Aug 24, 2004  Viewtiful Joe is due out on PS2 in Europe on October 22nd. A GameCube version is already available. Read the reviews. Viewtiful Joe 2 is a 2D beat 'em up which combines side-scrolling and platforming. The player takes control of either of the characters Joe or Viewtiful Joe 2 is a 2D beat 'em up which combines side-scrolling and platforming. The player takes control of either of the characters Joe or Silvia to complete tasks within each stage, such as defeating enemies and bosses, and solving puzzles.

When you first start the episode, go in slow motion and the water will get big.It will then fall on the switch. Then, run to get to the door.At the end of the second part of Episode 2, after you break the hole in theceiling with the bombs, you will enter a room with three lasers, enemies, and abig bomb. Kill the enemies, then use turbo and keep hitting the bomb until youturn to fire. When you are on fire, you will light the fuse of the bomb. Hit itto the end of the room where the stone wall is located and let it explode.

It maytake two bombs to destroy it.Immediately before the end of the episode when you have to face King Charles the3rd, there are four Statues. Use your Mach Speed and punch them to light them onfire. You will catch on fire and can punch the rest. You will get the key toenter the room to face the Boss.

Play as SylviaSuccessfully complete the game in Adult mode to unlock Sylvia. Play as AlastorSuccessfully complete the game in V Rated mode to unlock Alastor. Play as Captain BlueSuccessfully complete the game in Ultra V Rated mode to unlock Captain Blue. V Rated modeSuccessfully complete the game in Adult mode to unlock V Rated mode. Ultra V Rated modeSuccessfully complete the game in V Rated mode to unlock Ultra V Rated mode. Super modeSuccessfully complete the game with a 'Rainbow V' rank in all levels ('V' rank for V points, Defense and Time on all tasks) to unlock Super mode.

In Super mode, your character will have unlimited VFX. Viewtiful Forever FMV sequenceSuccessfully complete the game to unlock the Viewtiful Forever FMV sequence. Viewtiful World FMV sequenceSuccessfully complete the game in Kids or Adult mode to unlock the Viewtiful World FMV sequence. Completion bonusSuccessfully complete the game, then play it again in the same mode. You will start with all of Joe's powers (Slow Motion, Mach Speed, and Zoom In). Japanese dialogueSuccessfully complete the game in Adult mode to unlock Silvia as a playable character. When you play as her, most of the FMV sequences are in Japanese, but have English sub-titles.

Play with friends in a variety of online game modes, including Co-op. The world is made of circles, each with different loot and enemies. Circle empires mods.

Extra L.I.V.E.Collect 50 film canisters to increase your VFX meter by one cell. SlotsOnce you defeat Two-Armed-Bandit, you get to play slots. Madden nfl football 3ds.

Put on Slow Motion and punch the slots to stop each wheel. If you stop it on Vs, you might get a Key. If you stop it on Cheeseburgers, you will get a free life.

If you stop it on V-Coins, you will get the V-Coins. If you stop it on the Sun, you will get electrocuted. Smash Caution things easilyPress Square and jump up two times. Then, press Square again and while in the air, press Square again and it should smash it the caution things that give out electricity. Send missiles back at enemiesSometimes, enemies will fire missiles at you. Go into Slow Motion and punch or kick the missiles.

They will flash red, then go after the enemies. Put out fireWhen you are on fire (not the Mach Speed fire), hold Mach Speed and it will go out quickly. Cause more damageWhen you are fighting normal enemies, use your slow motion power and zoom in power at the same time. This will make your punches and kicks more powerful.

Slow fallsWhen you jump off of something and begin to fall, start punching and kicking. This will slow down your fall. Bus jumpIn the Episode 2, you will have to jump on a speeding bus then jump on a ramp and over a big gap. Before you go off the ramp, hold down L for slow motion.

The bus will gain more speed and will get over the gap. Topless bar signsIn Episode 2, you will see some billboards for topless bars.

They have topless girls with black stars over the middle of their chest. Joe's nameAt the end of Episode 5 when you have to fight the boss (Alastor), Joe still does not know what he should call himself. Also, Alastor does not know Joe's name yet. However, in the FMV sequence before the fight, Alastor will read the script that tells about their plan, and the cover page is marked 'Viewtiful Joe'.

Quick ViewtifulsUse your Mach Speed and punch anything. You will get Viewtifuls that you can use in the store. VFX power effects on itemsSometimes, your Mach Speed, Slow Motion, or Zoom In power will have effects on items. If you are in Viewtiful mode and your Beam Watch is glowing a rainbow color, it indicates one of you VFX powers will have a effect on an item.

Very fast attacksTo do a very fast attack, go into Zoom mode and hold R1 (Mach Speed). Then, hold Kick and you will keep spinning, doing damage to everything that approaches. When you hold Punch, you will start punching very fast and start moving forward. Some like it Red Hot, Part 2Jump up to the chandeliers ceiling then press Square and jump. You will hit a switch and it will knock down the other chandeliers within reach. Fuzzy screenWhen you use up all of your VFX power, you will turn back into regular Joe.

When you are regular Joe, the screen will be slightly fuzzy, like a old movie.