Aug 7, 2017

We're a lonely Slugcat in some dystopian future, and Rain World isn't a friendly place! R/rainworld: Subreddit for the game 'Rain World' I playing the game's arena mode an noticed something, the way that creatures die in this game is so dynamic and realistic in the way that creatures range from going limp to twitching for a few seconds.

Monsters den book of dread armor games After killing all the monsters on level 9, The Corruptor will appear in the middle of the level. Kill him, and you’ll have beaten “The Den Of Corruption” campaign. You don’t need to kill all the monsters on all the levels except on level 9. This is exactly the answer I was looking for.

This is a guide to the larger creatures of Rain World. Obvious spoilers.


Vultures are hard to kill, and can easily snatch a slugcat that has nowhere to hide. And once they have you in their jaws, there is a very slim chance of them letting go. They appear in in Industrial Complex, Garbage Wastes, Shoreline, Chimney Canopy, Sky Islands, and Farm Arrays, so they are very common!
Luckily, vultures only appear where the sky is exposed, so it can be easy to avoid them. Vultures also can't travel through pipes or small spaces, though their long neck can reach into a tunnel the pluck any creature inside of it out. Vultures also wear a mask that can be knocked off with a spear that hits near the mask, usually above it. The mask can scare away all lizards except green and black lizards. I also for killing the vulture, I recommend getting a explosive spear and a normal spear, throw the explosive spear at the vulture's body, once it hits and explodes, hit the vulture as much as you can with the normal spear.
Try to avoid vultures by hiding in small spaces or staying in areas that aren't exposed to the sky.

Brother Long Legs

These are creatures that made me die a lot. They have serveral tentacles that can grab onto your slugcat. The only way you can have them let go is by throwing a rock at the tentacle that is holding onto you but it will most likely try to grab you again. Hard to kill, which I found out you can do by hitting the core a lot, but the core is the part that eats you. They can also use tunnels to travel and are found in the lowest levels of Garbage Wastes.
Pretty horrible.. One advantage is that they aren't as bad as the Daddy Long Legs, which is like the bigger more horrible kind. Brother Long legs are blind so they can only find you if you make noise or they feel you with their tentecles. Spearing one of their tentecles will disable it and make it so that the tentecle can't grab anything.
You don't have to go to the lowest levels of Garbage Wastes at all, so try doing that to avoid Brother Long Legs, for they don't come out of the room they spawn in often.


The leviathan is unkillable and will happily eat any slugcat who goes into the water while it's there. The leviathan can and will prove to be a annoying obstacle if you need to cross a wide streach of water. The leviathan only appears in the waters of the Shoreline.
The leviathan is also built completely for water, so getting onto land will always stop the leviathan in its tracks. And you'll most likely spot the leviathan emerging from the deep waters, due to its huge size.
Try to flee to land if your caught in the water with a leviathan. A stragety I have is to go underwater, press the jump button, go back to the surface and than do everything else again. Also works for if your being chased by anything and your in deep water.

Miros Bird / Scissorbird

Miros birds are very fast, almost impossible to run away from them. You can kill them, but they spawn in groups, which you'll have to deal with if you decide to attack. They have long necks like the vultute, so they to can pluck your slugcat out of tunnels. I've personally only seen them in Memory Crypts, but I've heard that they also spawn in Subterranean.
They are also large like the vultures so they won't be able to get you in tunnels, but make sure the tunnel is deep enough so that their long necks can't reach inside it and pluck your slugcat out. The miros birds are also blinded by blue glowing plants that you might see growing in Memory Crypts, and possibly Subterranean. You'll know if the miros birds are coming by the sound of them running, which you'll know when you hear it. Also you can climb poles to avoid them but this isn't the best idea.
When you hear them running, hide in the closest tunnel. If you can't see any tunnels close by then try a very tall pole. Remember to stand on the top of the pole!

Daddy Long Legs

Daddy Long Legs. Pretty much brother long legs but are bigger, have more tentacles, and are harder to kill than the brother long legs. There isn't much to say about these, for they are a lot like brother long legs. You can also see smaller daddy long legs that are stuck to the walls in Unfortunate Developement, and you can see some when going into Unfortunate Developement. Daddy Long Legs also appear in The Leg and The Underhang.
I really don't know.. they're blind like the brother long legs but seem lazier, sending off a long tentecle to feel around where they heard the sound. The ones I found in Unfortunate Developement seem to be the most laziest, simply sitting around with their tentacles streched out to see if anything edible might fly into them. Also spearing one of their tentecles will disable it so that it'll be harmless, like the brother long legs.
Rain world gameplay co
Try not to touch their tentecles, make noise, or really do anything that involves daddy long legs, other than running away from them.

Reindeer/ Rabbit Walker

The only passive creature in this guide. Reindeer spawn in Farm Arrays and will let the slugcat hold onto its antlers. The reindeer also help crossing patches of red worm grass, for they can't get pulled down. You can call in a reindeer by throwing these yellow sacks, that I call puffballs. To get on the reindeer's antlers easily, you need to place down another puffball, which the reindeer will eat and lower its antlers for the slugcat to grab.
The wait for a reindeer to come and let you ride across the worm grass can be very long, and when you do ride on its antlers, predators like vultures can always swoop down for your poor, powerless slugcat. You can also accidentally fall off the reindeer's antlers and into the worm grass. The reindeer, sadly, won't immediatly kneel down for you to grab onto its antlers again for it to pull you out. Oh and sometimes they'll squish your poor slugcat.
You'll need reindeer to get across worm grass. Don't blame them for their disadvantages, its mostly the slugcat who's getting squashed and/or eaten. Also I find riding on the reindeer's antlers rather calming.
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Main Quest-You wake up in a strange Place. You will notice soon a friendly yellow creature called Paperclip wich will help you for the first part of your journey.-Following the direction he aimed will lead you to industrial complex. You can though discover other area but this one is the easiest.-It will lead you to the waste and then reveal at yourself Moon. Secondaries Bringing Memories Back to MoonIf you bring 1-4 neurons to Moon (depending if you ate one at her place), you will fix her memories, this is a long journey and neurons can only be gathered from Five Pebble area. You cannot use Passage as it will not transport the neurons. The easiest way from five pebble to the shore is the wall - Canopy - industrial - wastelands.

Warning, Pebble kill you the third time you go in his room so you need to bring 2 neuron the first time you visit and 2 other the second time as well. No more chance.Update: You can actually come back from pebble to the leg and all the way to the shore.

Seems quicker but kinda difficult. That way you can bring moon more neurons (but 4 is all what she needs)Discovering the lore with MoonDid you find any color pearl during you playthrough?

Well once you restored Moon's Memory bring her those color pearls. She first need to have her memory back for some higher lvl pearl.

Also each pearl is unique, even white one. You want the lore? You gonna bring her all those pearl.The Six Ghost echoes, Pilgrimage achievmentThose are little tricky. Usually need good karma for higher chance for them to spawn.

Each one give you an achievment and value of max karma. If you max your karma with them before meeting Pebble you will get the Pilgrimage achievment.Once you meet Pebble you can understand what they said.You know there is an entities nearby when the screen flash. Go sleep and come back and you will notice the song and the image getting flushed and strange. Some doesnt need to sleep before the encounter.-Nineteen Spades, endless reflection = east of the door that connect sky island and canopy (top left of canopy?)-Six Grains of Gravel, Mountains Abound = west of pebble, north of the wall, can be found easily after exiting pebble.-Four Needles under plentyful Leaves= Citadel, west of the door that leads to the shore. It is in area with blue mushroom, near a culture of hamster glowing pig.-A bell, eighteen amber beads = in farms west of gate to outskirk using the bottom pipe.- two sprouts, twelve brackets = Next to the gate that lead Farms to subterrranean. When you fall immediatly go to the tunnel in the right.-Droplets upon five large droplets = In sky islands, near door that leads to the area there is usually yellow lizards, one of th epipe leading north.

Passage QuestPassage Quest are achievment that gives you a passage as a reward. It proves you are mastering the game. Also some give more benefit that can be hard to see from the get go. Requirment for all of passage quest is to first end the surivor Passage Quest. Using a passage max your karma.- The Survivor: Survive 5 day with the lvl 5 karma- The Chieftain: Have good relationship with Scavenger. Give them pearl, mushroom, etc. Once you got the chieftain enabled, scavenger will be friendly most of the time, you can pass a toll area without paying, and they are more willing to let you grab their weapon.

(do not abuse it though)- The Hunter: Eat only meat for some cycle, eating any vegetables will reset your progress. You can eat again vegetables once you got the achievment. Meat can be bats, jellyfish, baby centipede, centipede, crying worm.- The Monk: Eat only vegetables for some cycles, eating any meat will reset your progress. You can eat meat again once you got the achievment. Vegetables are Corn Flower, berries, blue seed.- The Saint: Do not attack any creature, even predators by throwing stuff at them for some cycle.- The Outlaw: Kill a creature each day. It might take some time to trigger the quest.

It seems taking a vulture mask and killing lizard with it speed up the progress. This is easy for most lizard since they are scared of you (those showing their back), Green lizard and black lizard aren't affected by the mask. You can also get the challenge working by killing harmless creature with spears like bats or cicadas.- The scholar: Sleep in a shelter with different colored pearl in your mouth. This passage quest happen only once you have upgraded your karma- The wanderer: Sleep in a shelter at every main area in the game at least once.

(only after you got surivor unlocked first, so you might need to come to outskirks for exemple).- The dragon Slayer: Kill one of each color dragon. The colors are Black, Orange/yellow,White, Green.- The Friend: You need to tame a Lizard and make it come to shelter sleep with you.

To tame a lizard you need to feed it with big prey like cicadas and follow it to its nest. Then when it comes back and if it bows it heads you have tamed it. Sleep with a dragon for 3 day and you will get achievment.

Utility Item- Karma FlowerGold Flower, if you eat it, you will get a shield for your karma that will get consume if you die, you can find the flower again in the area where you died if you don't die again.- Fly LureA plant with with long straight leaves. Use it to lures bat into you, they loves that plant. There is even bats that will gladly comes to your hand if you are crawling and holding the plant- FireCracker PlantA plant with round red pebbles. When thrown, it makes fireworks and huge sound, wich scares most of the ennemies or lure some others.- corn umbrella red plantIf you throw a spear at it, pop corn will explode making it an infinite source of food for 1 cycle- White MushroomEat one to slow down time, you will make higher jump (and better wall jump, to area that wasn t close enough) and will be able to breath longuer. It is excellent also to fight ennemy with it.

Can be used to trade with scavenger- Blue MushroomsEmit a blindly light when thrown- Yellow sacksFound on Farms array underground.When throw it does a mist. Super army war game. That mist makes senses of predator go wild (they can't hunt you properly), it also lures the rabbit deers. If you deposit it on the ground the rabbit deer eat it.- White PearlUsed to trade with scavenger and befriending them.

A must to pass scavenger toll. Just throw one at them. They reveal also lore if bring back to moon once you are able to speak with her- Color Pearlsame use as normal pearl, more unique but they reveal lore once you bring back those to Moon. Unlike white one they do need lvl of moon's memory back- Scavenger lanternHold it and it will light your way, scaring some ennemies that are afraid of light, some creatures will thinks you are scavenger.- Scavenger White orbAs the same effect of blue mushroom but got upgraded.

Creatures:- Bats: One of your food source. They tend to flee predators, and can been seen grabbing each others.- Jellyfish: another source of food, but you can throw them to stun ennemy- Cicadas/Squidcadas: Flying octopus bug that are your bat rivals. They try to make you fall or knock you out.

If you can grab one they will make you jump higher. The white one are near nest and double the jump. They do have stamina and will get exhausted at somme point. (look at their wings) If they are tired you can throw them and grab them again to be able to jump higher again. You can wall climb one side of a wall with them.- GarbageWorm: Are easily scared if you move close.

Do not throw things to them to not upset overwise they will grab you and try to drown you or throw you at predators. They love grabbing your spears.- Snails: those passive creature will pop once anything is close to them or when thrown. Wich knock out everyone around it.- JetFish: If you get one mad they will try to drown you. Otherwise they will play with you. They are attracted to food and will look close when you throw some in the water. You can grab one to be able to swin faster, explore underwater, or do high jump out of water.LanternMouse: they seems to be farmed by scavenger. They emit a nice glow that can light your way.

If you dont have good contact with scavenger be careful around them. When they charge up they scare the scavengers away.- TubeWorm: Little bug that use their tongue to move, you can use them like a grabbing hook and balance to places.- Rain Deer: you can grab their antenna and use them as massive mobile safety.

You can lure them with yellow sack, then make them bow by dropping another sack. After grabbing them, double tap a direction to make it move that way.Trivial: it seems scavenger use their skull head for sacred tree.scavengers: Be careful around them at starts until you are at peace with them. Those monkey like humanoids are plenty in this world and lives in tribe. They love pearl and will exchange things for it especially the merchant wich will give you rare item not easily findable. If you don't pay at the toll they will attack you on sight (same if you grab pearl at their tree).Hopefully they help you killing other creatures and do warning menace before starting to hunt you if you upset them.

They also have tendencies to steal spears, pearl, etc if it is on their path (even in shelter)skavenger Ia explained by Primate (dev)First off, each Scavenger (and also pretty much every other creature in the game) has its own individual opinion of you, in addition to your general reputation across the tribe. So you can trade well with them and have a tribe generally like you, but if there is a Scav that previously had some beef with you, they might be more trigger happy than the others.Secondly, the Scavenger tribes have leaders (you can probably tell) that can influence how the nearby Scavs act.

If they feel threatened they can rile up even otherwise friendly Scavs.And lastly but probably more of what you are actually asking (sorry!), a lot of the way they interpret threats is by the players posture and movements. If you are holding a spear or some other weapon, that will make them feel threatened. If you are moving quickly and especially jumping towards them, that will put them on edge, etc etc. If they are acting aggressively, the safest way to act around them is to drop what you are holding and bow down, acknowledging their control of the area! Predators- Lizards: there is a lot of variety of Lizards. Each color got specific rules on what they can do or not.Green one: Are resilient but that all.

They can do a quick dash nearby but cannot climb wall. They doesn't fear as much the vulture mask. Pure green are beefy and got lot of hp, they get angry pretty fastPink/Purple: Can climb wall and poles.They are smarther than usual Lizards The Purple ones are more tenacious.Blue/cyan: can climb wall on background, they got a little tongue to grab their preyOrange/Yellow: Cannot climb background but are really quick on tunnels. Once one of them see you, they all do thanks to their antenna, and they hunt as a pack.White: Cameleon Lizards, they can hide in the background, have a huge tongue and often stay near a pipe.

If you got grabbed, don't surrender yet, you can still get out. Those Lizard are really afraid of vulturesBlack: Mole Lizards, they can't see but they have a good ear. Found only on really dark place.Special: Salamander:Lizards that are able to swim.Special, Red Boss Lizards: This Lizards appear late game. And when you hunt life in an area long enough for it to appear. He can split at you from a distance that slow you Down.

It is extremely fast and dangerous.general types: You can trick Lizards into entering doorways, if you go back through the door as they chase you, you will simply squeeze past them leaving them in the room behind you. Their head are hard, aim for the body. Throw things at them to knock them out and made their back avalaible for a spear attack.- Vultures: Giant flying birds that hunt on the sky.

You can wear off their mask but be ready to accept that vultures will got a grundge against you for that. Counter: when music start and you see a shadow on the background, a vulture is coming, try to hide somewhere. They are pretty fast but if you throw something at them they might release you, you need to be quick though. Use red Vines tree to stuck them and buy time.- BrotherLongLegs and DaddyLongLegs: Brown ones (brother) are located on the waste, blue one (daddy) are on the area near and in Five pebble. They sense their prey nearby and will try to find them with their tentacules. Their whole body is just a giant mouth and will absorb you at once. Counter: they react easily to sound and movement.

Throw an item on the other direction you want to go. Hiting a tentacule removes his grasp.Miros Bird: Scissor raptor looking bird that run endlessy in search of prey or fighting each other. They are found in memory crypt and subteraneran. Counter = hide if you can't i hope you got something to blind them (blue mushroom for exemple).Big Eel / Leviathan: Found in deep water that huge machine will try to eat you if you get close. Plant likePoleMimic: They act like a poles until creatures touch them. They will then hold into their prey trying to eat them. Counter = Look at the map, poles are noted but not the plant.

You can throw item at them to remove them for short time.TentaclePlant: Found on water areas for the most part, they doesnt move until they sense something moving nearby. Counter= thow item on water, they will react to it, giving you time to move. Give them food so they go away for short time. If you move slowly you can go close enough to them then dive under water past them, they will not have time to grab you.

If you are slow enough you can even pass them without diving.Worm Grass: Hard to notice at first, they are little thingy that will hold on you hard until you got no energy left. Counter = don't let most of them grab you, use other path, if you got enough speed you can dive under them if there is tunnel. If there is huge red one, it means you need a rabbit deer to pass through. Else if you quick enough it is easy to pass little blue one. The map are from monkeysarentdonkeysThe map are now all done, visit this steam guide to access it.OutskirtsThe first area you begin with. It is not really hard and you will be able to survive easily. It connects to Farms Array, Industrial Complex and drainage system.-Bestiary = Green Lizard, Pink Lizard, Cicadas, Tube Worms, PoleMimic, Baby Centipede-Number of color Pearl = 1-Number of White Pearl = 0-Scavengers area = 1 TollIndustrial ComplexFirst appearance of Vultures and some higher Dragon species.

Not really difficult. 1 scavenger tribe are in the area.Garbage WasteRegion with a surface and underground area. Monstruosity nest, scavenger are patrolling in the area and have 2 tolls. Dump Snake will welcome you.ShorelineLot of water, care to not drown. On the far east resides Moon.

Swimming lizard inhabite the area too as well as the big leviathan. Dolphin can be good partner.Subregion: Looks to the MoonShaded CitadelDark place, ghost roads. Scavenger use lantern and cultive some hamster glowing piggy in the area. This area is home of spider centipedes and mole lizard.Subregion: Memory CryptsThe ExteriorThis area regroups a lot of zones. At the top we can see a city on background.Subregion: The LegSubregion: UnderhangSubregion: The WallFive PebblesHome of Pebble. You will need to get used of gravity.

Also a lot of blue monstruosity.Subregion: Memory ConfluxSubregion: Recursive Transform ArraySubregion: Unfortunate DevelopmentSubregion: General Systems BusChimney CanopyYou gonna need some skill to travel here. Lot of lizard and vulture.Sky IslandsBeware to not fall.

I found some high scavenger tribes with decoratives chief. The biome is full of life at every corner. Really hard zone.Subregion: Communications ArrayDrainage SystemYou like puzzle? This area will test your skills.FarmsPlain area with carnivorous worms, rabbit deer. Those 2 creature might be problematic for obvious reason:pSubterraneanUnderground train way and connected to the depth.Bring a light with you.Subregion: DepthsSubregion: Filtration System. A lot of information were gathered by players and trading those information between us.Which help to achieve the game and this guide.Developpers: For that awesome game and lore around it. As well as giving some info on forums.

Willing to help the players.- Joar Jakobsson:Joar is a Swedish illustrator and graphic designer who is obsessively interested in every art form there is. He especially enjoys game-making, believing it to be one of the most diverse creative mediums out there.- James Primate:Composer for numerous game soundtracks including Junk Jack X and Gnomoria, James is also one half of Chiptune duo Bright Primate. He can usually be found making music with hacked Gameboys and such.- Allegra 'Del' Northern:Del is a freelance illustrator whom we have gradually absorbed into the Rain World team until she's become an integral part of it.

In the little freetime she still has she's usually tweeting cat pictures.- Lydia Esrig:Lydia is the other half of aforementioned Chiptune duo Bright Primate - she has written several Rain World songs and contributed to countless. But Rain World has to have a delay before you're allowed to press, and then a countdown for how long you're allowed to press. This makes the backflip a stupid unlikely move that I can't use reliably. Rolling when hitting the ground. Same, except nobody needs it. But if the backflip is awful, the vertical spear throw is even more unlikely to happen, cuz the timeframe for it is probably very very tight. To add insult to injury, not only the controls are absolute garbage sht, but the game doesn't even tell you anything.