AdvertisementsGround Digger (City)Weakness: ShockA standard easy boss, the biggest things are to be sure to jump before it hits the ground after leaping to avoid being stunned and to walk away from him when he fires homing missiles then walk over/under them and toward him to let them zoom past you. Continuing to run away as the missiles start to reach you will usually leave you cornered, running towards they’ll all shoot past you. Pyro (Oil Platform)Weakness: PressThis fight is mostly a bull fight, jump over him before he gets too close, stay in the middle of the screen in case he leaps at you or uses the “fire punch” which comes at you from the opposite wall after he strikes the left/right wall. AdvertisementsAt half health he’ll go invincible, note you can use the buster to shoot down some of the flames coming from the wall during this attack (larger buster shots make this easier). After the wall stops shooting fire, hide in the corner from his Nova attack, then the bull style attacks resume until he dead. Cryosphere (Water Works Bureau)Weakness: HeatThis will be your least favorite boss solely due to the ice crystals he defends himself with. Don’t fight him without Heat since he’ll block half your shots anyway.His crystals are the only real issue but they’re a big one.

You can’t shoot them down but you can “erase” them by being hit with them. If one hits you, you can absorb all the rest without taking extra damage if you wait to shake off the ice until they’re all gone. However he’ll always regenerate his crystals pretty fast after half or so are gone.Rush in and make your shots count, if you have enough HP just stand directly inside his hitbox and take the hits to hurt him without being frozen.If he blocks all the shots you can have onscreen at once (3 by default) you have to wait for the shots to slowly careen off screen before you can shoot again. Dynatron (Power Plant)Weakness: SlicerHer attacks are pretty easy to dodge, so her main trick is that she floats in the air half the time.

Dungeon reviews / YouTube reviews Brave Dungeon GameFAQs. Two new characters have joined Mighty Gunvolt Burst. Call from Mighty No. 9 as well as. For Mighty Gunvolt Burst on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'SPOILERS Challenge Tips'.

Ekoro (or GV with double jumps) can take her down extra easily by circumventing this.If she shoots the little stick-on shocker on you, you can shake it off by moving left/right rapidly. When she lands it’s time to play jump rope, so stand a person-length or so away from her and shoot but be ready to jump.At half health she’ll do some fancy kicks on the ground.

Very easy to dodge and tempting to stand still and spam her with shots, but she does a surprising amount of damage if these attacks hit. If you’re under half health I would suggest avoiding it.

Seismic (Mine)Weakness: Impact Battalion (Military Base)Weakness: FreezePretty easy once you’ve learned where it’s safe to stand depending on how he aims his gun while he’s on the ceiling. Ekoro or Gunvolt (with double jump) can make extra quick work of him due to being able to shoot him on the ceiling. Aerial Action for all characters will make it a bit easier to dodge his attacks.At half health he’ll split apart. First he’ll fire four missiles along the ground, just spam shots and they’ll be destroyed. Then a drill will home on you and his gun will fire at you. The gun will only lock in position after the trill starts moving, watch for the gun to move as it’s cue; if you stand directly under it it’ll fire without a movement cue, but the timing is the same.After the above he’ll turn into an invincible canon on the ground, spawn a ninja in the middle of the screen, and shoot while you’re dealing with the ninja but shooting the ninja as fast as possible will leave you plenty of time to jump. After this make sure to make quick work of him, as unlike most bosses he’ll repeat his very long invincibility mode attack if you leave him alive long enough.

Aviator (Radio Tower)Weakness: Analyzer Brandish (Highway)Weakness: Smash Countershade (Capitol Building)Weakness: ShockAn easy but very slow paced boss. He’ll appear wherever he wants to appear at regular intervals on the floor, wall or ceiling.

Stand behind him on the floor to deal large amounts of damage. A jump can reach him from the wall. On the ceiling he’s usually unreachable without proper Aerial action/homing shoots.When he spawns hearts one will always be real and the other two fake; the real one will flash green just as it lands, and if you’re colorblind the 2 fake hearts will blink as if fading from existence before they explode. Countershade will spawn just above the real heart and heal himself slightly if you don’t take it.When he spawns fruits they’re all fake, just avoid them. His other shots are pretty easy to avoid and telegraph their direction. He’s not very tricky for a sniper other than the heart attack honestly.At half health he’ll use a laser sight and shoot the screen. It’s entirely cosmetic, just makes it slightly harder to see what’s going on.

On Hard mode the amount of the screen covered is much larger. Beck (Gateway)Weakness: ShockUnless your health is very low, it’s generally not worth it to even attempt to dodge Beck/Gunvolt/Ekoro, just mash fire directly into their face and they’ll go down long before they can deal enough damage to you. Despite how late in the game they are, they’re the easiest bosses in Mighty Gunvolt Burst. Gunvolt (Gateway)Weakness: Press Briar Guardian (Subspace)Weakness: HeatDon’t let it’s minor resemblance to Yellow Devil trick you into thinking it’s even slightly hard. Just shoot all 6 spheres (3 on each side) to retract the spikes protecting the core. The ceiling/walls will hurt you if you touch them here.You can beat it in one cycle with Heat if you mash fast enough and either keep taking shots while it’s jump rope time or just take a hit or two to finish it up.

Plasma Legion (Distopia)Weakness: ShockThe worst boss, kind of like your standard Wily machine that’s really hard to hit. Climb the missiles to hit his face, but if you have Ekoro or Gunvolt’s Arial Action you can hit him much more freely. Be sure to use it’s weakness since it’s such a boring slow fight. Jump on the missiles and don’t shoot/bump into them or you’ll miss them.If he points his shoulder rail guns towards the ground, stand as close as you can next to him to avoid a high damage attack.At half health he’ll split in two and you’ll have to climb the missiles and shoot in opposing directions but otherwise it’s the same fight. CopyBeck (Cyberspace Coliseum)Weakness: Smash Teseo (Cyberspace Coliseum)Weakness (Head): ImpactWeakness (Self): FreezeNow he’s really getting huge!Pretty tame for a jump-shoot platformer style Final Boss fight, if you survived the boss rush you’re well on your way here.All his attacks are highly telegraphed and easy to avoid, just step to the other side of the screen before they fire.

When Gunvolt/Beck shows up as a sidekick it’s time to shoot the needles that fire from either direction. Spamming normal shots will keep you safe here as GV/Beck cover your back.At half health he rises up. Note that the flashing orange chat messages toward the end of the transformation sequence hurt; just jump over them.Now he’ll start dropping spools of thread on you. You’ll want to let his spools pile up in a staggered formation so you can jump on part of the lower spool then jump on the higher spool to get a clear shot directly at him. With Ekoro or Gunvolt’s Arial Action you can get a much easier shot at him with only one or even no spools.After his head’s health is gone he’ll drop to the ground, dropping another set of spools. Jump on the spool and hammer him with Freeze ammo. With Freeze but without Shot Damage customization he should go down in only two rounds, or one with high Shot Damage.


Challenges. Welcome to the VR World.

The Mightiest of All. We Are Mighty. Oversurge. Up The Ante.

Super Sprinter. Up Close And Personal. In Your Element. Not Even A Scratch. Full Marks. Elation.

Euphoria (Secret). Trance (Secret). Paradox.

Primed and Ready. Geared Up. Get Equipped.

Fully Decked Out. Sticking With It. Complete all stages using Slot No. Buy vc for nba 2k19. Heh, I have a special tip, use charge loadout is easy to build, if you want an easy time on hard mode just go get the treasures from the maps before you fight the bosses. Max the per shot damage on one weapon which you won’t equip by using: homing, spread shot, disperse, type a-type piercing and attack up. Max all stats on those things.

Spark works for this if you are playing beck.have another weapon which you minimize the power of your bullets: 0.2 duration, 1 bullet, slow speed. The most useless weapon basically, but max your charge shot, auto, fast. And put all your defensive and utility on this slot, 0.25 damage resist, airial action, knockback resist, insta death resist can 3 shot some bosses and you don’t have to aim, pretty much you can walk into the boss fight and spam your attack button and the boss will die before you even go down to 3/4ths health.