The timeline shown on page 10 of EncyclopediaTimeline is the in-universe chronology of The Legend of Zelda series. The timeline has been incohesive. As such, it has been the subject of numerous. Though the series began in 1986, did not publish a master timeline until in 2011. The timeline had previously existed in a highly confidential document conceived as early as 2005.In Hyrule Historia, Nintendo resolved the timeline's contradictions by contriving a third branch of the timeline stemming from, in addition to the two parallel branches confirmed years prior. These branches are the Fallen Hero Timeline, the Child Link Timeline, and the Adult Link Timeline. The portion of the timeline preceding the fork has no official name of the sort.

Splash art for the Zel skin 'Friendzone' for Shards of War. 3400x2250px 3.03 MB. Anonymous's avatar. Hoa Lo Prison, after all, is a place best known in the West as one of the prisons where American pilots who had been shot down and captured were kept as prisoners of war (although, technically, the North Vietnamese did not regard the pilots as “prisoners of war” in a legal sense). The pilots called it, sarcastically, the “Hanoi Hilton.”.

The whole timeline begins anew after the described in, by which time 's early history has faded to myth.Nintendo intends for the timeline to be flexible and open to re-interpretation, the better to fit in new additions to the series. BeginningThe beginning of the timeline encompasses the events of, and, in that order.Creation of the World Main article:Before time began, the three descended upon the chaos that was., the Goddess of Power, created the earth., the Goddess of Wisdom, bestowed order upon the world., the Goddess of Courage, created life.Their labor complete, the goddesses departed for the heavens. They left behind the, an all-powerful artifact which would grant its holder their heart's desire. Era of Hylia Main article:The Triforce was entrusted to the goddess during the Era of Hylia, known more fully as the Era of the Goddess Hylia.One day, the Demon King sought to take it and make the world his own.

He rose an army of malevolent forces against. Hylia gathered the surviving on an outcrop of earth and sent it to beyond a of her creation. The outcrop would later become known as. She hid the there as well.Hylia rallied the remaining land dwellers, fought back the evil forces led by Demise, and sealed them away. She suffered grave injuries in the battle. Knowing the seal on Demise would not hold, she devised a plan. As the Triforce could not be wielded by a god, Hylia renounced divinity and transferred her soul to the body of a mortal who would come of age when Demise returned.

She created the and the spirit to aid her chosen hero, who would reveal himself when he drew the sword from its pedestal. Skyward Sword Main article:Thousands of years later, during the Sky Era, Hylia is reborn as in. On the day of the 25th annual, she is taken down to in a tornado created by, who attempts to have her kidnapped to revive his master. Zelda is rescued from his minions by, whom Hylia had sent through time to help her mortal self.

Zelda regains her memories as Hylia. Her childhood friend, is led by to draw the, and so is revealed to be Hylia's chosen hero. At the, Zelda and Impa flee from Ghirahim by going through the and destroying it behind them. Link seeks out the three to temper his sword into the, which he uses to activate the second Gate of Time at the Sealed Temple. He finds Zelda by using the Gate of Time to travel back to the Era of Hylia, to a time shortly after when Demise was sealed. Zelda places herself in a thousand-year slumber to sustain the seal.Link returns to the present, gathers the, and uses it to destroy Demise.

Zelda awakens from her agelong slumber only to be kidnapped by Ghirahim. Ghirahim takes her to the past, where Demise is still alive, and uses her soul to revive his master.

Link defeats Demise in battle and the Demon King is permanently sealed away in the Master Sword. With his last words, Demise vows an incarnation of his hatred shall ever follow 'those who share the blood of the goddess and the spirit of the hero' in a cycle without end.Link thrusts the Master Sword into a pedestal in the; Fi becomes forever dormant in the sword. Link and Zelda return to the present, but Impa stays in the past—in her own time—to watch over the Master Sword. Zelda resolves to live on The Surface and watch over the Triforce. Establisment of Hyrule Kingdom Main articles: andZelda ( reincarnate) and others from repopulated the surface world. Their descendants became known as. During this time, the land was named.After many years of peace in Hyrule, word spread of the supreme power of the Triforce.

War engulfed the land, heralding the Era of Chaos. In particular, a group of powerful sorcerers known as the sought dominion over the Sacred Realm, where the Triforce was located. The goddesses sent the to banish them to the.

To protect the Triforce, the sage built a new around the pedestal holding the Master Sword—the location of the only entrance to the Sacred Realm. He placed the Triforce in the and sealed off the Sacred Realm with him inside it. The Master Sword became the key that joined the Temple of Time to the Temple of Light. It was closed behind the.During the Era of Prosperity, Zelda's descendants established the kingdom of Hyrule and became its. They built in the center of Hyrule near the Temple of Time.

Years afterwards, many members of the royal family were born with special powers given that they were blood relatives of the goddess Hylia. Princesses born into the royal family were named Zelda after the goddess reincarnate. This article or section does not sufficiently.Please help by introducing appropriate citations.On the hundredth anniversary of the, a corrupted, power-seeking named wins the sword-fighting tournament. During the award ceremony, Vaati breaks the and opens the, hoping to find the. This unleashes evil onto the Hyrule. He turns Zelda to stone and later kidnaps her when he discovers the Light Force is within her.

He uses the Light Force to transform into a., a blacksmith's apprentice and Zelda's friend, is enlisted by to have the Picori Blade reforged so it can break the curse on Zelda. He teams up with, a Minish sage and Vaati's former mentor—Vaati had gained his power when he stole the from Ezlo. With the help of Ezlo and other Minish, Link reforges the Picori Blade and infuses it with the to create the. With it in hand, Link vanquishes Vaati, breaking the curse on Princess Zelda. Zelda uses the to wish Hyrule back to normal.Four Swords Main article:Vaati was presumed dead, but soon reappeared. Having no memory of his previous life as a Minish, he declared himself Wind Mage and claimed the.

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He brought terror to the land by kidnapping young maidens. A Hero appeared carrying the. He sealed the demon inside the swordwhich was then enshrined in the. Generations later, the Wind Mage breaks free and kidnaps, taking her to the., who witnessed the kidnapping, draws the and is split into four. The Links gather three keys to from the in the,. The Links defeat Vaati in his palace and rescue Princess Zelda. The Wind Mage is once again sealed in the Four Sword, which is returned to its pedestal.

Link regains his original form. Ocarina of Time Main article. Link draws the from theHyrule enters a long period of. During the war, a dying flees to the and entrusts her baby boy to the. The boy is raised as a. Eventually, the ends the war and unifies the kingdom., leader of the, appears to swear fealty to the king, but is secretly plotting to open the to obtain the.

To that end, Ganondorf curses the Great Deku Tree in an attempt to wrest from him the. With his dying breath, the Great Deku Tree sets Link and the fairy on a quest to stop Ganondorf.Link meets, who also had premonitions about Ganondorf. The two plot to open the Door of Time and get to the Triforce before Ganondorf. When Link opens the Door of Time and draws the from the, he is sealed within the for seven years.

He reawakens as the. In this time, Ganondorf had entered the Sacred Realm and seized the Triforce. However, the Triforce had split in three and Ganondorf retained only the Triforce of Power. Link gained the Triforce of Courage, and Princess Zelda the Triforce of Wisdom. Ganondorf had used his power to take control of Hyrule Castle, and the Sacred Realm was transformed into the due to his evil heart.Using the combined power of the Master Sword and the, Link and Princess Zelda seal Ganondorf in the Evil Realm. Ganondorf vows to destroy Link and Zelda's descendants when the seal is one day broken.Zelda uses the to return Link to his own time. Link places the Master Sword back in the pedestal and closes the Door of Time.

Navi, her mission complete, disappears. Timeline SplitThe timeline splits into three branches after Ocarina of Time.

The is a branch in which Ganon defeats the Hero of Time. The branch where Link defeats Ganon is itself split in two when Zelda sends Link back in time to childhood. The is the branch that follows Link back to his own time. The is the branch where the Hero of Time has disappeared from the world.

Inexplicably, the exists in both branches. In the Child Timeline, Link returns it to the Pedestal of Time.

In the Adult Timeline, Zelda does it. Fallen Hero TimelineThe Fallen Hero Timeline is an alternate timeline in which Ganondorf defeats the Hero of Time in battle. Ganondorf takes Link's Triforce of Courage and Zelda's Triforce of Wisdom, thus gaining the power of the complete Triforce. As a last resort, the Seven Sages, led by Princess Zelda, seal Ganon and the Triforce within the corrupted Sacred Realm, now the.This timeline branch contains the events of, and, and.Imprisoning War. The Seven Sages casting the seal Main article:After a brief time of peace, the doorway to the Sacred Realm re-opened.People fought each other to claim the Triforce, but none who entered the Sacred Realm returned. Instead came forth an army of Ganon's demons.The commanded the of that era to seal the gate to the Sacred Realm.

They succeeded, though the who defended them were nearly wiped out. Due to the cost of resources and lives in the fight over the Sacred Realm, the Imprisoning War left Hyrule impoverished. A Link to the Past Main article.

Following the Imprisoning War, the Era of Light and Dark began. The Kingdom of Hyrule remained at peace for many years, until the land was suddenly plagued by a series of misfortunes.

The King of Hyrule offered a reward for anyone who could put a stop to them; it was then that the dark wizard appeared. Using previously unheard-of magic, the mysterious stranger put a stop to the disasters. He was proclaimed a hero and said to be the second coming of the Seven Sages. As a reward for his services, the king appointed him chief advisor and priest at. Agahnim used this position and his magic to brainwash all of, depose the King of Hyrule, and make six of the, descendants of the Seven Sages, disappear into the. He did this in order to break the seal on Ganon, so that he could rule both the Light and Dark worlds. His last remaining victim was Zelda herself.

As the princess lay in her prison cell, she used telepathy to call out to Link, who lived near the castle with his. Link, inLink awoke in the middle of the night to find his uncle leaving the house armed with a sword and shield. Despite his uncle's warnings, Link followed the telepathic call to the castle dungeon, where he found his uncle dying.

With his last breath, Link's uncle bequeathed him the sword and shield, and told Link that he was the heir to the Knights of Hyrule. Link stormed the castle and rescued Zelda, leaving her in the care of the priest at the. The priest told Link to seek out, the elder of.Sahasrahla told Link to seek out the three in order to discover the hidden deep within the Lost Woods. Link found these pendants in the,. Once he had obtained the legendary blade, however, Agahnim's forces attacked the Sanctuary and kidnapped Zelda.

Link ventured into Hyrule Castle once again, only to see Agahnim send Zelda into the Dark World before his very eyes. Link defeated Agahnim atop Hyrule Castle, but Agahnim used the last of his magic to draw Link into the Dark World as well. This was a twisted dimension that transformed anyone into a reflection of their true selves. Link's dark world form was a pink rabbit. He was only able to remain in his human form with the help of the.Once trapped in the Dark World, Link could use the to travel back and forth between worlds and rescue the maidens who were trapped in the Dark World palaces. During his adventures, Link learned that Agahnim was merely Ganon's pawn. He climbed Ganon's Tower and met Agahnim at the top.

Link defeated Agahnim once more, but then saw Ganon rise out of Agahnim's crumpled body. Agahnim was in fact Ganon's alter ego. Ganon then fled to the in the center of the Dark World, with Link in hot pursuit. They faced off in one final battle, with Link emerging victorious. Following Ganon's defeat, he found the Triforce within the Pyramid of Power, whereupon it spoke to him.

He touched it, and his wish restored Hyrule to peace. The king and Link's uncle returned to life, and Link entrusted the Triforce to the Royal Family. A Hero's Adventure within a Fleeting Dream Main article.

Link's adventures on KoholintAfter defeating Ganon, Link embarked on a journey of training in preparation for new disasters. On his sea voyage back to Hyrule, Link ran into a terrible storm. The waves and winds overpowered his boat and sunk it.

Link awoke, washed ashore on an island known as. He was rescued by, a young woman who bore a striking resemblance to Princess Zelda. Upon his attempts to leave the island, its inhabitants insisted that there was nothing beyond the sea. He learned that the only way to get off the island was to collect the and wake the who slept in an egg atop.After traveling all over the island and obtaining the instruments, Link journeyed to the top of the mountain and played the and fought the. Upon the Nightmare's defeat, it revealed that if the Wind Fish were to awake, the island would disappear, as it was just a dream of the Wind Fish.Once Link had defeated the Nightmare and awakened the Wind Fish, he awoke clinging to the driftwood of his ship, adrift on the open seas. The Trial of the TriforceAfter the defeat of Ganon, his surrogate mothers, the witches, plotted to revive him. For this ritual, they required three flames to be lit: The Flame of Destruction, the Flame of Sorrow, and the Flame of Despair, and follow these with a human sacrifice.

In order to obtain these flames, the witches sent their minions:, General of Darkness, to; and, Sorceress of Shadows, to.One day, when Link, who saved the land of Hyrule, visited Hyrule Castle, the Triforce beckoned him into its chamber. Once he placed his hands on the Triforce, it transported him to the distant land of Holodrum, where a new adventure began.The Adventure in Holodrum Main article. Upon awakening in Holodrum, Link met with a group of traveling performers who were watching after a dancer named. Link danced with Din, but suddenly a whirlwind appeared and snatched Din away. Din was actually the Oracle of Seasons, and her capture by Onox meant that the seasons in the land of Holodrum were thrown into chaos.

The only way to restore balance to the seasons was to collect the eight scattered around Holodrum. Link quested for the essences, using the mythical in order to manipulate the seasons as he went.Once Link defeated Onox and rescued Din, he was magically transported to the land of Labrynna, the setting of his second trial. However, even after his death, Onox's actions caused the Flame of Destruction to be lit. Upon waking up in Labrynna, Link met, who had been attacked by monsters. He helped her by moving a block with the Triforce crest on it.

Then, both of them met, who was singing to animals.Suddenly, a shadow came out of Impa and possessed Nayru, who was actually the Oracle of Ages. It was Veran, who had used Impa's body to trick Link. Veran used Nayru's time-traveling abilities to go back in time and alter the past. Veran influenced Queen in the past to build the sinister.

Link had to use the to travel back and forth between the present and the past in order to collect the eight Essences of Time and challenge Veran atop the Black Tower. Link was able to drive Veran out of the body of Queen Ambi and defeat her, but he was too late: the Flame of Sorrow had been lit. In order to light the third and final flame, Twinrova kidnapped Princess Zelda who had arrived in Labrynna. This would complete their dark ritual and light the Flame of Despair. However, Link challenged them and killed them in battle. As a last-ditch effort to complete the sacrifice needed to revive Ganon, the witches offered their own bodies and revived the King of Darkness.

However, because the ritual was incomplete, Ganon returned as a mindless beast. Link battled Ganon and defeated him, restoring peace to Holodrum and Labrynna.His quest to stop Ganon's revival complete, Link departed Labrynna by boat. Link facing off with YugaCenturies after Ganon's defeat, the peace of Hyrule is once again shattered by the sudden appearance of a mysterious and enigmatic wizard known as.

With his cruel magic, he invades Hyrule from another world, transforming the descendants of the into paintings. Link, a young apprentice of the attempts to halt Yuga in his ambitions, but Yuga succeeds in not only acquiring all Seven Sages in the form of paintings, but as well. He retreats to his world, that of, while Link chases after him, using the power of a bracelet given to him by the mysterious peddler,.Link is too late to stop Yuga. Using his magic and that of the Seven Sages, he is able to release Ganon. Along with the Triforce of Power, Yuga and Ganon are joined as one, and using this power, Yuga desires to consume both Hyrule and Lorule. Link is protected from the beast's onslaught by, the princess of Lorule and the dark counterpart of, who urges Link to rescue the Seven Sages who have been sent to the far reaches of Lorule. With Hilda holding back Yuga and guiding Link in his quest, he succeeds in rescuing the Seven Sages and, with their power, awakens the Triforce of Courage in himself.Taking the Triforce, he rushes to challenge Yuga in, only to find Hilda waiting for him in the.

Here, she reveals the truth; it was her who sent Yuga to obtain the Seven Sages and release the Demon King. Taking the Triforce of Wisdom from Princess Zelda's portrait, she explains the history of her kingdom. Lorule once had its own Triforce, but was destroyed by her ancestors long ago to stop endless wars over its power. However, with the Triforce gone from her world, the kingdom crumbled, monsters arose and the world turned to darkness and corruption. Upon hearing of another world with its own Triforce, she sent Yuga to obtain the keys to unlocking the Triforce of Power, and manipulated Link into obtaining the Triforce of Courage.

Summoning Yuga, she demands he obtain the Triforce of Courage from Link. Yuga, using Ganon's power, unleashes his might upon the hero. Link fights valiantly however, and defeats Yuga, upon which point Hilda demands he relinquish the Triforce of Power to her.

However, Yuga disobeys his ruler, and using his magic upon her he takes her portrait and her Triforce of Wisdom into himself, becoming stronger than ever. In a desperate final battle, Link, with the aid of, finally defeats Yuga.

Upon his defeat, Hilda and Zelda are returned to normal, yet Hilda still desires the Triforce to save her doomed kingdom. At the last moment, appears and reveals himself to be Link's Lorulean counterpart and once Hilda's loyal subject, and pleads with her to let Link and Zelda return to Hyrule with their Triforce. Finally relenting after seeing the senseless fighting that had led to this was not what her ancestors wanted, she helps Link and Zelda return to Hyrule with the last of the bracelet's power, through the first crack to appear between the worlds in Lorule's.Returning to their own Sacred Realm with the connection between worlds gone, Link and Zelda find the once again whole.

It awaits for Link to make a wish upon it, and with his wish, Lorule's Triforce is restored to its former glory, and a new, brighter age dawns upon both Lorule and Hyrule.Tri Force Heroes. This section of the page is incomplete. You can help Zelda Wiki by.Main article:Several years after the events of A Link Between Worlds, Link leaves the kingdom of Hyrule and ventures to the kingdom of. In order to hide his identity as a hero, Link dresses in the casual. Despite this, he is recognized for bearing the traits of a hero in Hytopia: namely pointy ears and sideburns.

Because of this, he is recruited by the Witch-Hunting Brigade to help defeat the evil witch, who has cursed Hytopia's into wearing an irremovable, brown jumpsuit.The Tragedy of Princess Zelda. Princess Zelda I in her eternal sleepFollowing the recovery of the Triforce in A Link Between Worlds, Hyrule entered a Golden Era, in which great and wise governed the land with the strength of the united Triforce at their command. During this period the kingdom of Hyrule expanded and flourished. When the last of the kings to use the Triforce anticipated his death, he hoped to find someone with the innate qualities that were fitting of a worthy possessor of the true Triforce; for if it were to fall in the wrong hands, evil would befall Hyrule.

Unfortunately, he was unable to find any such person during his lifespan. Since his own son did not fit this archetype, the King elected to split the relic into its three component parts. Upon his death, the prince, instead of receiving the entire Triforce, inherited only the Triforces of Power and Wisdom. The prince frantically searched for the remaining Triforce of Courage, but in vain. Then, a came to the prince and told him that his younger sister, Zelda, knew the location of the mystical object. The prince demanded that Zelda turn the information over to him, but Zelda refused and, in a rage, the wizard put Zelda into an eternal sleep, himself dying in the process. Overcome with grief, the prince sealed his sleeping sister in the and ordered that all female descendants of the Hylian monarchy were to be named Zelda.

As Zelda was the only one who knew the location of the Triforce of Courage, the relic was lost and the royal family was no longer able to rule using the power of the unified Triforce. No one worthy of using the Triforce appeared and the kingdom was divided and reduced in size, thus marking the Era of Decline. Evil Creeps In Main article. Link looking out over HyruleMany years later, an evil army attacked the little kingdom of Hyrule and stole the. This army was led by the Demon King Ganon, who once again had been revived and sought to plunge the World into fear and darkness under his rule.

Fearing his wicked rule, Zelda, the princess of this kingdom, split the into eight fragments and hid them throughout the realm. At the same time, she commanded her most trustworthy nursemaid, Impa, to secretly escape into the land and go find a man with enough courage to destroy the evil Ganon.Braving forests and mountains, Impa fled for her life from her pursuers. As she reached the very limit of her energy she found herself surrounded by Ganon's evil henchmen, until a young lad appeared who skillfully drove off Ganon's henchmen. Hearing Impa's story, this young traveler, named Link, set out to recover the eight pieces of the Triforce of Wisdom. After doing so, he fought his way to Ganon's lair in. Link fought and destroyed the King of Evil, recovered the Triforce of Power and saved Princess Zelda.

Link showing the mark of the Triforce to ImpaAlthough Link had defeated Ganon, his underlings remained. Waiting for the return of their master, they continued to cause chaos and disorder in Hyrule. The key to Ganon's resurrection was the blood of Link—the valiant lad that overthrew the King of Evil. The Demon King would be revived by sacrificing Link and sprinkling his blood on the ashes of Ganon.Meanwhile, Link remained in the little kingdom of Hyrule and lent his hand to its restoration. One day, a strange mark resembling the crest of the kingdom appeared on the back of Link's hand as he approached his 16th birthday. Link went to Impa, Princess Zelda's nursemaid, who was shocked when she saw the birthmark.

She took Link to the North Castle and told him of the tragedy of the Princess Zelda of old. In order to revive the eternally sleeping Princess, Impa entrusted to Link six and a scroll so he could reunite the Triforce.

The scroll revealed the location of the long-lost Triforce of Courage, which was hidden in the in the. Link set out for the six palaces to defeat their Guardian Deities and, using each of the six crystals, dispelled the barrier around the Great Palace. After defeating the final Guardian, and, Link retrieved the Triforce of Courage and awoke Princess Zelda from her sleep.With the Triforce reunited for the first time since Zelda was put to sleep, the revival of Ganon was prevented and peace finally returned to the Kingdom of Hyrule. Link warns Zelda about GanondorfThe Child Link Timeline, or simply Child Timeline or Child Era, is the branch of the timeline that follows Link back in time at the end of Ocarina of Time. The young hero warns the of Ganondorf's treachery, thus averting his rise to power and thwarting him from the start. Link leaves Hyrule on to search for. Years later, Ganondorf is sealed within the.This timeline contains the events of, and.Majora's Mask Main article:Several months into his search for Navi, Link becomes lost in a mysterious forest.

He encounters the wearing. Skull Kid steals Link's horse. Link chases after him into the parellel world of.The Skull Kid, corruped by Majora's Mask, aims to destroy Termina by bringing the down upon it. Link has only three days to stop the, but he is able to return to the by playing the.

He ventures to the four outer regions of Termina, using to free the. On the, the Four Giants hold up the Moon. Link thwarts, the demon inhabiting the mask.The Hero of Time leaves Termina to continue his search for Navi, and is not again seen alive.

Upon his death, he becomes the. Ganondorf survives his execution due to the Main article:Several years after Ocarina of Time, Ganondorf is sentenced to death. The attempt to carry out the execution but Ganondorf survives, blessed with the by the gods. Instead, the Sages use the to banish Ganondorf to the, which had become inhabited by the, descendants of the.Twilight PrincessIn the Twilight Era, Ganon appears before, a disgruntled servant of the Twili royal family. Ganon grants Zant his power, which he uses to usurp, the Twilight Princess. Midna flees to the.

Zant invades with an army of, who steal the light from the, bringing to Hyrule. Is held captive in.In Hyrule, Midna encounters, a ranch hand from. Link had been in pursuit of who had kidnapped the children of the village.

When he entered the Twilight, he was transformed into a by the power of the, which he had inherited from his ancestor, the. Together Link and Midna restore light to Hyrule. In so doing, Link regains his original form.

To defeat Zant, they gather the pieces of the, which holds the dark power of the Interlopers. During their quest, Link receives sword training from the.Zant curses Link back into wolf form with the, steals the completed Fused Shadow from Midna and injures her fatally. Link takes Midna to Princess Zelda, who pours her spirit into Midna to save her life. Link and Midna seek out the in the where the once stood.

The sword dispels the curse on Link. Link and Midna gather the shards of the Mirror of Twilight, which Zant had broken. Link defeats the usurper in battle. Midna takes back the Fused Shadow and kills Zant with it. The duo returns to Hyrule Castle where they save Zelda from a resurrected Ganondorf. Link kills Ganondorf with the Master Sword.

With his last breath, Ganondorf vows that one of his blood will succeed him.Midna returns to the Twilight Realm. She shatters the Mirror of Twilight, severing the link between the two worlds. The Era of Shadow Main article. The four Links battle evil soldiers.Hundreds of years after Ganondorf's death, the people of Hyrule had reconciled with Ganondorf's tribe, the, and it seemed for a while that peace would prevail in the land. However, a new Ganondorf was born to the Gerudo tribe who was the reincarnation of the King of Darkness that was defeated by the, and violated their taboo on the Ancient. He stole the from the pyramid and then stole the from the.

The mirror served as a prison for a dark tribe that, long ago, invaded the kingdom. It had the ability to reflect the evil heart of its bearer, giving birth to demonic creatures.Ganondorf schemed to release the ancient sorcerer Vaati from his prison within the Four Sword, and created a dark copy of Link, with the Mirror.

The clouds of darkness covering the land made Zelda uneasy, so she gathered the six shrine maidens to renew the seal upon Vaati. At that moment, Shadow Link appeared and scattered the maidens with his powers.

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Link drew the sword from its pedestal, splitting into four just as in ancient times. However, this released Vaati from his prison to cause chaos. Ganon used Shadow Link to tear open rifts to the Dark World, pulling the four into his sway and transforming them into.The four Links journeyed throughout Hyrule to rescue the Shrine Maidens, and learned that Ganon was the mastermind behind the darkness plaguing Hyrule.

They obtained the four jewels from the Knights, and made their way to the, where they battled Vaati and Ganon himself, destroying Vaati and sealing Ganon inside the Four Sword forevermore. Adult Link TimelineThe Adult Link Timeline, or simply Adult Timeline or Adult Era, is the branch of the timeline in which Link has disappeared from Hyrule after being sent back in time at the end of Ocarina of Time. In this timeline, Ganondorf is sealed within the void of the along with the Triforce of Power. The Triforce of Wisdom remains in Zelda's possession. When Link goes back in time, the Triforce of Courage is left behind, shattered into eight shards scattered across Hyrule.

Zelda returns the to the.This timeline contains the events of, and.Hyrule Submerged Main article. The people of Hyrule plead to the gods as Ganon casts the land in darkness once againAges passed and the Hero of Time faded to legend.

During the Era without a Hero, the seal of the Seven Sages broke. Ganon escaped from the Sacred Realm and used the Triforce of Power to bring darkness to Hyrule. When no hero appeared, King and his people pleaded to the gods for deliverance.The gods responded by bringing forth a deluge that would seal away all of Hyrule and Ganon with it. The gods chose those who would build a new world and commanded them to take refuge on the mountaintops, which became the islands of the new world known as the. The was split in two: one part remained with King Daphnes beneath the waves, the other with his daughter the princess, who ascended to the new world. The Triforce fragment passed on to her namesakes, from daughter to daughter.

Beneath the waves, Hyrule remained frozen in time. The Wind Waker Main article:Hundreds of years later, during the Era of the Great Sea, Ganondorf escapes to the surface world. Seeking to regain the Triforce of Wisdom, he commands the to kidnap young girls, in the hopes of capturing Zelda. The Helmaroc King kidnaps, 's sister. Link, a resident of unrelated to the Hero of Time, sets out to rescue her.

He is guided by the, a boat sent forth by the gods.Link proves his worth as a hero by gathering the and completing the. A way opens to beneath the waves. Link draws the from a pedestal within. With the help of and her, Link rescues his sister.

However, he is unable to defeat Ganondorf. The Master Sword had lost the power to repel evil when Ganondorf killed the sages of Earth and Wind.

Link and Tetra escape Ganondorf's grasp and return to Hyrule, where reveals himself to be the King of Red Lions. He mends the Triforce of Wisdom—Tetra carries the other piece.

She awakens as.Link restores the power to repel evil to the Master Sword. He gathers the shards of the to re-open the way to Hyrule. Upon returning to Hyrule, he discovers Zelda has been kidnapped by Ganondorf and taken atop. When Link purses them to the top of the tower, the full Triforce is reunited.

Before Ganondorf is able to touch the Triforce and make his wish, Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule steps in and wishes for Hyrule to be washed away forever. Together, Link and Zelda defeat Ganondorf. They return to the surface, but Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule stays behind and vanishes along with his kingdom.

Above the waves, Zelda becomes Tetra once again. Link and Tetra set sail in search of a new continent.Phantom Hourglass Main article:During the Era of the Great Voyage, Link and Tetra happen upon the. To investigate a rumor about disappearing ships in the area, Tetra boards the and is taken away by it. Link falls into the ocean trying to rescue her and washes up on. There he meets the fairy and her so-called grandfather.Link teams up with Ciela and steamboat captain to find the Ghost Ship.

He obtains clues from the, which he navigates using the. Link finds the ship after rescuing the Spirits of Power, Wisdom, and Courage (, and as it turns out, ). On the ship, Link finds Tetra turned to stone—her had been drained by a malevolent creature named. To defeat Bellum, Link searches the seas for three to forge the. Oshus reveals himself to be the and fuses the into the Phantom Sword.Phantom Sword in hand, Link defeats and frees Tetra.

The Ocean King regains his true form. Link and Tetra return to their world and continue their search for a new continent. Spirit Tracks Main article.

New HyruleLink and Tetra's pirate crew eventually discovered a new continent. Spanned the land, at the center of which stood the. These were created by the to bind the Demon King. Tetra christened the land. Thus began the Era of Hyrule's Rebirth.One hundred years later, the Spirit Tracks begin to disappear. Link, a, and Princess Zelda, Tetra's descendant, head to the Tower of Spirits to investigate.

Their train is derailed. Chancellor Cole, advisor to Princess Zelda, reveals himself to be a demon who aims to revive Malladus. Byrne, Cole's ally, separates Zelda's spirit from her body. Her body is carried off to the top of the Spirit Tower, to be used as a vessel for Malladus.

The Spirit Tower is fragmented into floating pieces.Link and Princess Zelda's ghost travel to four temples to restore the Spirit Tracks and the Tower of Spirits. They climb to the top of the tower, but are too late to stop Malladus from possessing Zelda's body. They pursue Malladus into the. Together, they defeat Malladus and Cole using the and the. Zelda regains her body and peace returns to Hyrule. Their protection no longer needed, the Lokomo return to the heavens. Great CalamityAfter a branch of time reaches its end, there is an era in which the events of Hyrule's early history have become generic myths of Ganon's endless cycle of revival and defeat.

The holder of the two orbs will be granted immense power and immortality, so make sure you select and utilize your forces wisely.The 90's (especially the first half) were a very interesting time for gamers. Take a look at today's releases and you can almost always smack on a 90's title that inspired them.Some of these old classics are left to gather dust, however, because they were part of a fad: a niche genre which never survived the 90's. Dark legions remake. As the holder of one of the orbs, you must combat your opponent - the holder of the second power orb - until one of you loses his orb, and the other prevails. Genres were created and matured, colorful universes were invented and many of our games today are heavily influenced by the classics from that era.

It is impossible to tell which myths are historical fact and which are mere fairy tale. It is a fact though, that Calamity Ganon was revived and sealed ten thousand years ago, and that he also revived one hundred years ago. Which timeline the events regarding Calamity Ganon take place in is up to the player's interpretation.

Revival of Calamity GanonThe technology of the Sheikah develops to become highly advanced, and they build the and in preperation for the re-emergence of the ancient evil of Ganon. Thanks to their technology, civilisation flourishes. Unfortunately, just as was feared, Ganon re-emerges as. However, with the aid of the Guardians and the Divine Beasts, Princess Zelda and the hero Link were able to defeat Calamity Ganon and seal him away. In spite of this, the King of Hyrule becomes paranoid of a possible betrayal by the advanced Sheikah, and so begins to banish and subdue them. From his orders, the Divine Beasts are buried deep in the ground in various locations across Hyrule.

The banished Sheikah eventually divide into two seperate factions of peaceful and militant Sheikah, and the militant faction become the.Signs of the Calamity RevivingAbout 10,000 years later a new Princess is born and named Zelda in line with tradition. Around this same time, a prophecy warned of the return of Calamity Ganon.

About The BookIsmet Prcic’s brilliant and provocative debut novel is about a young Bosnian, also named Ismet Prcic, who has fled his war-torn homeland and is now struggling to reconcile his past with his present life in California. He is advised that in order to move forward he must “write everything.” The result is a great rattle bag of memories, confessions, and fictions: sweetly humorous recollections of Ismet’s childhood in Tuzla appear alongside anguished letters to his mother about the challenges of life in this new world. And as Ismet’s foothold in the present falls away, his writings are further complicated by stories from the point of view of another young man—real or imagined—named Mustafa, who joined a troop of elite soldiers and stayed in Bosnia to fight. When Mustafa’s story begins to overshadow Ismet’s New World identity, the reader is charged with piecing together the fragments of a life that has become eerily unrecognizable, even to the one living it.Shards is a thrilling read—a harrowing war story, a stunningly original coming-of-age novel, and a heartbreaking saga of a splintered family. Remarkable for its propulsive energy and stylistic daring, Shards marks the debut of a gloriously gifted writer.

Pushes against convention, logic, chronology. Ambitious and deep. Prcic succeeds at writing an unsettling and powerful novel.” —Dana Spiotta, New York Times Book Review“Irresistible. Fierce, funny, and real.” —Teresa Budasi, Chicago Sun-Times“So gripping and shaking that there will be no casual readers of this book.” —Y. Fing, Washington Independent Review of Books“Fierce, funny and real, it also says much about war, exile, guilt and fear.” —Hedy Weiss, Chicago Sun Times. With verbal glee, Prcic serves up a darkly comic vision of the terrors and misunderstandings of immigration. Tight, glorious little tales-within-tales abound, rattled off with a quick, artless naturalism.

The writing is packed with one original metaphor after another, language that’s almost drunk with colorful, startling images. Brimming with scraps of memory, regrets, and rationalizations, Shards leaves an indelible scar on the reader’s imagination. Prcic has pieced together a young man’s story from the torn and exploded remains of his former life, and the sheer power of his language leaves the reader shaken.” —Nick DiMartino, Shelf Awareness“Powerful, gorgeous writing—complicated without a hint of intellectual grandstanding. This novel is a difficult treasure.” —Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association Awards Committe“A brilliant debut that manages to be both experimental and emotionally resonant. Comparisons to that other Bosnian-American writer, Aleksandar Hemon, will be unavoidable, but Prcic’s work is completely and wholly his own. Shards will come to be seen as the definitive novel of the Bosnian war and its resultant diaspora.” —Philipp Meyer, author of American Rust“The reason this novel is so good, hard, beautiful, and disturbing is that there is more than one Ismet delivering the many sharp pieces. Shards feels like a primary document torn from life by a powerful new talent.” —Ron Carlson, author of The Signal and Five Skies“Prcic captures the insanity of war and its unceasing aftermath.” — Publishers Weekly“This novel moves at light speed, with shattering immediacy, through the parallel universe lives of two young Bosnian men—who may, in fact, be one person.

Like fear, it will make you open your ears.” —Rae Armantrout, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Versed“Brutally vivid. Shards rings true.” —Emily Harris, The Oregonian“Experimental and brutal and heart-wrenching. You just give in to it, as you do when reading someone like Faulkner. What makes Shards so compelling is, first of all, the language. Which has an almost ferocious beauty.

Secondly, and as important, is the organization of the book, which gives it a sense of urgency. Ismet’s confusion is so vivid that it becomes ours, making us participants in this story. To have had such a life when you are so young is hard to convey without becoming sentimental or pathetic, yet Prcic has done it brilliantly.” —Roberta Silman, The Arts Fuse blog“Innovative in form and startling in its storytelling, Shards is a brilliant debut novel from Ismet Prcic.” —Largehearted Boy blog“A playful but heartfelt debut. Brightly detailed. Prcic is a spirited, soulful talent.” — Kirkus Reviews“Ismet Prcic has taken apart the complexities of war, love, family and home and scattered them across a novel that is as heartbreaking as it is beautiful. Shards is an original work of art, brutal and honest, and absolutely unforgettable.” —Dinaw Mengestu, author of How to Read the Air“A passionate heart beats in these pages devoted to the reassembling of a life sundered by war.

Ismet Prcic’s debut novel Shards is an outsized, outrageous, outstanding performance.” —Christine Schutt, author of All Souls“Ismet Prcic’s prose is a gleaming pinball kept in inexhaustible play, kinetically suspended in time and space, endlessly flung away from its inevitable ending, colliding with memory and invention. This is writing fed by skill, inertia, horror, and sorrow, a survivor’s story of triumph and guilt. Yet Prcic’s sensibility is at once brutally and tenderly comic. Humanity seems to run deepest among those who have survived its near-absence in the world.” —Brad Watson, author of The Heaven of Mercury and Aliens in the Prime of their Lives“A heartbreaking, rude, surprisingly compassionate, and still violent story about a Bosnian refuge who is trying to make sense of his new life in southern California. You’re not going to find many sentences in any book, anywhere, like the sentences you find here. Prcic makes use of preposterous and somehow dead-on analogies and allusions, profanities and profundities. He celebrates the hieroglyphs of punctuational tics, smears words, elevates typefaces, deploys footnotes, diary entries, memoirisms, blasphemy, theater, treachery, vulgarisms, and it works.

This book cannot be explained. It is to be experienced. Sentence by sentence, scene by scene.” —Beth Kephart (blog)“Compelling, sensual detail.

Prcic’s prose is effective both at delineating the psychological nuances of his characters, and the sometimes-dodgy circumstances of the outside world. There is a strain of dark humor running throughout, and an elastic joy in storytelling and linguistic expression that prevents this from being a simple recitation of atrocities and pain. Well-written and thought-provoking.

The story it tells is as unique and individual as the author who penned it.” —David Maine, PopMatters“The experience of reading Shards—the deliberate disorientation, the layering and morphing of events that characterize the book—reveals in a more visceral way what it might be like to live always with a full awareness of the tenuousness of civil society, of the terrible precariousness of calm.” —Margaux Wexberg Sanchez, St. Louis Beacon. ExcerptIn wartime, when his country needed him the most—his shooting finger for defending, his body for a shield, his sanity and humanity as a sacrifice for future generations, his blood for fertilization of its soil—in these, most pressing times, Mustafa’s special forces combat training lasted twelve days. He ran the obstacle course exactly twenty-four times, he threw fake hand grenades through a truck tire from various distances exactly six times, he practiced marksmanship with an air rifle so that bullets were not wasted, he got covered with blankets and beaten by his peers for talking in his sleep at least once.

He did countless push-ups and sit-ups, chin-ups and squats, lunges and curls, mindless repetitions designed not to make him fit but to break him, so that when he did break, the drill sergeant could instruct him in the ways of military hierarchy and make him an effective combatant, one who was too scared to not follow orders and who would fucking die when he was told to fucking die.The knife guy taught him where to stick the knife for what effect and he stabbed hanging sacks of sand with people drawn on them. The mine guy showed him how to set up antivehicle mines and pointed out all their deadly charms. The army doctor took a swig of plum brandy and told him that war was a giant piece of shit and that he, Mustafa, was a chunk of corn in that shit and then warned him not to come to his office again until he had a gut wound so big he could canoe right through it. That was about it. Reading Group Guide1. The author begins the book with two epigraphs: an excerpt from Hamlet, in which the hero gives advice to the players, and lines from a poem by Iraqi writer Saadi Youssef. How do both epigraphs speak to the themes of the book?

Might they be taken together as the author’s statement of purpose? Are there similarities between Ismet’s and Hamlet’s preoccupations? And perhaps also Asmir’s, who quotes from Hamlet’s advice to the players (p. Where else in the book does the image of shards recur?2. Shards plays with the conventions of both the novel and memoir, with Ismet acting as the novel’s hero as well as the author of the memoir within it. How is this layering of fiction and nonfiction elements essential to the larger story? Ismet writes in his diary that as he was working on his memoir “things—little fictions—started to sneak in.

I agonized over them, tried to eradicate them from the manuscript, but it made the narrative somehow less true” (p. How might these inventions make his story more true?