Knights of Pen and Paper – PC, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS, Android (2012) Three years before they released the incredibly charming Chroma Squad, Behold Studios worked with Paradox Interactive to create the Knight of Pen and Paper series, an easy to pick up and play RPG franchise with an interesting twist to it.

So far there are three classes to unlock as follows:. Warlock - purchase from the 'Modern Dungeon' magazine (500g) lv. 1+. Ninja - quest given early on in Spawn Point Village to clear Nearby Cave once more lv.

7+. Barbarian - fight the Barbarian in a scripted encounter in the Red Wastes lv. 20+The warlock is obviously the easiest to unlock, but the ninja is probably the class you'll unlock earliest, as accumulating 500g to spend will come far after clearing Nearby Cave, the game's first dungeon.

The barbarian is by far the most difficult to unlock, as he appears in a late-game area, and the fight is not easy. Consider using a party at levels 20+ (cleric highly recommended), since the barbarian can otherwise fairly easily kill your team members.Hopefully the devs release future updates with more classes, but until then, enjoy unlocking/playing as the above. Hope this helps!.

I recently stumbled upon this game on the play store and I must say it is really fun. It's a simple yet awesome little RPG that brings me back to playing D&D. All of the classes are really fun to play. After playing through the whole game and testing all the classes I thought I'd share with you guys some general thoughts on what I found most effective and some specifics on builds and group comp. Hopefully this mini-guide helps you if you're having trouble deciding which classes should make the cut on your team. Obviously you should go with what is fun to play because that's the point of a game especially one in the spirit of D&D but, like D&D, there are certainly some class/character builds that are simply better than others just in terms of dps / sustain. There are many other fun and viable group comps, but this one has the benefit of being very effective from start to finish.

Wall of Text Incoming.Quick Note About Choosing A Race: Dwarf is useless even at lower levels, so you end up choosing between elf and human. Elf is nice when you're just starting out and don't have much gear to boost your energy. Later on with rings and such Human is the only real choice. Keep in mind you can change character, race, class and skills all for a small fee at major towns.Quick Note About Choosing A Character: Choosing a character to match your class matters a lot more in the early game, as late game gear kinda makes the choice pointless for most classes. Some of my favorite ones that can fit in almost any team:. Jock - 3 Hand Slots - good for pure dmg melee or a condition death ninja build.

Lab Rat - 4 Trinket slots; really good for energy/spellpower/crit stacking classes. Hipster - Access to better items earlier. Rocker - No penalties to energy from wearing heavy armors - really nice to have in early/mid-game.Pretty much anything goes in terms of what you want to assign to which class. As a rule of thumb I would suggest trying to match characters with your class's stat lack.

For example try to even out Body and Mind values so you don't end up with a tanky character who runs out of energy on the first round, or visa versa a glass cannon dps with all energy that gets 1-shot. Fairly straightforward.The purpose of this setup was to be able to steamroll anything and everything without changing too much in terms of skills/gear and also be able to sustain for long periods of time between rests. I also wanted a group that I wouldn't have to grind exp just to scrape by in terms of dps. The outcome is the best of both worlds. The group is set up around aoe abilities, mainly because single target abilities don't come close in energy efficiency or damage.

Obviously you will need to change some gear pieces for certain situations that call for it like condition-heavy fights. The only time I had to really change skills was for my warrior to become threat-focused on the rainbow dragon, because even with full rings it can still chew up your party on an unlucky breath/stun chain if you're not careful.My Current Setup at Party Level 32 (Details Below). Cheerleader, Thief, Human (1/7/0/24) Role: MT/rDPS. Exch.

Student/Rocker, Cleric, Human (23/0/9/0) Role: Healer. Jock, Warrior, Human (0/8/0/24) Role: OT/mDPS (yes, pure dmg warrior beats out SP lock and crit barb for this spot, even though it's not as cool.). Lab Rat, Mage, Human (8/0/0/24) Role: rDPS.Hipster, Ninja, Human (0/8/0/24) Role: Smoke Bomb Spam.Alternatively, if you feel like you are taking too much damage, you can swap the warrior with a jock monk (0/8/24/0) and use the exact same equipment. This will give you quite a bit of mitigation for the group, while not missing out on too much damage. Stun has the added effect of automatically failing enemy condition saves, so it helps you keep Burn on longer for it to stack with Fireball + Na Palm. My monk can get up to 3000 damage with that ability.

Very good for bosses.Game Room Setup. Table: Sacred Table - Doesn't really matter. I use Sacred Table for the synergy with my Cheerleader in this build but honestly the Wooden Table is just fine too. You might want to save this purchase for later, in favor of more immediate needs.

Arcade: Pinball - Normally I would pick Arcade Machine, but crit is not needed for this build at all, so I like to go with more initiative - Pinball is a good choice here.Sofa: Royal Chair - If I was using more melee in my group i might choose the Red Sofa, but the Royal Chair is an all-around good choice for almost any party. More energy = more sustain = more damage. Sport Games: Race Car Track - This one is tough because having the extra EXP in the early game is nice, but I use Race Car Track most of the time, especially for those long dungeons. This also alleviates some of your food costs, and works in conjunction with the Cheerleader ability and the Cleric's Radiance passive to provide some really nice sustain to your party. Rugs: Bearskin Rug - This one is a no-brainer. Free health is awesome. Shelves: Physics Project/Labeled Dresser - This is a tough choice.

My 1st choice is the Labeled Dresser. In a party with all magic users spell damage might be better in late-game, but most of the game is a struggle with energy and the better your sustain is, the better chance you have at completing long dungeons and boss fights. Board Games: Go Set - This is essential for the build because your effectiveness against groups depends on your ability to stun most or all of the enemies. This is also nice because the Smoke Bomb stun can now affect enemies even if they are not adjacent to each other. It allows you to target the enemy you actually want to do some damage to, instead of just the enemy you need to stun for adjacency. Same applies to the Thief's Barrage of Knives.


This is the key to the Thief's real damage potential, since that ability doesn't benefit from spellpower or damage.Details Behind Class ChoicesCheerleader Thief Main Tank / Range DPS: Yes, Thief has no mitigation bonuses. Yes, Thief's Stealth ability only benefits the party once per round.

Yes, the Thief has shite threat. But despite all of these:. Significant energy and hp sustain with Stealth ability - even proc'ing only once per round this benefits the party hugely especially in long boss fights or long dungeons where you cannot rest. This, combined with the Cleric's Radiance passive allows the group to keep going for a long time. Every little bit counts. Even without dps gear, the Thief's Barrage of Knives is still probably the best dps ability in the game, due to doubling damage automatically with conditions. Barrage of Knives does not benefit from Spell power, +Damage, or +%Damage modifiers, meaning that the Thief can literally do just as much damage with no gear on.

This makes a Thief tank fit perfectly in the group, because you can stack full damage mitigation and +threat on gear without worrying about losing dps. This is what makes the Thief really OP. They are a slightly worse tank than the other options, but they more than make up for it by doing massive damage. The key to the damage in this group is letting the Ninja set up a good Smoke Bomb on all enemies for the Thief to benefit from the damage doubling. You're able to fill 6 roles instead of just 5 with this setup, freeing up space for more dps output. The Thief is a must-have for most group comps so this allows you to hybridize an already amazing class.

By splitting the damage between the thief and warrior you allow the cleric to focus his skill points on the Purge heal which has the dual benefit of being energy efficient as well as cleansing conditions. This makes the healer's job easier and allows you to optimize your thief as a tank.

Note: this would not work as well with only the thief as a tank because one downside of the thief tank is that you cannot reach very high levels of threat. Having a melee with naturally high levels of threat from weapons would normally be an issue for the knight or monk tank.

But because the goal is to split damage with the thief, you can slap as much weapon threat on your warrior as you'd like and not really worry. Equipment To Look Out For: The Thief has the benefit of not needing any dps gear, so every piece is going to be focused on Health, Mitigation, and Threat. Find a Full Plate of tanking and enchant it, also look for Shields of Tanking which are awesome.

If you're running out of energy too quickly you can use the ring of spelling or something else to reduce costs. Other trinkets should go to maximizing health, or using Iron Masks if you're having problems with threat.Exchange Student/Rocker Cleric Healer:. Self-explanatory.

Best healer in the game, with the druid coming in 2nd place, only because the Cleric can sustain a group for extended periods of time without relying on wasting turns eating food. When considering how to achieve optimal dps, enabling your dps to spend every turn doing damage instead of eating is a good start. The character for this class doesn't matter so much. Just make sure it has some body and mind. Equipment To Look Out For: Find a Buckler of Healing As soon as possible, it makes sustaining a lot easiser.

Alternatives would be +4 or +5 shields in hand slots if you can manage the energy reduction. If not just use enchanted magic shields. Trinkets: I use the paper hat on my cleric to give a boost to the Radiance and Purge, but you might want to use a Ring of Spelling (skills cost -30 energy), or the Helmet of Power as well (skills cost -100 energy). Alternatives would be energy gems or rings until you can get these.Jock Warrior:.

At level 25+ even with only +4 weapons it beats everything in damage except the mage. A jock with a +5 2h and a +5 1h rapier of dpsing or even better 3x +5 rapiers (if you can find them) is insane. As the mage gets more points in arcane flow it barely surpases the warrior around level 30-32. This is because weapons can be enchanted to have absurd +damage levels. The warlock and barbarian are cool hybrids but lack the kind of damage potential that the warrior can achieve. The warrior's cleave does more damage per enemy than the warlock's life transfer (even with max spell power bonuses) and cleave also has a chance to crit while life transfer does not. (Btw the psion would beat the warlock if the displacement spell didn't fail 50% of the time.) Melee might be nerfed but Cleave Warrior is still king.

Equipment To Look Out For: Weapons: aim for Rapier's of DPSing/Mace of Healing, wait until you get at least +4 enchantment scrolls (the hipster can help with getting these a little earlier), if you don't find them, just craft a 2 handed + a 1 handed and enchant them. Good alternatives before you find bis: Sword of Gin-Su, Stiletto of Spelling. Trinkets: Aim for trinkets that will help your pure damage, so Gauntlets of Strength (swap with Black Belt or Badger Claws for easier fights), Rabbit's Paw, Badger Claws, Black Belt.Lab Rat Mage. Lab Rat for extra spellpower trinkets (2nd choice being rocker if you need heavy armor or exch. Student) because this is the highest damage dealer on the team that can benefit from spellpower scaling - we want to take advantage of that by stacking as much spell power as possible in trinket slots.

Equipment To Look Out For: Aim for spellpower/energy boosts: Mystics Robe, Magic Staff (both of which can't be enchanted. ), Spirit Beads, Crystal BallHipster/Any Ninja:. Hipster or rocker or anything in this slot really - you can put in the rocker for some extra energy but the ninja shouldn't need heavy armor anyway as he will have low threat and shouldn't be getting targeted. The purpose of the ninja here is to stun enemies as much as possible, so you'll be using Smoke bomb every round, even if Vanish falls off from aoe.

Max Smoke Bomb can stun anything. Yes, even dragons and other tough bosses. Smoke bomb is also pretty powerful single-target damage when boosted with some spellpower. The Ninja relieves some of the stress for the healer and also provides a condition for the thief to take advantage of. Because of this, you want the Ninja going first all the time. Why do I use ninja for condition setup instead of mage or paladin?

This frees up the mage to use Chain Lightning instead of Fireball. Chain lightning is better and more immediate damage, and it allows the mage to stack for spellpower as it should be instead of trying to get initiative to make sure it goes before the thief. Why don't I use condition death Ninja? It is fun, but it only works with certain gear pieces. Because of this you have to wait a while until it becomes viable.

Condition death ninja also forces you to use the Weapon Rack in the game room, instead of the better Labeled Dresser that benefits the whole group. On large group fights, the condition death ninja is basically pointless, only hitting one enemy at a time. Condition death also has a chance to fail, depending on your crit. I prefer consistent and more reliable damage. On dragon fights when you get breathed, vanish will fall off unless you can guarantee it goes first, which is tough without some of the good initiative gear.

Equipment to Look Out For: Aim for initiative trinkets Like Loincloth, Moccasins, Boots of Speed, Cloak of Camouflage. When you find boots of speed then you can use that in conjunction with crystal balls for some extra damage. Enchanted Magic shields or stiletto of spelling for hand slots and a Chainmail of Healing +4 or +5 for armor slot.

Mainly you just want to make sure you're going first every fight, and that you have enough energy to Smoke Bomb each turn.Why I Didn't Use These Classes For Tank Role:.Paladin: The paladin is more of a support/off-tank but is not very good at either of those roles. Armor of Faith Passive is a good skill, because it allows you to treat energy as effective health, making the paladin very hard to kill. The problem is. That strategy depends on your energy not running out, which is hard to do without good gear, especially when your tanking relies on using Guiding Strike each turn to maintain threat.

Not only is it going to be energy-expensive to use a maxed Guiding Strike each turn, but when the Paladin needs to stop and use a turn to Lay on Hands a group member, their threat is gone for a round. The trinket slots used up for maintaining energy could have gone to damage mitigation or threat. These are nice skills independently but not so much when used together.

As a healer the paladin suffers from not being able to sustain as long as the Cleric can. Purge is more efficient than Lay on Hands and it can remove conditions. Unfortunately the Paladin tries to be good at everything without being as good as other classes in those roles.Hunter: Like the Thief's Barrage of Knives skill, Hail of Arrows does not benefit from spell power, damage or% damage trinkets or weapons.

It does less damage but spreads it out over a larger group of enemies. If you have less than 7 enemies, then damage is wasted. In this way it is more like the Warlock's Life Transfer ability where it does very little damage but it can clean up enemies who are on the brink of death after better damaging effects from other group members. The Hunter has a good threat ability, but again it is an active ability that has to be cast each turn much like the Paladin's Guiding Strike, which essentially renders it useless for this setup. It would be great if the hunter had passive threat and could use hail of arrows too, then it would earn more consideration but the hunter doesn't fit into this group as is, and it doesn't easily fit into other groups very well either just because the main damage ability won't scale with +damage or spell power.Knight: An excellent choice for a traditional tank role and works really well for other group setups. Amazing mitigation combined with amazing threat and a bit of sustain too. The downside is that the knight puts out very little damage.

However, for this group the knight+thief would equal alot less damage, for very little gain in survivability. The cleric can handle the damage dealt to the party, and more damage mitigation would really be pointless for most encounters. The knight is better off in a group without a cleric, so that the extra slot that would have been only for a healer could be used to slot a hybrid class. For example a good group setup for a knight would be Knight + Warlock(Life Transfer) or Knight + Paladin(Lay on Hands), these really make the Knight shine as a tank. But because my setup is focused on dps output+sustain, the thief outperforms the warlock in this situation, so the knight's excellent mitigation and threat is not needed.So that's all. Let me know what you think.

I'll try to answer questions if people have them. Maybe I'll post more builds after some testing in a 2nd play-through. Thanks for reading:). Here's how you might put points in as you level up:. Thief: Put 1 point in stealth, and the rest in barrage of knives. When barrage is maxed, start putting points in backstab. Cleric: Put only as many points into purge as you need to, and equalize radiance and purge, until purge is 10 points and that should be all you need.

Max radiance before putting any more points into purge. Warrior: Max cleave first then start putting points elsewhere, either riposte or pommel strike. I personally like pommel strike. Mage: 1 point in arcane flow then max chain lightning.

Put any other points back into arcane flow. Ninja: 1 point in vanish, then max smoke bomb. Put any other points back into vanish. I have my main tank is paladin. He can heal near 3k hp to ally and about 1500 hp to himself! In emergency case, he can heal himself for over 5k hp each turn. And he has weaken all target too.

With my build, he has 80% as target( dont remember his threat!). Use item immune stun and resist rageOfcourse i have a cleric!

His healing is just for mana recover, stop at 1 point( because i have paladin as healer!). Use ring + 2k hp/mana, buckler of healing. Use item resist rage and stun!My 3 dam dealer is psion,hunter and mage.My psion is a char can remove debuff each turn.

Thar mean he can use item+ magic dam and dont care about immune debuff item. Main target take 1k hp and other 6xx for all( main takes about 1700 hp). I just use 2 ring hp/mana to survive in dragon battle.My hunter is funny. Because he has over 1k dam reduce! And has ton of hp/ mana.

My main dam dealer in every battle especial dragon battle. He can hit 16xx dam and 6xx effect dam too. He has a skill to avoid any dam in 1 hit. It's very good skill, but he has no chance to do it in my team, his job is main dam dealer!My mage is just weaker version of psion! Use main skill as fire dam( 11xx main target and 640 burn). I am thinking about change this slot to other.In the hardest battle, vs dragon. If i lucky, psion and mage always die( they have just about 5k hp), and cleric/pal/hunter kill the boss.

Paladin never die( 15k hp and 6k.mana with 1k dam reduce). Cleric surive to remove debuff and hunter deal 16xx dam per turn.If i got badluck, dragon crit cleric and remove debuff to my team. Die.Still stuck at rainbow dragon.

All mod/ dungeon in this game is a joke! Even the battle vs lich. That battle is too easy with my lv 30 team after update( they add ring + 2k mana/hp). All dragon battle is base of luck. If dragon hit cleric or dam dealer instead of tanker, game end! 80% hit is not enough. Multi target skill of dragon is not big problem( because i always let psion and mage die, and paladin can keep 1 ally alive without anyproblem).

Just dit it with rainbow. It's a tiny joke right now! Just enchant one resist stun for each player( i remove trinket immune stun and use ring hp instead!). Equip one item has 30% dam reduce to each member and the rest are hp/mana ring! Kill rainbow dragon is a joke now! Did it with full team surive and 70% hp( reset cleric to make him heal better, dont need mana recover- everyone has over 6k mana!). By the way thx to the guy who said about item 'xxx' of ' yyy' can be enchant too!

So my paladin can deal over 1k without crit to dragon and 14xx to normal mob!Huh. Metal slug 7. Tanker with a huge dam reduce, huge hp pool, very high atk, very high threat, healing like crazy( ofcourse he cant do all in one turn!), can weaken all. All in one char. P/s: he has about 70 threat! All others has lower than 3!. There's no way to get around it if they go before the thief, but at least they are stunned which gives you a free round of damage.

If you're really having problems with thief initiative (should be going right after ninja most of the time) then just equip him with 1 trinket for initiative. I'd rather take more time to kill enemies than have to worry about massive damage to my party.

Even if they do go before thief, it is still alot of damage, and any cleanup work is what the mage is for.Also fully maxed stun works i'd say 90% of the time. I rarely have issues with enemies resisting it.