Jun 13, 2017  Family Farm Days - Tuesday, June 13, Wednesday, June 14 & Thursday, June 15, 2017 Hours: 10am - 7pm Click on this link for additional. The Market at Oregon Dairy will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us.

Strengthen your goat confidence and know-how. If you are an experienced “goat person” or you hope to be, this event is for you! A full day of workshops, demos with live goats, vendors, and networking. Presented by Emerald Dairy Goat Association and Oregon State University Extension Services. Schedule. 8:00 - 9:00 am: Check-in. Hot drinks and sweet treats available.

18 wheels steel american long haul download. 9:00 - 9:15 am: Welcome. 9:15 - 9:20 am: Transition to First Session. 9:20 - 10:50 am: Session 1 options:. Getting into Packing with Goats, Wayne Sherrard. Common Goat Diseases and How to Manage Them, Dr. Charles Estill, OSU Extension. Goat Herbalism, Katherine Drovdahl MH CR CA CEIT DipHIr QTP.

11:00 am - 12:30 pm: Session 2 options:. Milking and Milk Handling Procedures, Jenifer Cruickshank OSU Extension. FAMACHA Training, Dr.

Family Farm DaysJune 9, 10 & 11, 202010am – 7pm.Please consider a Donation of $1 per person to help offset the rising costs of providing Family Farm Days to the community. Donation containers will be located at the wagon loading area at the playground and the pedestrian walkway. Thank you for helping to keep this event going for generations to come!Featuring:. FREE Tractor & Wagon ride/tour from the store to the farm. FREE Tour of the Barn & Milking Facility. FREE Samples of Oregon Dairy’s Famous Chocolate Milk & White Milk.

FREE Samples of Oregon Dairy’s Vanilla and Chocolate Ice Cream. NEW!

Buy Local Exhibitor Tent – Featuring samples of locally made products that are also available for purchase. Visit with the Lancaster Barnstormer’s Mascot, Cylo, from 11am – 12noon each day. Explore the Ag Technology Exhibits including “The Day in the Life of a Cow”, Petting Zoo, and Alpacas.

Check out the Chick Hatching Display. Lots of Farm Equipment will be on display as well as exhibits from all over Lancaster County!.

Visit the PA Products display and see ALL of the items that are produced in Pennsylvania!. Stream Study at 12noon and 2pm each day. Sponsored by Lancaster Conservation District. Frequently Asked Questions:What is the best time of day to visit Family Farm Days to avoid large crowds?The best time to plan your visit is between 2pm – 5pm each day to avoid the large crowds.What should I bring to Family Farm Days?We encourage everyone to wear comfortable shoes as there is a lot of walking at the farm to see all of the exhibits and activities. Other essentials: water bottle, sunscreen, sunglasses, hatWhere do I park?For the safety of our guests and our customers at The Market and The Restaurant, we are asking all guests who are attending Family Farm Days to follow the directions of the car parking attendants and drive behind the store.

We have established a new parking field in the back of the store so guests are not walking across the busy driveway in front of cars and tractors. This parking field is close to the playground and will be more convenient to walk to the playground to get in line for wagon ride to the farm.Why is it important to take the wagon to the farm?First, the wagon ride is a blast and you have a chance to view the beautiful farm from the comfort of a covered wagon!

Plus, you will hear about the history of the farm, tour the cow barn and hear about all the fun things to experience once you get off the wagon!What time does the last wagon go to the farm?Our tractors and wagons tours to the farm start at 10am and the last wagon to the farm departs from the store at 6:30pm. We strongly encourage you to come before 6pm to get the wagon to the farm to get the full experience of Family Farm Days as our vendors are closing their booths at 7pm.Can I walk to the Farm?We ask all of our visitors to take the tractor and wagon ride to and from the farm so you get the full experience. Please remember that this is a working dairy farm while Family Farm Days is going on, therefore tractors and equipment are on the move all day.

Next stop is vietnam song. For your safety, we strongly encourage you to wait for the tractor and wagon ride. At times, the lines look long to get on the wagons but the lines move very quickly and the kids can play in the playground while waiting for the next tractor.Is there food available for purchase at the farm?Yes, Kunzler sells hot dogs and drinks under the main exhibit tent when you get off the wagon at the farm. At the store, we have our traditional Chicken BBQ Dinner available on the deck from 11am – 7pm, our Food Trailer is also open and serving a variety of hot sandwiches and cold beverages and you can also purchase food in The Restaurant and The Milkhouse Ice Cream Shoppe.Where do I pick up the scavenger hunt papers?The scavenger hunt papers are available at the information tent when you exit the wagon at the farm and also at the Lancaster County 4-h table in the kids’ tent.What do I do in case of inclement weather?Family Farm Days will normally be open if it is just drizzling or lightly raining.

If there is a thunderstorm that is on the horizon, the volunteers will be informing guests that they will need to get on the next wagon back to the store. Guests can wait out the storm in the supermarket or in their vehicle but they will not be permitted to stay at the farm. We need to keep our volunteers safe as well as our guests so we ask for your cooperation in case of inclement weather.Who do I contact if I would like to be a volunteer at Family Farm Days?We are so very thankful for all of our volunteers who make this great community event a success every year for the last 35+ years. If you would like to be a part of this great team of volunteers, please email Nancy Brown at nancy.brown@oregondairy.com or call 717-656-2856 ext.