It is based on the Rogue Warrior series of novels by Navy SEAL Richard 'Dynamite Dick' Marcinko, who also serves as the game's player character, voiced by Mickey Rourke. The game is a first-person shooter with third-person cover shooting, similar to the two Rainbow Six: Vegas games. There is also a large emphasis on elaborate melee takedowns, of which there are more than two dozen uniquely motion captured ones. Dec 03, 2009  Rogue Warrior tries to mix things up with a few other elements, such as lights you can shoot out to darken rooms, night-vision goggles, and a basic cover system, but.


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No-one associated with this game would send us a copy of it so we had to buy it Make of that what you will. In fact let me develop this little theme a little further. Don't worry, I've got time and space, as describing the game and what happens in it won't last long at all.

Rogue Warrior is a game that's all about first impressions. In that it never actually gets them right First of all, the menu doesn't have mouse support. Neither does is have a subtitle option (that I could find) or any others beyond the fundamentally basic. Even my refresh rate was locked at 60Hz, even though the desktop I'm writing these words on is flickering away at 75Hz.

But of course, menus aren't everything. It's just that the next first impression, the gameplay one, is just as bad. The graphics are, to put it mildly, ghastly, as are the game mechanics. It's like being transported back to the days of Soldier of Fortune II, which at least was good for it's time. This one isn't good, at all. It's criminally easy, with only a puzzling recharging health system toindicate you've been wounded or are close to death. Sometimes you just die with virtually no warning, as bullets suddenly dish out 15 million times more damage than they did two seconds ago.

Head Back

Generally Rogue Warrior is really easy, though. It's also astonishingly short On normal difficulty, it will take an average-skilled FPS player around 2.5 hours to complete the entire thing. And yes, it does cost $30.

The actual action is as old-fashioned and generic as it's graphics, but it's just all by-the-numbers stuff, although you do get to perform some kill moves on enemies, which are brutal and satisfying to an extent Still, you feel that the whole thing could break at any moment, and sometimes it does.

The cover system seems to be an unnecessary addition, because often it just screws up the game when you try to use it Serious clipping problems abound: at one point an attempted snap-to-cover move landed me flailing about in the scenery, and unable to defend myself against the five Communists who were blasting me with AK-47s. Luckily, there are checkpoints every couple of metres, so it wasn't overly annoying.

You might not be swearing, but your character certainly will be. In fact he never, ever stops swearing. That aged classic Kingpin might just have a new rival for its title of 'Game With Most Expletives Ever'. Perhaps the most perplexing contradiction when considering Rogue Warrior is how they managed to get Mickey Rourke to provide the voice for main character Richard Marcinko, who was a real-life Navy SEAL and counter-terrorist special ops type back in the '80s. They must have got him to do it before The Wrestler hit the big time, unless he happens to know Marcinko or something.

Anyway, Rourke's talents are expressed in the form of the words 'fuck', 'balls', 'hairy', 'suck', 'cock' and 'Commie'. There are others, like 'it' and 'is', but generally that's the extent of his character's vocabulary. Throw in some bravado about disobeying orders and stopping a Cold War missile plot and you've got the plot in a nutshell.

Rogue warrior gamestop

Rogue Warrior couldn't be more like a bad '80s action movie if it tried. Stupid chief? Check. Burly warrior who doesn't take orders from liberal sissies? Check. Brutal stabbings, knifingsand shootings? Check. It's a pity there isn't a character with a huge pushbroom moustache, chainmail vest and ridiculous flat-top to scream at you in the finale. In fact the finale isn't really any different to the rest of the game. Nice work there, Rebellion.

So there you have it. Rogue Warrior is a dog's dinner of a game, put together with little effort or care. As with Rebellion's last game, Shellshock 2: Blood Trails, this one has left us worried about what the new Aliens vs Predator game will actually be like when it's released. The chances are they're saving up all their good ideas for that game (we hope they are), but Rogue Warrior and Shellshock 2 don't fill us with much hope.