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If you are accessing our website through asocial media account, please refer to the social media provider’s privacy policy for informationregarding their data collection. Log FilesLike most standard Web site servers, we use log files. This includes internet protocol (IP)addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, platform type,date/timestamp, and number of clicks to analyze trends, administer the site, track user’smovement in the aggregate, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. Grand Theft Auto V has long been one of the shining examples of what an open-world game should be like. If you haven't played it, you definitely have something to look forward to when you do pick the game up. When I first played GTA V, I felt totally overwhelmed by the freedom of it all.

You might laugh at me, but I actually had a momentary sense of panic where I did not know exactly what I should do next. Laugh at.)One of my favorite things about open-worlds are the secret places that you can find that are scattered all over the map. Plenty of games have secrets and Easter Eggs contained within them, but open-world games just have so many more locations with which to hide these things. If finding a secret in a game is typically like finding a needle in a haystack, finding a secret in an open-world game is like finding a needle in a needle-stack.Grand Theft Auto V is no exception to this trend. This massive game if stuffed to the brim with hidden references, secret locations,and Easter Eggs. You can't go five blocks in Los Santos without walking by an area that could potentially hold a secret location. And with GTA Online and mods available, the secrets are even more rampant.

It's practically impossible to know where all of these hidden things are, even if you are a huge fan. Read on if you want to find out some of these locations for yourself! Via: (Shadow Playa)For those who haven't seen the cult classic film Thelma & Louise, here's a spoiler warning.

In the movie, two women on the run from the law decide to drive off a cliff rather than to submit to the police.Grand Theft Auto V decided to include this scene in their game. Between 7 pm and 8 pm, if you fly by helicopter (or some other flying vehicle) to a mountain by Raton Canyon in the Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness, you can see the women's final flight from the police. Via: (Video Games Source GTA V)In the very prologue to Grand Theft Auto V, the game developers hid a secret location with an awesome surprise.

Aug 05, 2017  Tower of Time is a classic RPG with a few added novelties. It has hand-crafted levels filled with various enemies, challenging puzzles, and engaging story-lines.

While driving along, when you come to the railroad, do not drive over it like the game tells you to. Instead, make a right and go under the bridge you would have crossed.Frozen in the ice beneath the bridge, you will find the series' signature alien trapped beneath the hardened surface of the water. Seeing that alien scared the bejesus out of me. 22 No Video Game For Old Men.

Via: (Ray Dhimitri)Grand Theft Auto V gives a tip of the hat to the film No Country for Old Men in this hidden location at the base of Mount Chiliad. On the west side of the mountain, players will find a deal gone wrong, with lifeless bodies and abandoned cars splayed around the area.Just like in the film, one man is still alive, and he warns the player not to take a nearby silver briefcase filled with money. If you've seen the movie, I think you know why you should leave that briefcase alone. Via: gtaall.comNothing is more infuriating than being unable to get your hands on some delicious tacos. Grand Theft Auto V puts a delightful new spin on this dilemma with their frequently mobile Taco Van.This van appears in different spots throughout the game, such as near Trevor's trailer or at the graveyard at Pacific Bluffs, so if you sight this behemoth of a Taco Van, be sure to try to take it for a ride at least once. It makes for a very clunky ride, but at least you'll be able to say you took it for a spin. 20 A Face On The Rocks.

Via: argyllfreepress.comOn the north side of Mt. Chiliad, a small drawing on the mountain's surface can barely be discerned. If you get even closer to it, you can make out the smiling features of a male face stamped on the mountainside.No one knows who this person is, or if someone does, they're not telling us who it is.

If you want to see this face, look near the cable car station that's on the north side of Chiliad. It might take a bit of searching, but no doubt you'll come across this mysterious visage. Via: gta5-mods.comMods have brought a whole new layer of secrecy and mystery to the world of Grand Theft Auto V. I appreciate the creativity that others have brought to the game, especially because they can provide my favorite kind of secret area: islands!If you manage to get your hands on a boat and depart from Los Santos' shores, you will find collections of remote islands with hidden surprises like bunkers and stuff. Keep in mind that you might have to go so far from land that you see nothing but ocean around you. 18 Beautiful Cover.

Via: (DeviantAmaZed)Grand Theft Auto Online gave players the chance to perform heists in the city of Los Santos. One of these heists takes place in Humane Labs and Research. After completing this mission, innovative players can finagle their way back into the Labs to explore the building.Watch out if you attempt this!

As soon as you enter Humane Labs, you are immediately given a four-star wanted rating. And you can bet you won't be exploring that Lab alone for long. 14 Best Sniping Spot. Via: gta-myths.wikia.comFans of the television show Lost will be thrilled to learn that there's a little secret location that only fans of the show will get. Off the east coast, if you have a submersible that can get you deep enough, there's a circular hatch set into the sea floor.

This is a replication of The Hatch in the jungle on the island in Lost.Unfortunately, we can't get too close to this hatch. You are so far underwater near the hatch that the pressure can even crush your submersible. 12 Giant Snowman.

Via: (Relapse Gaming)In Grand Theft Auto V, Michael, one of the main characters of the story, discovers that his wife Amanda has been having amorous connections with her tennis coach. In anger, Michael chases the tennis coach all the way to where Michael believes he lives. He then destroys the house.This turns out horribly when he realizes that the house he destroyed belongs to the head of a cartel.

Not many people realize that the tennis coach's real house is nearby, as evidenced by the tennis balls and tennis rackets lying around the property. 10 Coveted Cove. Lovesac. Via: (Phyllis Evans)Mods are the best. Made me try and sneak into the heavily fortified Fort Zancudo one more time in order to access a secret underground lab. You know that building that the pesky UFO keeps hovering over in Zancudo?If the mod is installed, there's an elevator in that building that will take you all the way down to this underground lab.

Don't let your success at getting into this place blind you to the ever-present danger of patrolling soldiers though. 8 The Dancing Hillbilly's Shack. Via: (TrueGamingVault)A must-see location for all avid GTA fans is the shack of Jesco White. (And no, before you ask, I'm not joking.


It's a must-see.) Near the North Alamo Pier, Jesco White can be found dancing to a song next to his shack, thanks to his little boombox belting out music at his feet.He's only there in story mode, so be sure to stop there while you're dabbling in Grand Theft Auto V's story. There's nothing like watching a live performance in the middle of a video game. Via: (Furry Monkey)Everyone in Los Santos has a good view of the clock tower, a tall building that seems to dominate the skyline with its bold clock face.

We see it all the time, but not many know that it makes for the best bird's-eye view around town.Of course, reaching this secluded location all depends on your ability to pilot your way up there. I'll confess, my parachuting abilities were less than subpar. You would think I would have been able to land on the darned thing, but I missed it by a long shot. Via: (TheDestroyer)Reaching this location is not for the faint of heart. For this secret spot, we return to Fort Zancudo.

But, instead of going to an underground lab, we're going up to a control tower.This is a heavily protected area, so be sure to pack some heavy gear. Or.well, you know, you could turn on some Invincibility. (I wouldn't call that cheating.) Anyways, at the top of the tower, there's a re-spawning Minigun that's a blast to use. Plus, you get bragging rights to say that you've been there.

4 The Airport Bunker. Via: (GTA V Secret Locations)The Los Santos Airport is one of the places I frequented the most while playing Grand Theft Auto Online. There was no other place that had such readily available access to air transportation. While exploring the airport, there's a secondary terminal that isn't frequented much.It does not contain a lot, but it makes for a great place to escape from the authorities. (I should know all about that by now.) It's in the southern region of the airport, and there's a rooftop hatch you can use to get inside. Via: (Video Games Source GTA V)Undoubtedly one of the creepier locations on this list is the rock poem found by Sandy Shores. The world of Grand Theft Auto V is apparently plagued with a psychopath who is known as the Infinity criminal.His poem and assorted other clues can eventually lead you to the eight bodies of his victims.

I'm going to be totally honest with you. I did not seek out these hidden locations myself. I was way too much of a 'Fraidy Cat. But they're out there.if you want to find them. Via: (Itzmerka)There's only one thing better than secret islands, and that's secret pools. You heard me right. Grand Theft Auto V is sprinkled with hard-to-reach pools in several different locations.My two favorite hidden pools are the rooftop one and the one that's within a building.

The rooftop one is only accessible by parachute. The other one is completely enclosed by its hotel. You have to enter the building in order to access the pool.

Afterwards though, it's just you and some solo pool time.

The view that tourists don't get to seeIt looks pretty straightforward — a 202ft, hollow, Doric column with spiral steps around the inner wall and a second, smaller ‘column’ of absolutely nothing running all the way up the core.We know the basics about the Monument. That it was created to commemorate the Great Fire of London in 1666. That it has a fine cantilevered staircase. That the inscription outside blames the whole thing on Popish Frenzy.

That it’s visited by 200,000 people every year. That if you reward yourself with a Kit-Kat at the top of all those steps its calories will have been cancelled out thanks to the climb. That in the distressing event it falls over at a particular angle its gilded urn would just about deck the now-non-existent bakery in Pudding Lane that started all the fuss.

At the bottom is the remains of Edwardian turnstiles, a teeny-tiny font for 17th century ‘blessings’ and a mini ticket booth. At the top, just under a fiery orb, a narrow ledge allows visitors to gaze at 360° of London sprawl. There doesn’t seem much room to hide any secrets.The Monument was, however, built with an agenda.

Sure, it was a memorial to one of the most devastating moments in London’s history; an act of defiance against fate, fire, Roman Catholics and anyone else who thought they could take on the might of the City. Steps leading down to the labIts designers, though, royally-appointed architect Sir Christopher Wren and City surveyor Dr Robert Hooke, were practical men. Men of science.

What was the point of spending all that cash on something that would just look nice? Why not make it work for a living?The Monument ended up as what has to be London’s largest scientific instrument. Hooke and Wren designed its steps to hug the wall so there was a clear view all the way up the middle to the urn, which still conceals a pair of iron doors opening to the heavens.At ground level, peer behind the ticket booth to see a small, wooden door. Painted cream, like the rest of the walls, it’s easy to miss, but this door leads to scientific discovery.

Or at least that was the intention.Take a close look at the place where people leave rucksacks at the foot of those stairs. That circular wooden base had, for a blink in time, a much more illustrious career. When removed, it looks down into ‘Hooke’s laboratory’, where two of London’s scientific giants housed the business end of a. The roof of Hooke and Wren's labIt’s a squash to get down there, but a thrill. These are the very steps Hooke and Wren would have squeezed down too, full of excitement at what they might spy from their newest toy.Our host Richard Smith demonstrates how to angle our bodies to slide under the floor, how to feel for the first stone step then clamber onto what turns out to be a not-insubstantial, short stone staircase.Robert Hooke is the less well-known of the Monument’s parents, and that’s just how his great adversary, Isaac Newton, wanted it, if the stories are true.

If this underrated Enlightenment big-hitter had only ever produced his extraordinary Micrographia — detailed drawings of creepy crawlies household objects and bits of his own skin he’d observed under his microscope - he’d have given more to the world than 99% of the rest of us. Hooke gave much, much more; fascinated by everything and anything. His Monument opened literally sky-high opportunities. Whatever you do, don't. Oh, you already haveThe circular stone chamber is small, but not as cramped as one might expect. It has a domed roof, ten or so feet above your head, with a hole in the middle, neatly finished and easily big enough to poke the latest state-of-the-art telescope through.Even the walls hold secrets.

The Monument took six years to finish as Portland stone — any building stone — was in short supply after the fire. Areas out of public view just used general London rubble. Alongside the usual Kentish ragstone, old brick and bits and bobs sits what looks suspiciously like a classic ancient Roman brick, leftover from the last time London got torched.The other end of the story lies a tad higher than the 311 steps taken by the public to the viewing platform at the top.

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