The 'yearbook' prompt led to the unearthing of one of my high school yearbooks, which led to a mix of nostalgia and cringing as I leafed through it, which led me to the decision to make copies of several pages, which then led to the most delightful part: cutting up pieces of my past and re-assembling them here. Use Your Words. Today we try something NEW! New is scary.but sometimes new is good! Let me know if you enjoyed today's video! In today's video.

Want to write? Got a memoir, novel, blog idea or screenplay in your back drawer? Need to get unstuck? This is the magic pill youve been looking for.In Use Your Words writer and comedian Catherine Deveny reveals the secrets that have made her Gunnas writing masterclasses sell-out successes around the country. With humour and passion, she explains the struggles all writers Want to write? Got a memoir, novel, blog idea or screenplay in your back drawer?

Need to get ‘unstuck’? This is the magic pill you’ve been looking for.In Use Your Words writer and comedian Catherine Deveny reveals the secrets that have made her ‘Gunnas’ writing masterclasses sell-out successes around the country.

With humour and passion, she explains the struggles all writers face and reveals how to overcome them.Whether you’re already published or just starting out, writing for others or purely for self-expression, Use Your Words has the tips, tricks, techniques and honest truths to get you writing. You’ll learn how creativity is a like a vending machine, how writing is like a magnet and how not to die with your light inside you.Wait no longer – smash through procrastination and fear and get those words on the page. This morning I thought of a story that I actually want to tell, and I wrote the general concept down in my Pink Notebook of Happiness and mentally filed it away to work on Some Other Day. You know the day; that great day where I've finally quit my job, bought that house in the countryside in northern NSW, set up a beautifully-appointed study with just enough light coming through the window that overlooks the little orchard the previous owners thoughtfully planted 25 years ago that grows tropical This morning I thought of a story that I actually want to tell, and I wrote the general concept down in my Pink Notebook of Happiness and mentally filed it away to work on Some Other Day. Catherine Deveny is a writer, comic and general shit-stirrer. She's a dyslexic atheist who sees CAPS LOCK as COCK SLAP and is by her own admission pretty lazy.

She's also authored a bunch of books, shows and columns, and manages to get shit done with alarming regularity. Use Your Words is an excellent distillation of her work ethic, and a rarity in the world of writing-help books: something that's useful without being bone dry or coming across as some kind of pan-pipe backed recruitment ad for a Catherine Deveny is a writer, comic and general shit-stirrer. She's a dyslexic atheist who sees CAPS LOCK as COCK SLAP and is by her own admission pretty lazy. She's also authored a bunch of books, shows and columns, and manages to get shit done with alarming regularity. Use Your Words is an excellent distillation of her work ethic, and a rarity in the world of writing-help books: something that's useful without being bone dry or coming across as some kind of pan-pipe backed recruitment ad for a writing cult.Big admission first: I bought this book from the author at one of her. That's where you get to eat nice food, hear some of the stuff that's in here, write a bit and get more jokes and profanity than you normally would in other artist workshops.It's now some weeks later and I've just finished the book. I hoovered it up.

It's broken into four sections, includes a FAQ and a challenge, and even closes with the exhortation by the author that you don't have to listen to any of what's written if you don't really want to.The book deals with preconceptions pretty early on: procrastination, effort, and whether you're really someone who wants to write at all. This last is very important, as there's lots of people agonising with the idea that they should write, and beating themselves up for not doing so. It's something not often addressed in creative advice books: the fact that hey, maybe you don't need to do this thing. Maybe you'd be happier doing something else?For some people, being told it's ok to go do something else to do with books - other than writing them - may be worth the price alone. I certainly found some of the writing in here made me question or reevaluate my motivations.The rest of the book gives principles which will help with writing, tools to keep in your back pocket, and advice on overcoming obstacles. It's all simply written, funny, and useful. You'll probably end up taking notes; I did, because there's a lot of stuff here that rings true.Yes, there's some justification to other reviewers' suggestions that the book is repetitive.

It is, occasionally. But that's kind of the point: the repetition is to bed down the key ideas.

It's so your brain - brains are fairly dumb, regardless of what we might think - can be fooled by repetition into, if not believing something, into tolerating it until we believe it.Over. Through.Motivation follows action.Inspiration is for amateurs.These are all simple, almost trite nuggets, but Deveny provides enough background to show that they're applicable. She's willing to make herself look silly to get the point across, and herein lies part of the book's appeal: this isn't some Strunk & White fetishist tome. It's written by someone who recognises that you'd rather surf eBay or wank or rearrange the vase cupboard than write.

It's written by someone who has the same struggles you do.That's the real gold of the book. I'm a writer and editor by trade: I know a bunch of the tools that are provided. But where this book excels is in reminding you that writing is basically shit. It's not fun.

It's the cooking before you get to eat the meal. It's incredibly liberating to read that no, writing isn't angelic trumpets and perfectly typewritten pages in a neat box on a leather desk: it's constipation of the soul and it can be obnoxious as fuck to get through.At its heart, this is a book that speaks to people who need to write. Who don't feel right if they don't. It skewers the ideas of what you're meant to do and gives you tools for surviving what you want to do, even when you don't want to do it. For me, it's up there with Stephen King's On Writing in terms of being a book that makes the reader want to write. The difference is that Use Your Words is more practically useful. It's a quick read by someone who knows how shit it can be, and who can help you get through it.It's changed my approach to writing.

It could change yours. The entire gist of this book can be summed up in two words: just write.That's it. Because the only thing that's stopping you from being a writer is that you're not currently writing.Dev takes her own advice: she just writes. There is both some brilliant advice in this book, and a bunch of nonsense about nothing.The library app just deleted the copy I read, but a few things that stood out:- her analogy that creativity is like a vending machine that's been painted black.

Feeding time The entire gist of this book can be summed up in two words: just write.That's it. Because the only thing that's stopping you from being a writer is that you're not currently writing.Dev takes her own advice: she just writes. There is both some brilliant advice in this book, and a bunch of nonsense about nothing.The library app just deleted the copy I read, but a few things that stood out:- her analogy that creativity is like a vending machine that's been painted black. Feeding time into it is what gives us rewards, but we can't ever know if we're going to get something brilliant or something rubbish out of it, so we just have to keep trying until that something great comes out.- if you put as much energy into doing the thing you want to do as you do procrastinating or avoiding it or thinking up reasons not to do it, you will probably be able to do the thing.- either write, or realise it's okay to admit that you don't actually want to write- don't worry about what other people think or want.

Just write because you have to write. Honest truths with a side of humour.A motivational book for writers to help battle the writing blocks of fear and procrastination. Whether you're an established or aspiring author, fear of failure, fear of judgment and procrastination can hold you back. Catherine takes a blunt and humorous approach to help guide you through these obstacles. This guide has a 'this is what worked for me' attitude rather than 'my way is the only way that works'. I found this refreshing and will happily cherry-pick Honest truths with a side of humour.A motivational book for writers to help battle the writing blocks of fear and procrastination. Whether you're an established or aspiring author, fear of failure, fear of judgment and procrastination can hold you back.

Catherine takes a blunt and humorous approach to help guide you through these obstacles. This guide has a 'this is what worked for me' attitude rather than 'my way is the only way that works'. I found this refreshing and will happily cherry-pick the advice that suits me best. I saw this book appear in my Instagram feed and on the person's recommendation, I ordered it immediately. I devoured it in three days - it was exactly the advice I needed to hear at that moment in time.The book provides humorous, no nonsense, common sense advice on how to approach your writing, deal with social media trolls and negative feedback, beat writers' block and so much more. The number of times the author calls 'bullish#.t' on 'time honoured' writing advice is refreshing. Catherine uses I saw this book appear in my Instagram feed and on the person's recommendation, I ordered it immediately.

I devoured it in three days - it was exactly the advice I needed to hear at that moment in time.The book provides humorous, no nonsense, common sense advice on how to approach your writing, deal with social media trolls and negative feedback, beat writers' block and so much more. The number of times the author calls 'bullish#.t' on 'time honoured' writing advice is refreshing. Catherine uses great metaphors to express her ideas and shares plenty of personal stories.It is quite different to any other writing craft books I've read so far. It doesn't deal with the technical aspects so much (how to plot, POV's, themes etc), but is more about attitude and giving yourself the permission and freedom to write.I recommend this book to anyone struggling with calling themselves a 'writer', or wondering why they can't just get on with writing that book. Really enjoyed reading this practical book.

Not because it was some great masterpiece or literary genius (I'm sure Ms. Deveny would kill me or use some choice words at me if I'd written such a thing) but because she taught me heaps about myself (and you).


Especially that what we all choose to do in life is okay as long as it is actually our choice and not something forced upon us by others. Not someone's idea of what they think we should be doing. We don't need to be pleasers to try to fill some Really enjoyed reading this practical book. Not because it was some great masterpiece or literary genius (I'm sure Ms.

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Deveny would kill me or use some choice words at me if I'd written such a thing) but because she taught me heaps about myself (and you). Especially that what we all choose to do in life is okay as long as it is actually our choice and not something forced upon us by others. Not someone's idea of what they think we should be doing. We don't need to be pleasers to try to fill some void in our DNA, it won't achieve lasting happiness. No, we can simply be ourselves and be happy in that. She also taught me that it doesn't matter: win, loose, succeed or fail.

We are who we are, and it's our life to live how we choose. Maybe this wasn't what she set out to do but it's what I got and I thank you Catherine Deveny for your straight forward no bullshit approach. Most enjoyable and useful resource. Ive been writing forever and have read a mountain of books on writing, so I'm always wary about picking up 'another' book on writing. I was initially sold by the cover, blurb, and the at-a-glance entertaining chapter titles.

I needn't have been wary when I bought this book though. I was happy to see large chunks of it were 'straightforward, cut the BS, and just write' motivation.

It was an entertaining and easy read. I will be keeping this book on my shelf for those invariable moments down the Ive been writing forever and have read a mountain of books on writing, so I'm always wary about picking up 'another' book on writing. I was initially sold by the cover, blurb, and the at-a-glance entertaining chapter titles.

I needn't have been wary when I bought this book though. I was happy to see large chunks of it were 'straightforward, cut the BS, and just write' motivation. It was an entertaining and easy read.

I will be keeping this book on my shelf for those invariable moments down the track when I may feel less than motivated to write. The book will be a tangible reminder that if I want to write I just need to write, or if I no longer wish to write, to let myself off the hook. This is the practical no-nonsense prod that all writers need. Deveny does well to reassure every frustrated writer, whether it be fear, insecurity, self-doubt, procrastination or all of the above, she removes all excuses.I found it particularly interesting that she no longer runs writing seminars for teens because every attendee she asked said they were there because their parents sent them: Her musings about pigeonholing children and teens did make me reflect on how I interact with my niece This is the practical no-nonsense prod that all writers need. Deveny does well to reassure every frustrated writer, whether it be fear, insecurity, self-doubt, procrastination or all of the above, she removes all excuses.I found it particularly interesting that she no longer runs writing seminars for teens because every attendee she asked said they were there because their parents sent them: Her musings about pigeonholing children and teens did make me reflect on how I interact with my niece and nephews. Happened to read this book all by accident. Saw it on my colleagues desk and snitched it.

Read the introduction. I was engrossed! Dont know how to explain it but it felt like a combination of talking to a old friend, counsellor and myself.

It explained almost every thought and feeling I have had about my past and current self. Even ones I knew was there but wasnt able to put in words which was done so clearly. Happened to read this book all by accident.

Saw it on my colleagues desk and snitched it. Read the introduction. I was engrossed!

Don’t know how to explain it but it felt like a combination of talking to a old friend, counsellor and myself. It explained almost every thought and feeling I have had about my past and current self. Even ones I knew was there but wasn’t able to put in words which was done so clearly. An excellent book with plenty of encouragement to get started in writing (or whatever you're finding hard to start)She admits writing is damn hard, but you just have to put excuses aside and START.No one writes a book because they want to. People only write a book because they have to.The Gunnas Challenge: Commit to writing for 1 hour a day, 4 days a week for 4 weeks.An excellent book with plenty of encouragement to get started in writing (or whatever you're finding hard to start)She admits writing is damn hard, but you just have to put excuses aside and START.“No one writes a book because they want to. People only write a book because they have to.”“The Gunnas Challenge: Commit to writing for 1 hour a day, 4 days a week for 4 weeks.”. 'With humour and passion, she explains the struggles all writers face and reveals how to overcome them', says the blurb and, for me, that says it all.Having read and enjoyed Catherine Deveny's various columns and writings over the years, I pre-ordered this volume, as it sounded like just what the procrastinator in me needed.

I was in no way disappointed and have chuckled out loud on several occasions.I do not need to buy any more manuals on how to write, but this book is helping me to understand 'With humour and passion, she explains the struggles all writers face and reveals how to overcome them', says the blurb and, for me, that says it all.Having read and enjoyed Catherine Deveny's various columns and writings over the years, I pre-ordered this volume, as it sounded like just what the procrastinator in me needed. I was in no way disappointed and have chuckled out loud on several occasions.I do not need to buy any more manuals on how to write, but this book is helping me to understand how to get writing again. Catherine Deveny is the author of The Happiness Show (2012), Free To A Good Home (2009), Say When (2008) and Its Not My Fault They Print Them (2007).Catherine is a television comedy writer, comedian, author, social commentator and broadcaster well known for her work as columnist with the Age newspaper and as an ABC regular. She cites her biggest influences as Bill Hicks, Richard Dawkins, Billy Catherine Deveny is the author of The Happiness Show (2012), Free To A Good Home (2009), Say When (2008) and It’s Not My Fault They Print Them (2007).Catherine is a television comedy writer, comedian, author, social commentator and broadcaster well known for her work as columnist with the Age newspaper and as an ABC regular. She cites her biggest influences as Bill Hicks, Richard Dawkins, Billy Bragg and Alice Miller. Deveny’s television work includes Network Seven’s Tonight Live with Steve Vizard, Full Frontal, ABC TV’s Good News Week, BackBerner and Q&A, Network 10’s Rove Live, The Wedge, skitHOUSE and The 7pm Project.She performs regularly on radio and television and is a popular fill in broadcaster on 774 ABC Melbourne. Deveny has written for the Logie Awards, the Aria Music Awards and co-wrote the 2005 AFI Awards with Russell Crowe.