Total populationc. 267 million2018 estimatec. 255 million2015 estimatec. 237 millionRegions with significant populationsest 3,100,000 (2017)est 2,750,000 (2017)est 2,600,000 (2017)est 1,500,000 (2017)520,000 (2017)505,300 (2017)321,000 (2017)315,000 (2017)86,196 (2017)80,000 (2017)69,000 (2017)33,195 (2017)30,567 (2003)16,738 (2014)14,320 (2006)9,624 (2011)6,269 (2012)2,952 (2010)LanguagesPredominantly(, ), and.Religion(majority) ( and ) Related ethnic groupsIndonesians (: orang Indonesia) are citizens or people of, regardless of their, or religious background. There are about 300 ethnicities in Indonesia, a country with a diversity of languages, culture and religious beliefs. The population of Indonesia according to the 2010 national census was 237.64 million, and it was estimated to reach 255.4 million in 2015. 51% live on the island of, the world's most populous island.

Around 95% of Indonesians are (formerly grouped as 'Pribumi'), with forming the majority, while the other 5% are Indonesians with ancestry from foreign origin, such as. Main article:As of 2018, Indonesians make up 3.5% of, and Indonesia is the fourth most populous country after, and the.Despite a fairly effective program that has been in place since the 1967, for the decade ending in 2010, Indonesia's population growth was 1.49 percent. At that rate, Indonesia's population is projected to surpass the present population of the United States and would - if the current US population did not rise – become the world's third biggest after China and India by 2043. The family planning already revitalised based on the 1967 program to avoid Indonesia becoming the world's third most populous country.With a population of 150 million, is home to 51 percent of the Indonesian population, and is the on. The Indonesian capital city, is located on western Java. Much of Indonesian history took place on Java.

It was the centre of powerful Hindu-Buddhist empires, the Islamic sultanates, and the core of the colonial Dutch East Indies. Java was also the centre of the Indonesian struggle for independence during the 1930s and 1940s.

Java dominates Indonesia politically, economically and culturally.The other major islands of Indonesia are, and, which are home to the other 49 percent of Indonesian population. There are also other small populated island(s) such as, and others.Ethnic groups. Indonesian people attending a matchThere are over 300 ethnic groups in. 95% of those are of ancestry.The largest ethnic group in is the who make up nearly 51% of the total population. The Javanese are concentrated on the island of but millions have migrated to other islands throughout the archipelago because of the.

The, and are the next largest groups in the country. Many ethnic groups, particularly in and, have only hundreds of members. Most of the local languages belong to language family, although a significant number, particularly in and belong to.

The population makes up a little less than 1% of the total Indonesian population according to the 2000 census. Some of these speak various, most notably and.The classification of ethnic groups in Indonesia is not rigid and in some cases unclear due to migrations, cultural and linguistic influences; for example some may consider Bantenese and to be members of, however some others argue that they are different ethnic groups altogether since they have their own distinct dialects.

This is the same case with that share many cultural similarities with the. An example of hybrid ethnicity is the, descended not only from marriages between different peoples in Indonesia but also with foreign origin like Arab, Chinese and Indian migrants since the era of colonial Batavia (Jakarta).Culture Language. An example ofThe Indonesian language ( bahasa Indonesia ) is the official language of.

Dec 04, 2019  Although more than 300 languages are spoken in the archipelago of Indonesia, Bahasa Indonesia is the official language of the country and the most widely spoken. To greet people in Indonesia, a simple 'hi' will do. But if you want to speak in Bahasa Indonesia, say 'selamat' (seh-lah-maht), which means 'peace.' Nov 6, 2012 - Explore prayingforindo's board 'Indonesian People' on Pinterest. See more ideas about People, Indonesia and East indies.

It is a of, an that has been used as a in the Indonesian archipelago for centuries. Most Indonesians also speak one of more than.Most Indonesians, aside from speaking the national language, are fluent in another (examples include, and others), which are commonly used at home and within the local community. Most formal education, and nearly all national media and other forms of communication, are conducted in Indonesian. In, which was an Indonesian province from 1975 to 1999, Indonesian is recognised by the constitution as one of the two working languages (the other being English), alongside the official languages of and.Religion.

As a young man striving for success, power and wealth and with the support of your family, you begin to build up a trading empire across Genua, Tripoli, Rome, Alexandria and Constantinople in addition to many other significant cities from the Renaissance. As you progress through the ranks of Venetian society, increasing your power with smart trading moves and calling in the occasional favour you can begin to assemble your own fleet. Rise of venice guide.

Weddingis constitutionally a secular state and the first principle of 's philosophical foundation, is 'belief in the one and only '. A number of different religions are practised in the country, and their collective influence on the country's political, economic and cultural life is significant. The guarantees freedom of religion. However, the government recognises only six official religions (, and ). Although based on data collected by the Indonesian Conference on Religion and Peace (ICRP), there are about 245 non-official religions in Indonesia.

Indonesian law requires that every hold an that identifies that person with one of these six religions, although citizens may fill in 'believer' on that section in case that person adhere to other religion than six recognized religion or leave that section blank. Indonesia does not recognise or,. In the 2010 Indonesian census, 87.18% of Indonesians identified themselves as (with more than 99%, 0.5%, 0.2% ), 6.96%, 2.91%, 1.69%, 0.72%, 0.05%, 0.13% other, and 0.38% unstated or not asked.Indonesia's political leadership has played an important role in the relations between groups, both positively and negatively, promoting mutual respect by affirming Pancasila but also promoting a, which has caused a number of conflicts in the eastern region of the country. Literature. Main article:Indonesian literature can refer to literature produced in the.

It is also used to refer more broadly to literature produced in areas with common language roots based on the (of which Indonesian is one ). This would extend the reach to the, including Indonesia, but also other nations with a common language such as and, as well as population within other nations such as the living in.There are also works written in and about Indonesia in unrelated languages. There are several languages and several distinct but related literary traditions within the geographical boundaries of the modern nation of Indonesia. For example, the island of Java has its own pre-national cultural and literary history. There are also, and or traditions. Indonesia also has a history of, and, as well as a history of influence that brought its own texts, linguistic and literary influences. There is also an tradition in the area.The phrase Indonesian literature is used in this article to refer to as written in the nation of Indonesia, but also covers literature written in an earlier form of the Indonesian language i.e.

Written in the.Architecture. Traditional houseThe Architecture of Indonesia reflects the diversity of, and influences that have shaped as a whole. Invaders, colonizers, missionaries, merchants and traders brought cultural changes that had a profound effect on building styles and techniques.Traditionally, the most significant foreign influence has been Indian. However, Chinese, Arab, and European influences have also played significant roles in shaping Indonesian architecture. Religious architecture varies from indigenous forms to mosques, temples, and churches. The sultans and other rulers built palaces. There is a substantial.

Independent Indonesia has seen the development of new paradigms for postmodern and contemporary architecture.Cuisine. Rice, the national dish of Indonesia.Indonesian cuisine is one of the most vibrant and colourful cuisines in the world, full of intense flavor. It is diverse, in part because is composed of approximately 6,000 populated islands of the total 18,000 in the world's largest archipelago, with more than calling Indonesia their home. Many regional cuisines exist, often based upon and foreign influences. Indonesia has around 5,350 traditional recipes, with 30 of them considered the most important.Indonesian cuisine varies greatly by region and has many different influences. Cuisine, for example, often has Middle Eastern and Indian influences, featuring curried meat and vegetables such as and, while is mostly indigenous, with some hint of Chinese influence. The cuisines of Eastern Indonesia are similar to Polynesian and Melanesian cuisine.

Elements of Chinese cuisine can be seen in Indonesian cuisine: foods such as bakmi (noodles), (meat or fish balls), and (spring rolls) have been completely assimilated.Genetics. A man.Writing in 1985, Archaeologist noted several theories for Indonesian ancestry including 'Australo-Melanesian and Mongoloid Evolution'. The 'Southern Mongoloid Replacement Model' and the 'Indo-Malaysian Continuity Model' concluding that 'research still has a long way to go in this region'.Most Indonesian people are genetically close to while the more eastern one goes how more people show affinity. Geneticist claims that there is a genetic division between. Other geneticists have found evidence for four separate populations, carrying distinct sets of non-recombining lineages, within the traditional Mongoloid category:,. The complexity of genetic data has led to doubt about the usefulness of the concept of a Mongoloid race itself, since distinctive East Asian features may represent separate lineages and arise from environmental adaptations or retention of common proto-Eurasian ancestral characteristics. See also.Non-indigenous Indonesians:.References.

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