• Tsuyogari Damashii - Bluffing Damacy

Song: Kirinji
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Original / Romaji LyricsEnglish Translation
Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
The magic of the alcohol had got me dizzy
I couldn't run from it's dreamy spell
But that's a thing of the past
I no longer have need for such things
I don't, no I don't need that anymore
Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
From now on I'm a new man, refreshed, refreshed
I'm not going back, I'm pressing on
I want to try something new, something I've never seen or heard of
I'm a challenger, so I'm always my own rival
Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
I dreamed of being big and strong
Of having a power that could level everything
But that's a dream for the weak
I no longer have need for such things
I don't, no I don't need that anymore
Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
From now on I'm a new man, refreshed, refreshed
I won't destroy things, I'll make something new
I want to try something new, something I've never seen or heard of
I'm a challenger, so I'll go anywhere and everywhere
Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
But when I look all around me
I'm all alone, nobody near
Such wasted effort worries me
Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
Let's sing some words no one has heard
Lalalalama lalalamama
No need to worry
Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
It's fun to worry
It's thrilling, exciting
I'm a challenger, so boredom is my enemy
From now on I'm a new man, refreshed, refreshed
I won't stand still, I'll keep on walking
I want to try something new, something I've never seen or heard of
I want to be a challenger
(I want to be a challenger)
I'll die a challenger
(I'll die a challenger)
A challenger until the end
(A challenger until the end)

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We Love Katamari Lyrics

Yoshihito Yano is well known for his focus on We Like Katamari (2005), Katamari Forever (2009) and Urban Reign (2005). We Love Katamari (2005) as Composer. Urban Reign (2005) as Sound Department. Katamari Forever (2009) as Soundtrack. Katamari Damacy (2004) as. Soundtracks (13). Everlasting Love Vocals by Alisa Lyrics by Akitaka Toyama (Namco Ltd.) Music by Akitaka Toyama.