Space Quest 5 (14/20): Goliath assault. Sierra Chest. Unsubscribe from Sierra Chest? About This Game Relive the classic series brought together in one collection. Roger Wilco, a sanitation engineer on the spacelab Arcada, awakes from a nap to discover that space.

Space Quest 5 Walk-ThroughWelcome to thewalk-through for Space Quest 5: The Next Mutation. This walk-throughshould help you to snag a perfect or nearly perfect score at the end ofthe game. The Broomcloset also features a for SQ5. If you have any problems with the walk-through orwould like to make an addition or correction, feel free to! Furthermore, if you're havingtrouble with Space Quest 5, try dropping by the Virtual Broomcloset'snew-and-improved message forum,.The Space Quest fans that hang out there are always willing to lend ahand-or a hint.All coordinates called for in this walk-through are contained in theGalactic Inquirer documentation that was included with SQ5 (or in themanual included with the Space Quest Collection). In the originaldocumentation, they are listed in the background of the section entitled'Gir Draxon's Predictions.' If you have misplaced your copy of the GalaticInquirer, the codes are included in the walk-through below.This walk-through has been divided into the following sections.

Selectone of the below to jump to a specific point within this document:.StarconAcademyYou will start out this adventure playing around in the StarCon bridgesimulator. When you get kicked out of the simulator, you'll find yourselfin the corridors of Star Confederacy Academy. It's time to make your wayto class to take the dreaded StarCon Aptitude Test. Go north and enter theclassroom on your right. In order to pass the test, you will need to cheathis way through. Use the EYE icon to look away from your paper andat the intelligent looking guy's test beside you.

Copy his answers inorder to pass the test; just be sure not to get spotted by theteacher-droid! The correct answers should be: d,e,e,c,e,c,e,d,a,a. Onceyou complete the exam, it's time to go clean the StarCon crest. Go to thesouth and open the second door on the right to reveal (you guessed it!) ajanitor's closet. Grab the SCRUB-O-MATIC and the SAFETYCONES.

Go south again and head down the corridor to the right. Takethe anti-grav lift down to the crest.When you've made your way to the StarCon crest, place the CONESon the floor. Then, place the SCRUB-O-MATIC on the floor,activating and mounting it with the HAND icon. Now, steer thescrubber around in order to shine the crest. Be careful; this portion ofthe game is timed.

When you're finished, Captain Quirk and AmbassadorWankmeister should appear. After Quirk takes a tumble, head back up thethe lift to the main hallway. Go south and you will find a crowd gatheredaround the bulletin board, checking their SAT scores. Look at the board tofind out that you scored perfect and have been promoted to captain.ofthe SCS Eureka, galactic garbage scow!Aboardthe EurekaWhen you arrive on the bridge, take a seat in the captain's chair.Tell Flo, your communications, to hail StarCon for clearance to leave thespace dock using the COMMAND icon.

Command Droole, younavigator/weapons officer to lay in a course for Gangularis( #71552), as per your orders. Have Droole shift intolite speed. When he alerts you that you are approaching Gangularis, reduceto regular speed.

When the planet comes into view, have Droole activatatethe Refuse Removal System (RRS).Cliffy will notify you that a life form has been detected in the wastecompartment. Stand up and head out through the door to the north. You'llfind yourself in a hallway of the Eureka. Open the trash compartment (thewhite door on the right side of the screen.

An alien creature will hop outand stick to your face. Once you get it detached, it will wander offaround the ship a bit. Now, examine Cliffy's toolbox in the lowerleft-hand portion of the screen. Take the LASER TORCH, theFUSE, the HOLE PUNCH, and the ANTACID TABLETS. Besure to clean up the tool box when you're finished!Head back to the bridge and lay in a course for Peeyu ( #92767),following the same procedure as last time. When you arrive, command Drooleto activate the RRS again for your pickup. At this point, you shouldintercept a secret message about some dirty goings-on.

Now, lay in acourse for Kiz Urazgubi ( #20011). When you arrive, you'll beconfronted by WD40, an androidess from the Gippazoid Novelty Company,still hunting you for that mail fraud you pulled off in Space Quest 2!Follow her instructions and beam down to the planet. In order to beamdown, go to the engineering room, stand on the platform, and use theCOMMAND icon on either the platform itself or around the roomsomewhere. This should beam you down to K.U., ready for your showdown withWD40.KizUrazgubiWhen you beam down, you'll find yourself beside a pool. Enter the caveto the northwest - quickly, before WD40 catches up to you. Now, go to theeast. Walk out onto the BRANCH (not the log bridge, mind you).Roger will cause the branch to break and it (along with you) will end upback in the pool.

Once you float your way to shore, pick up the brokenBRANCH. Now, head back into the cave and and east to the logscreen. Crawl through the log to the other side. Begin hitting the bunchof bananas on the far side with the BRANCH.

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When they swing closeenough to snatch, grab a BANANA.Now, head back through the log and go through the cave on the left toarrive at a waterfall. Then, go through the left hand cave on the nextscreen as well to end up at the top of the cliff. Jump across the gap anduse climb up to the boulder perched on top of the peak. When you see WD40enter the cave below you, use the BRANCH on the boudler to send itrolling toward her, knocking her for a loop as she makes her way throughthe cave!

Return to the pool area where you beamed down earlier. You'llfind that WD40 isn't finished quite yet. Her cloaking device, however, hasbeen disabled.

Return to the log screen and crawl half-way through thelog. When WD40 lands above you, place a BANANA in the exhaust pipeof her jetpack.

This time, you'll take care of her for good! Get out ofthe log and be sure to retrieve her HEAD before you leave. Now,return to the pool where you beamed down to find Cliffy, picking up theparts. Talk to him and you'll be beamed back to the Eureaka.Exit the engineering room and return to it. Cliffy should just bebeaming up and starting work on repairing WD40. Give him the HEADand he'll toss you a REMOTE CONTROL.

Beam back down to K.U. When you arrive, use the REMOTE CONTROL on yourself.

Thiswill decloak WD40's ship. Stand on the platform to enter the ship. Onceinside, click on the panel along the right wall. This is the ship'scloaking device. You have a limited amount of time to remove it before theship's security systems kick in. In order to remove the device, followthese steps:.

Open the top latch. Open the bottomlatch.

Turn the upper left dial. Turn the lower right dial. Open the upper left panel. Open the lower right panel.

Turnthe lower left dial. Turn the upper right dial. Open the upperright panel. Open the lower left panel. Grab the CLOAKINGDEVICE. Get out of there!Once you get back on the ship, you should encounter SPIKE againin the engineering room.

If he's not there, leave the room and return afew times. He should pop up before long. This time, Roger will take himinto his possession. Once you have SPIKE, place him the specimencontainment tank there in the engineering room. Drop in a fewANTACIDS to calm him down a bit while you're at it. After that'staken care of, lay in a course for the Spacebar ( #69869) for alittle rest and relaxation for you and your crew!TheSpacebarWhen Droole tells alerts you that the ship is approaching theSpacebar, reduce to regular speed and enter a standard orbit.

Then, headdown the the transporter room, grab SPIKE and beam down.Have a seat with your crew at the table on the left side of theSpacebar. You will be approached by Nelo Jones who, will present you witha complementary package of SPACE MONKEYS and his BUSINESSCARD. Then, Quirk will approach you and challenge you to a rousinggame of Battle Cruiser. Accept his challenge and do your best to defeathim. In order to get maximum points from this sequence, you'll need toknock out all of his ships and prevent him from destroying any of yours.The easiest way to do this is through a combination of trial-and-error andsave-and-restore.After you defeat Quirk, Cliffy will end up getting in a brawl withsome of the Goliath's crew who accuse the Eureka of being a garbage scow(this is more like The Trouble with Tribbles every minute) and bethrown in the brig. Talk with Flo and Droole to devise a plan to springCliffy. In order to create a distraction, put the SPACE MONKEYS inyour drink.

They will begin to multiply and slowly overrun the Spacebar.Head to the east, where the holding cells are. When you get there, theguards will leave to deal with the sudden Space Monkey infestation.

Clickon the panel to deactivate the force field. Then, click the HANDicon on the second cell, where Cliffy is being help. Use SPIKE onthe bars in order to melt through them and free your Engineer. Then, headback to the west and beam off the Spacebar before it goes ka-blooey!KloroxIIWhen you arrive back on the Eureka, put SPIKE back in hiscontainer and head for the bridge. You'll receive a message that theEureka is to procede to Klorox II ( #90210).

Lay in the course, goto lite speed, and enter a standard orbit when you arrive. Press theorange button by your right hand on the command chair to contact yournewly-reassembled Science Officer WD40 and have her scan the planet. Also,have Flo attempt to hail the planet and hail ship. Then, go to theengineering room and beam down.You'll find yourself on a desert planet. Droole will run off to scoutthe place for any signs of danger. To the north is a domed complex. Enterthe large building.

Space quest 6

Once inside, activate the computer terminal. While youare accessing it, you will be attacked by one of the mutated colonists. Hewill pin you down and start spitting mutagen loogies at you. Dodge to theleft and right in order to avoid them. Fortunately, Droole will save youjust in time! After you talk with the mutant and he tells you about theridge path and the 'bad soup,' pick up the piece of paper he dropped andexamine it. Now, use the computer again and enter the code on the paper( #80869).

Leave the building and head back to the screen you beameddown to. Follow to tumbleweed to the west to find the secret path to theridge.

There will be a canister of Primordial Soup there. Examine it toascertain the coordinates for the Genetix Lab. After you copy these down,contact Flo with your communicator and have her beam you back up to theship. Then, head for the bridge.ThrakusOnce you return to the ship, you will receive a weak emergency signalfrom the Goliath. You will be told that the Goliath is in the Thrakussystem. Lay in a course for Thrakus ( #53284) at lite speed andattain standard orbit when you arrive.

Have WD40 scan the planet. Then,leave the bridge and press the red button on the right wall to activatethe lift to the pod bay. Stand on the lift and you'll be taken down. Getthe REBREATHER MASK from the panel to the left of the space suitsand the OXYGEN TANK from the panel to the left of that.

Use theconsole on the right side of the room to open the turbolift and enter it.Now, head to the engineering room and stand on the transporter. Put on theREBREATHER MASK and you'll be beamed down.Make your way to the abandoned escape pod and look inside. Take theCOAT. Also, be sure to push the read button to deactivate thehoming beacon.

Walk to the west and you'll be attacked by Bea. As youfight, you'll end up rolling over the ledge and be stuck hanging around.Then, the mutants will appear and begin shooting. When you get the chance,give Bea the COAT to hang on to. Then, use your COMMUNICATORto have Flo beam you up.

Bea will then toss you a vine. Grab it and climbup.

Just as the mutants look like they have you, you'll be beamed up!Backon the EurekaWhen you arrive back aboard the Eureka, you will discover that Bea isbeginning to feel the effects of the mutagen. She will give you theWARP DISTRIBUTOR CAP she stole from the Goliath. Access thecryofreeze chamber on the right side of the room by pressing the redbutton on the wall.

Open the chamber, pick up Bea, and place her inside.Examine the chamber in order to access the control panel. Set it for tenseconds on freeze and press start.

This will take care of Bea for the timebeing.Now, return to the bridge. When your ship comes under attack by theGoliath, have Droole go into evasive action.

Then, command him to headinto the asteroid field. Cliffy will attempt to do some outside repairwork and drift off into space.

It's up to you to rescue him. Head down tothe pod bay.

Use the console and press the 'pod rotation' button. Enterthe pod.

Cliffy will appear as a red dot on the radar display. Use this totrack him down.

When you come into range, a green box will appear on hischest on the display. A message should alert you that the target is inrange. Extend the claw and push the thumb button to grab him. Then, returnto the ship.

Be sure to keep track of your oxygen and fuel gauges!Return to the bridge and lay in a course for the Genetix Lab (thecoordinates you found on the canister of Primordial Soup back on KloroxII). Achieve standard orbit and beam down.TheGenetix LabOops! It looks like that wacky transporter has made a moleculecocktail with your and a fly's respective DNA's. Your communicator willfall to the ground. Fly toward the edge of the water where it meets thegrass. A frog should leap out and land on your COMMUNICATOR,activating it.

Land of the communicator and talk to Flo. Then, fly towardthe west. Smash up expansions ranked.

Soon, you'll come upon a card slot in a rock wall. Fly into thecard slot.When you walk through the card slot, be sure to take note of whichbeams activate the locking mechanism. You will need this informationlater. Fly down and land of the computer screen when you penetrate thelab. Walk onto the restart button and begin reading all the entries.

Findout about all about Project X and Quirk's involvement with it by checkingout the Projects and Accounting listings. Then, fly back outside.

Click onCliffy. Then, lead him off behind the rock at the right back side of thescreen to the dumpster. Click on your body and everything should be sortedback out.Now, return to wall with the card slot.

Enter your inventory and usethe HOLE PUNCH on the BUSINESS CARD. Punch an x-shapedpattern on the left side of the card to create a keycard for the slot. Theproper pattern will form an 'X' along the left side of the business card.The proper pattern is pictured at right.Now, insert your homemade KEYCARD into the slot to get back in.Go to the panel at the bottom of the stairs and press the black button toits left, then get the LIQUID NITROGEN. Go back out the door andhave Cliffy to beam you back up to the ship.When you arrive back aboard the Eureka, Spike will start to jumparound, trying to convey a message to you. Tell Cliffy to reverse thetransporter's polarity. Look at the cryochamber and put Bea on defrost forten seconds.

Pick her up and place her on the transported pad. This willsave her from the mutagen. Then, talk with WD40 to get a game plantogether to take out the Goliath.Showdownwith the GoliathHead for the bridge and lay in a course for Gingivitis( #81100). When you approach get close to your destination, you willbe notified that the Goliath will be within visual range in ten seconds.Contact Cliffy using the green button on your command chair. Tell him tocloak the ship. Then, go down to engineering.When Cliffy shows you the schematic of the Goliath, click on all the various sections of the ship to find the area with the least Pukoid activity. Then, go down to the pod bay enter the pod.When you approach the Goliath, click on the area just to the right of the engines (where the least Pukoids were in the schematic).

When you get to the Goliath, open the hatch by pressing the button to the right. Use the LASER TORCH on the Goliath's hull to cut your way through.Enter the ship.Once inside, wait for a guard to appear and leave. Then, walk up to the computer in the middle of the room. Replace the WARP DISTRIBUTOR CAP.

Wait for the guard to enter and leave again. Then, creep to the door.

Once in the corridor, lift the grating and drop into the access passages underneath.You'll begin on level eight of the service tunnels. Go north, east, north, north. Now, quickly shimmy up the elevator to avoid getting squashed. Go up two levels to get to level six.

If the turbolift is blocking your path, enter level seven instead. When you enter the shaft again, the turbolift should have moved to allow you access to level six.

On level six, go south, west, north, north, east, north, north. Make your way up to level four and then go south, west, north, north, west, west, north, north and then enter the second door hatch from the top.

Then go south, south, west, south, east, south. You should find a panel in the access tunnel. Use the panel on the wall to turn the Goliath's shields off.You'll get captured at this point by one of the Pukoids. Don't worry; WD40 will save you!

Once you're inside the transporter room, wait for all the Pukoids to be on the platform. Then, command Cliffy and he'll beam the sludge out of them. Now, head up to the bridge. You'll see Quirk fly into the blob in space. Flo will contact you and ask what she should do.

Have her beam you back to the Eureka.Head the bridge. Tell Droole to fire, drawing the Quirk-Blob toward the Eureka. Have Droole activate the RRS to suck the blob into the garbage compartment. Give Flo the command to abandon ship. Then, activate the self-destruct mechanism by pressing the red button on the command chair. Go down to engineering and get Bea out of the cryochamber. Stand on the transporter platform.

It blew a fuse! Leave engineering and head for the maintenance.Remove the fuse in the middle of the closer row and replace it with the FUSE you've been carrying around.Head back for the engineering room. The blob will come oozing out of the garbage container toward you. Click toward the engineering room again to jump over it. Grab SPIKE outof his container, stand on the transporter, and energize!Woo-hoo!

You win!Congratulations! You've defeated Quirk and his Sludge Bandits. Of course, you trashed your ship in the process, but nobody will probably notice.Questions, comments, suggestions.This page in maintained by Decaffeinated Jedi, Official Space Cadet.Space Quest and all related characters are the property of Sierra On-Line.