. It would keep the global difficulty in check and also ensure the players who dislike timers to not leave negative reviews about it.

I'm still playing through, and so far the DLC feels a bit more like a tech demo than a polished DLC. Especially considering this came out alongside a patch adding the various survival options to the main game, it is very odd that this DLC is completely devoid of any options.Hopefully a future patch will add some sort of 'free play' mode that lets you do things like configure/disable the timer, have have full access to the station, configure some of the RNG elements (such as the power being out).I definitely applaud Arkane for trying something different in the DLC.

I almost wonder if that is their plan: have the main game be a solid narrative experience, and then experiment with things in the DLC to get ideas for how a sequel will work. I'm still playing through, and so far the DLC feels a bit more like a tech demo than a polished DLC.Tech demo?

That's a bit unfair. I think at it's worst the game has balance issues and the story is fleshed out enough.They should remove the timer and instead just mnake the enemies so hard to kill they are almost sure to kill you.I don't think that would be the way to go. Either it would have the same effect as ending the run by killing you, or would just give the option to 'cheese it' and just avoid enemies the whole time. Originally posted by:I don't think that would be the way to go. Either it would have the same effect as ending the run by killing you, or would just give the option to 'cheese it' and just avoid enemies the whole time.It would have the same effect,yes.

That is the point. But not the same cause.And if they are indeed more difficult to deal with then in theory it should be more difficult to avoid them, especially with the dynamic random nature of everything else added onto it.Not trying to outright kill the player instantly here, just trying to give them the satisfaction of a meaningful game over as opposed to some lame countdown. There are many people who just hate the idea of being timed to death, me included.Think of it more as a fetish im not into.

Riley Yu is actually Morgan/Alex's cousin not sister so that's why she's not in the family photo's etc.As for why the moon-base is never mentioned despite Alex saying one of his communiques to Riley that the moon-base was definitely going to have an outbreak soon if it hadn't already had one. Hell he didn't expect Riley to survive hense pushing her to upload her consciousness. So yeah it's complete ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥t it never got mentioned in Prey (obviously the Moon plot was written after Prey but that just makes it shoddy writing).It's not a Rogue-lite either. Not when it actually ends and you can no longer play or progress without restarting the entire game. The ability to keep playing and progressing is kind of the defining characteristic of the genre.

I'm hoping it auto-saving before the last 'out of breath' section is a bug and the final auto-save is meant to be in the sim so you can just not complete whoever's last mission and keep going. But I doubt that's the caseAlso agreed on the random plotlines and ending. I was expecting a fair bit more detail on the characters in their 'personal quests' rather than 5 minutes of item fetching/running about hitting switches with one 4 second in-game cutscene and maybe 2 voice recordings.

Hell they were so damn short I honestly kept expecting to unlock 'part 2' of their story arcs at some point but no:/.The best one by far was the engineer she seemed to have a lot more of her story built, mostly by emails though. You also get that lovely statue as a 'reward' for finishing (ok in some ways it's kinda creepy.but lets go with romantic).The ending was god-awful.

I thought I'd gotten the 'bad ending' then when I loaded and looked around and found the helmet I got excited and thought I could find another solution and a different ending. Nope the infinite air helmet is completely pointless:/ (unless I've missing something?). Well I think i got the story with most of the char (not sure where the old man story start) but the canon escape for the engineer is the Shuttle (unless she never escape or that the pilot neuromod never existed).

The Janitor canon escape is the Escape Pod this in turn cause the Head of Security to improvise on his escape by using the Mass Driver (since he spent alot of time in the Crew Annex and would have notice the shuttle (unless the pilot neuromod never existed)). The Director has her own escape but something tell me that she 'escape' last.

As for the Old man like I said earlier I don't know if he 'Escape' first or Before the Head of security reach the tower or After the Head of security escape.Now this in turn add the question on if the ending (Prey not mooncrash) was really cause by the action of Talos-1. Because if you use the shuttle escape there a mimic outside the shuttle this mimic could latch on the ship when it arrived to earth but like I say it all depend if the pilot neuromod even existed.And then there the 'toy' in the old man story.

The 'toy' could be a mimic or a mimic egg (I don't know) all I know is the 'toy' is a Typhon related thing. I guess I'll put my two cents here too after finally beating the game. Wowie I'm quite a few days late to the party!To sum it up, I believe none of the escapes were real, except for two.Director Yu's escapeAnd Claire's Escape.I believe that, the 'Story lines' were the real canonical plot of the game. That's really the only way for it to make sense, and would explain why the shuttle was still there.Nobody truly got off the moon.

The method of unlocking their 'Stories' as brief as they are, is what Kasma is assuming they went for. They believed the Engineer attempted to escape via the shuttle, they believed Claire went for an Escape Pod, they KNEW Yu uploaded her own conscious yet weren't 100% sure they killed her, they believed the HoS Bahat tried to go through the warper. I just finished the game and I agree pretty much whole heartedly with what y'all saying. It took me 5-6h to beat. I only had one 'real' death when i w as figuring out how to kill the moonshark( Dr. Yu psychoshock kills it in like 4 shots and disables its burrow and ranged attacks). I don't think they should have added Time-delays it kinda trivializes the difficulty.

The game kind of set it up like there was going to be a difficulty spike, but it just never came. The typhon control towers? Going to start a new run to see if anything is new, but I have my doubts. 20$ for 6h def not worth it. A dollar an hour thats how this suppose to work. I'm a bit disapointed because I don't think you payed attention to the story. The points you made about the gameplay, I sort of agree with.

I modded it out. Also, I'm not sure if i get it when you say you wanted to beat the game the way it wanted you to. I personally took quite a bit to finish the DLC and I still left a bunch of stuff undiscovered. Now, to the story stuff.Riley Yu is not Alex's sister. She is his cousin. The stuff about January and Morgan not considering destroying the base is a good point. Perhaps they didn't know the facility was being used to make experiments on the typhon and just thought it was a helium mining facility.

I don't know, the game doesn't explain that very well, if at all.You see, the base isn't really a secret. They mention the pytheas base in the original game in one of the magazines. People know about it. They just don't know about the alien ♥♥♥♥.And yes, the typhon were brought from Talos I to the Pytheas base, but that was intentional. As I see it, this facility was another base they used to experiment with the typhon, alongside with mining helium-3.Kasma may not have gained much from the simulation, but that's hindsight 20/20, isn't it?I mean, if you have an operator with vast information about the decline of a facility belonging to your main rival, I'm sure it would be in their interest to get the data. If they didn't gain anything from it, well.

That's their problem.Besides, Kasma never intended to save you. They were going to kill you once you completed your contract anyways.

Basilisk did what she could on her end to help you out.And maybe the engineer didn't leave at all and was transformed into a phantom. You can actually use a security terminal to track everyone down, so in my next playthrough I'll try to find her body.I think it was a decent point you made about Peter not knowing how to fly a shuttle.As for the mimic double, well, in the simulation there is always a mimic in the back of the shuttle. So my theory is that Peter, in a hurry to leave, forgot about the mimic (or didn't think it was there), got jumped by it and died.The crash on the moon was not really suicidal, was it?

It was likely the only chance Peter had to escape death. I mean, if he was suicidal he'd just let himself run out of oxygen, no?The escape plans are not necessarily cannon either, except for Riley Yu, which wasn't really a escape plan, it was a safety net to insure that even if she died, her mind would still go on.Unfortunately for her, she got zapped into oblivion and the data operator was captured by kasma. The game does become too easy at the end, just do an initial run with the engineer and clear things out/ fix the portal. I really didnt like how the portal requires 2 people to fix it, the game also gives away claire being a spy really quickly once you see the engineer doesnt have hacking.

Though it would have been fun if she had no abilties and struggled to survive. I supect if you removed neuromods and time delay loops from the sim screen the difficulty curve would be betterAlso at what point do find out Peter doesn't know how to fly a shuttle, I don't think the game ever says or implies he can't, in addition we know there ia a conectome for piloting present on the base so even if he didnt he can find it easily. Is there really a mimic at the back of the shuttle?

I never encountered it, despite going in the room all the time to nab the fruit, does it just stay hidden and is only detectable with Riley's upgraded pychoscope?I believe the game suggested running the sims was a way of decrypting the data in the beggining, we do know there is more info on the operator, riley's mind and lots of other data.Personally I liked the additional story, and especially Riley's comments on Alex failing upward but it needs some work for replayability. Like the access to the harvester fuel ops in moonworks, you read the email to find out the guy left his keycard and tracking bracelet in a harvester and once you retrive it for access you get a golden crate and thats about it, damn things are everywhere wasnt really worth it. Reply to Guizin:Strangely enough, there are records of people refering to the pytheas moon base before this DLC was ever announced or hinted at. So this book in question must exist and you are right that it is not secret. As someone who played a lot of the the base Prey game I am severly confused why the base would never be refered to outside of one of the (often repeated) fluff books, that feels like a heavy omision in its own right, but that does make it a flaw of the base game.Is Morgan's cousin ever eluded to in the base game?

If this had simply been set up more forthright in the base game I would be more forgiving.And I do get that the typhon were on the moon base all along, but it is never established how they broke containtment symotaniously. I still believe the implication is that the shuttle brought some mimics(because otherwise idk why there are so many corpses by the shuttle) from Talos 1.

Eitherway, it really doesnt matter where the containment broke, it matters that somehow the typhon gates seem to do absolutly nothing.The remark of 20/20 hinsight doesnt make for a compelling game. I payed for and played through a campaign where literarly everyone wasted my time, no one escaped, the main character died, and the evil korp didnt even learn anything? Don't write a plot that has no point, much less charge for it.I am aware Kasma never intended to save you, but why? Outside of 'HUHUH we so evil' it makes no sense. Talso 1 did not intentionally sabotage its escape pods(correct me if I am wrong) because they felt like it would be fun to kill their assets. The hacker is obviously skilled and did his job, this video game trope of corperations killing its assets is so chewed out and dull.

(mind, they do try to exterminate everyone on Talos 1 and I know that, but that is WAY after things got out of hand, and even then, not ordered by anyone on Talos 1, it comes over as being detached from the human element.)Peter dying at the end, as stated above, just makes everything feel extremely hollow and like a waste of my time. The game never deserved the 'twist', because it gave me nothing else in trade. And the mimic as shown in the end sceen doesnt even attack him, it just copies his 1 of a kind doll, because reasons.And the crash by all rigthts is suicide, the fact that peter doesnt die (nor even break his space suit) by crashing from ORBIT into solid moon rock just breaks all suspension of disbelieve and was utterly unessasiry, because as established, he dies anyway. This is something from a cheesy action movie(Hello indian jones and fridge), not the same game where going 8 m/s in space means you smash your head into talos 1 and die.Reply to Kilopede:It is never stated he doesnt know how to fly a shuttle, but why in the world would he? He is a hacker, not a space pilot.

Only 1 person(2 with neurmods) on Pythean knew how to fly a shuttle, and non of the characters alive on Talso 1 did. If people who live in space and are highly educated don't know how to do it(including engineers), its hard to assume some random earthling hacker would.I find it hard to believe that Peter found a neuromod, and the specific scematic on a base overrun by typhon, then made it to the shuttle. Not impossible, but being the game refuses to explain what happened, certainly too much of a stretch for me.I don't know if there is ALWAYS a mimic in the very back of the ship, but it is there at least the majority of times, in the very rear behind the door, usually with a gold(I think) chest. That said, it never leaves that compartment and as stated above, I dont see this explaining the ending at all.But runing the decrypton of the data seems pretty pointless if you are just going to destroy the shuttle and the operator holding it after you are done. And I refuse to believe that this info can just be send by wifi or else there is no reason for Riley Yu to even create the operator, just send herself and the data straight to earth.Again, not impossible, but its written so clunky that if I was to accept the 'wifi' answer then so many other problem arise.Also, this is purely subjective, but I don't like the representation of Alex as a failure. He was a very complex and symathetic character in the base game by the end of it all and while certainly flawed, he and all Yu's are still supposed to be geniuses.

If anything, it make Riley come over as bitter and someone to shift the blame for her own mistakes.

Throwing at item on it will set it off, allowing you to pick it up and set it at another locations by throwing it with X.Inside the center cabin is a shotgun. You can get it off the wall by throwing a full log of wood at it, or by chopping the log with the axe inside the house. Lakeview cabin collection igg games. The shotgun is only useful with the shells you find inside the left cabin, once you unlock it.Notice the Franklin Stoves in the center and right cabin.

Contents OverviewMoon Sharks are introduced to the simulation after successfully escaping once with. They spawn in the first, but can later spawn in the as well at a higher. They are drawn to objects and characters touching the moon's surface and will immediately burrow to the part of the surface last touched and emerge to attack the person responsible.

They can either cause a fissure to attack the player (often inducing trauma), or use rocks on their person and launch them at the player (often inducing trauma). They have a large supply of health, and are resistant to damage from the or, which makes one even tougher to take down.Just like all Typhon in the simulation, their toughness increases with each Corruption Level increase. They also respawn with each Corruption Level increase. Upon death, they drop thirty Typhon Organs, as well as a module, and a few extra typhon parts that only can retrieve, through the use of.Moon Sharks in the Crater can be very hazardous if the player has problems crossing the Crater without stepping on the surface, since they can cause to activate, blocking off the player's escape as a result. Therefore, it's a good idea to keep a or at least an when possible when crossing the Crater with a Moon Shark active.

This can be used to forcefully deactivate the Typhon Gate for a few seconds, to allow the player to pass.DescriptionERROR: UNKNOWN TYPHON ORGANISMERROR: UNABLE TO CONNECT TO PSYCHOTRONICS DATABASENo entries found. Pleas contact Dr.

Hans Kelstrup of Psychotronics aboard Talos 1.NOTES:You know that old movie from the '90s with the giant worms? It's like that except I don't think even an elephant gun could bring this monster down.SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES:It's got a short attention span, which I might be able to use to my advantage as long as I stay off the lunar surface and throw some junk every now and then to keep it entertained. It might also be vulnerable while it's tunneling, but I'd have to find a way to hit it underground.DesignThe Moon Shark is a towering mass of black tendrils consistent with other typhon biology, even baring a vague resemblance to, in terms of size and stance.

However, they also seem to possess numerous rocks stuck to their body that serve as makeshift armour against conventional attacks. They make low, monsterous growls while surfaced and idle, which become loud screeches once detecting the player. Moon Sharks move from place to place by burrowing through the moon's surface, which makes them impossible to hit until they emerge from underground.StrategyThe most prominent fact about Moon Sharks is that they appear to be partially blind - they can only detect the player if they touch the moon's surface, or move while in their line of sight. Because of this, if a player remains crouched and still near to one investigating their location, it is possible for the player to avoid a fight with them, even if it's facing their general direction.

The player should not be on the moon's surface during this time, to avoid it burrowing into them.GLOO turrets, charges, and cannons can also be used against the Moon Shark to freeze it. However, this can require a lot of GLOO to keep it held in place. Given that GLOO munitions are not guaranteed to be in the same place every run, it can be considered too costly to use solely for a Moon Shark if it cannot be fabricated.Laser weapons are most effective at killing a Moon Shark, since it can drain its health very quickly. Laser Turrets are ideal for this. However, a trained on a Moon Shark does not go amiss, either.

Although an un-upgraded Q-Beam will require two full cell packs to kill a Moon Shark at Corruption Level I.Using a can quickly strip down the Moon Shark's health if landed directly, but remember that doing this will also recycle the DelayLoop.Time that it carries, which can be a problem in later runs, if you lack the fabrication plan to buy or fabricate your own.If you have an imminent encounter with a Moon Shark and you lack the firepower to take it down, you can use a to distract it, while you make a hasty escape. Some can be found on body in early runs, but they may not be there in other runs, due to the random generation of items in the simulation.Alternatively, one can use a to quickly erode a Moon Shark's health. Though be careful about dropping it near to you since it responds to movement, as some of the tentacles could turn on you. If planning to use a Typhon Spore, do not use a Typhon Lure alongside it, as this will distract the tentacles as well as the Moon Shark, preventing them from draining its health.The Crater in particular has a few Laser Turrets, Ballistic Turrets, and a GLOO Turret lying around in parts of it that can all be stacked up in one spot and then used together against the Moon Shark that patrols that area. These are one of the safer ways to handle the Moon Shark that starts in the Crater area, and you can spawn in an extra one to help out if necessary, when playing as.One can also activate the Typhon Towers from the Command Center of the Crater to slay a Moon Shark in one hit.

However, this requires to have found two working Control Modules for the towers to be activated. The modules will be damaged once the tower unleashed its power, forcing one to repair them (if the skill is available) or to replace them with new ones should the Moon Shark escape the blast. In order to make sure that the Moon Shark remains near the selected tower, one can use a Typhon Lure.Trivia.

Killing the Moon Shark grants the 'Apex Predator' achievement. This achievement will be gained if Riley completes her Story Objective unless it has already been obtained. Moon Shark has some similarities to a Graboid from 1990 movie, Tremors. This is also remarked in Peter's notes about the Typhon.Gallery.