Jul 27, 2019  The snarky robot Mr. Handy makes an appearance in Fallout Shelter, and he’s even more useful than in the PC games. He is unlocked via Mr. Handy boxes, which can either be unlocked through finishing. Ok, let's see what Mr. Handy can do: He can collect resources from the floor he's assigned to; He can be used as helper in case of room emergencies (fires, bugs.

“ Not a day goes by that I don't revel in the servitude of humankind. ”Mister Handy is a added to with the Android release on August 13, 2015.CharacteristicsThe Mister Handy is a robotic assistant to the overseer of the vault. It will move around on a single floor of the vault collecting and defending that floor from. Also, Mister Handies can be sent into the wasteland to gather.Mister Handies can be found as a legendary rarity card in and also can be purchased directly in Mister Handy boxes (which function like single-card lunchboxes at the same price as a five-card lunchbox) or in one of the. Mister Handy boxes can also be obtained through as a reward.Gameplay attributes. Mister Handies can be renamed.

They all are initially named 'Mr. Only one Mister Handy may be placed per floor in a vault. A maximum number of five Mister Handies can be collecting caps in the wasteland simultaneously. Mister Handies in the wasteland collect only caps. Where did down to clown come from. They do not collect or and they avoid all fights.

Handy can collect/carry a maximum of 5,000 caps; once a Mr. Handy is 'full' it will return to the vault. In the vault, a Mister Handy defaults to collecting resources but can be instructed not to. Responding to incidents is not optional but a Mister Handy can be dragged away temporarily. They do not trigger dwellers to gain levels or complete training levels. A Mister Handy will follow invaders to fight them in every room on its floor. Invaders will stop in each room and wait for it to catch up.

Its standard weapons are a flamer and built in rotary saw. While Mister Handies take damage like a dweller, they cannot be healed. Damage just accumulates until they are destroyed. Once destroyed, they can be fully repaired for 2,000 caps or removed from the vault like a dead dweller. When a Mister Handy is destroyed, it explodes like a mini nuke. Unlike dwellers, Mister Handies can be revived in. The cost to do so is still 2,000 caps.

When a Mister Handy is added to the vault, a Mister Handy shipping box will appear in a. A box will appear in all storage rooms regardless of the number of Mister Handies within the vault. As Mr. Handy walks through the rooms in his assigned floor he will sometimes.Gallery.