Welcome, Uncharted fans!This subreddit is for discussing and sharing anything relating to Naughty Dog's Uncharted series of video games on Playstation consoles and/or the bonus adventures in other mediums. Content Filters.RulesRule 1:No episodic content such as 'let's plays' or play-throughs.Rule 2:Do not put spoilers in the title of your post, and if you do discuss spoilers give your submission the appropriate tag.

And Wheel of Fortune. Has been pushed to March 5, 2021, which was the premiere date schedule for Uncharted. Which led to France's March TV event Series Mania being canceled. Wheatcroft has made a fortune, almost without realising it. Rather the mania of the collector. Nba 2k19 vc. N ALEX PRESTON is the author of In Love And War (Faber & Faber, £7.99). A version of this.

When discussing spoilers in a thread by another user who hasn't given his post a spoiler tag, tag any spoilers like this:Copy this:SPOILER: (#s 'Type in the quotes!' )It will look like this:Rule 3:Do not ask common questions such as:. What is your favorite Game/Character/Villain?These types of questions have been posted and answered by the community countless times. Search the sub for these questions and you'll find more than enough relevant threads. Links-. Having never played Uncharted ever before, and in the interest of killing my time somehow, I picked up the Uncharted Collection today to see what the big deal was with this franchise. Naturally, I started with the first game.

There's basically no major plot spoilers I'll be listing just so you knowMy God, not only did the first game completely surpass my expectations, but I also can't wait to play the next two games then replay this one again! I was completely immersed in the story and characters 100% of the time without even thinking about it.

Nathan Drake and his chemistry with all the other characters really helped me actually care about and love Sully and Elena as well. I'm typically not one to get invested in a romance subplot in games, but damn it, Nathan and Elena are flat out adorable with each other and I look forward to seeing how the rest of the series fleshes out their relationship.

Don't spoil it for me and tell me that they go downhill from here, because I wanna actually see it for myself if it does.The story itself reminded me of classic Indiana Jones: There's treasure, treasure hunters, temples, traps, monsters, and vague mysticism. Was the story cheesy and cliche at times?

Sure, but who cares when it's still unbelievably effective at hooking you in at every new revelation about Francis Drake and El Dorado. I have a minor complaint that Eddy and Roman both had rather anticlimactic conclusions given how the game really steers you to hate these guys' guts, but I suppose that'll be subjective for every player.Gameplay-wise, I never expected a game back in 2007 to feel so smooth today. I mean, I know they completely remastered it and made it run better but I was still amazed at how fundamentally the gunplay and platforming felt fluid and never awkward.

The Jetski section though felt really clumsy to control, as if I was simulating drunk boating. Also, while the gunplay was pretty solid, I hated how easy it was to die in this game. I'm glad it instantly reloads you to a checkpoint in 2 seconds but I found myself getting one-shotted by enemies who I either didn't see or hear to begin with or got riddled by a million bullets simultaneously.

Maybe I'm just too casul.Overall, I definitely can't wait to boot up Among Thieves next. Especially since I've been told that it takes everything about Drakes Fortune and kicks it up to 11. Long story short, the first game blew my mind and I'm onboard with this franchise from here on out. I'll definitely share my thoughts on the 2nd game when I beat it.EDIT: Spelling.

Hm, I had a different experience. Just picked up the Nathan Drake collection having never played the games before also. Thought the first game was awful. Cheesy dialogue, repetitive and clunky gameplay, meaningless and short story, gliding controls. Just a chore to get through, but I endured so I could get all the character background and story for the new game coming out. Then I moved onto among thieves and it was the complete opposite.

Slice Mania Uncharted Fortune Lyrics

One of my new personal favorite games. Almost everything improved, especially the writing and gameplay. Almost like it was made by someone else.

If you loved the first one the second one will blow you away.