Oct 04, 2018  Each soldier is unique in Valkyria Chronicles 4, and if you use specific soldiers enough, you can unlock bonus chapters with short playable stories.There are many “Squad Stories” to unlock. Valkyria Chronicles 4 (戦場のヴァルキュリア4 Valkyria Chronicles 4: Eastern Front) is the fourth game in.

Well she killed him because at the time I believe they were still under orders to detonate the A2 bomb in the city, and the ceasefire hadn't been called yet. It's also sort of her penance for leaking details of the mission in the first place, causing essentially 2 ships and their crew to be killed off.But the difference between Kai and Leena, was that Kai turned traitor and sacrificed many people in order to get to Angie, and doesn't feel a thing for any of them because his goal was Angie and Angie alone. However, Leena is just trying to end the war as fast as possible because many people had died and their home country had been invaded.Plus, none of the squad really like the 'Blow up Angie' plan after they reveal that Angie is the bomb.

Ending the war quickly, especially after the stuff they went through, is what motivates the squad to put that aside, and go along with the plan. Even with the ceasefire called, the Federation still wants the A2 bomb to go off, if you read Claude's profile afterwards, it says he's punished for not pulling the lever after the ceasefire had been called. No one is really on board with the plan, but because they don't call the shots, they have no choice but to go along with it.

Originally posted by:Forseti was totally harmless at that time, and injured in addition, a good punch would have done the job. His death was totally abused.They are all soldiers, they have all sacrificed people to get there.And what I find relatively frustrating is that in the end, because of this ceasefire that comes out of nowhere, they do what forseti wanted.I find this really anticlimactic, It kinda ruined the end for me.Oh yeah, absolutely there was 100% no need to shoot the guy.

But in the heat of the moment the gun is kinda there, and your finger is just coincidentally near the trigger. He's also manipulated you into essentially killing off thousands of people for whatever goal he's had in mind, and you technically want revenge to put youself at ease so.yeah. Easy way out I suppose.I agree with you on that last part.

While the Federation is no patron saint, the Empire aren't the nicest of folks. I honestly wanted Claude to pull the lever after the ceasefire had been called, and the game would've been like, a chapter shorter. Plus, I guess Kai lives with Angie cause that's her own way to honor her brother. He may have manipulated her, and killed off a lot of people, but supposedly he did still love her.

In.some twisted way? At least, that's what Klaus said.

Well the whole A2 plan will goes up to smoke if Forseti opened the chamber where Angie at, but i think at that point they arent in the right mind, plus Forseti just indirectly killed Raz and send a little exploding girl to blow up Claude. Kai/Leena was blinded by revenge, you could also see from what she said before the mission started. Sure Forseti screamed in regret and all when Raz died, but if you read the notebook you could also realise It is too late to return at that point of time, and he is already twisted by war.Maybe she could have waited it out, but then again Empire ceasefire was also due to the death of Forseti (I doubt its the presence of Centurion in the capital itself). Since Empire's last plan of action was to disable A2 bomb. But with the dead of Forseti, their final plan goes up to smoke.As for A2 bomb. Even the news article actually criticised Claude for now blowing the A2 bomb, the news actually said that Empire would have been better wiped out.

And the Federation actually discharged and fired Claude for not using A2 bomb, even though he sacrificed so much.At that point Claude, Minerva and everyone else is already blinded by revenge, and the 'too far to back out now' or 'everyone sacrificed' for this. If not for Raz's last word, i think empire would have been nuked.War turn people mad, which is tragic. Originally posted by:I agree with you on that last part. While the Federation is no patron saint, the Empire aren't the nicest of folks. I honestly wanted Claude to pull the lever after the ceasefire had been called, and the game would've been like, a chapter shorter. That ceasefire ruined the game for me.

I kept hoping during that scene that Riley would go alongside Claude and put her hand over his to jointly pull the lever. When I realized it wasn't going to happen I was disappointed. Than the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ devs came along and made me get a feeling of hope in the Minerva cutscence. I was like YES, she is going to pull it unlike scardyClause, but again harsh disappointment.If you read the post game news report you can see that most of the citizens of the Federation were mad about the ceasefire as well since they believed they were fighting to dismantle the Empire so that it could never commit another crime and by making a white peace it was all for nothing.As for Forsetis death, I was glad.

He was twisted so much he tried to paint Kai as being the bad person. I believe she thought much like Riley and the others did (when they run into him on the resupply mission) that he was still fighting for the Federation to win the war. So when she gave the course heading of the fleet over the radio it wasn't the you betrayed them all as a twisted bad guy thing Forseti tried to paint it. In the end still trying to manipulate Kai by twisting that he got what was coming.

The whole story doesn't make much sense. Especially considering that, except for male Kai, all the times characters screw up there are NO consequences for them.Leena's high treason that gets hundreds killed (the first ship that blows up) has absolutely no consequences for her and is basically resolved by a hug.Raz constantly endangers his whole squad because he's too stupid to follow orders - no consequences as well.And here I thought that the game revolves around a military unit which requires something like discipline. I guess I was wrong.This writing is just plain stupid and infuriating.

Korey homes bankruptcies. Analyzing it to make some sense will just frustrate you.

Valkyria Chronicles 4 Romance

Contents Profile AppearanceShe has fair skin and long flowing blonde hair. Her summer uniform consist of a personal sweater that she wears underneath her standard federation blouse. She's the only one in the squad that wears a skirt in the field, with her citing it as her personal preference. She also said that the uniform was of her own design. After arriving on the Centurion, she still retains her personal light blue sweater but swaps her blouse with a heavy jacket. She still keeps the skirt on though she often ponders why she wears it during cold-weather operations.PersonalityRiley is prideful and has great confidence in herself, and is positive and cheerful, and ambitious in that she pushes forward without fear of failure.Biography Edinburgh army second lieutenant, age 21. Squad E grenadier.

From the city of Hafen in Gallia. She seems to share some painful history with Claude. Brilliant, chipper, and prideful.

She gets along well with kids, and she enjoys research and inventing—though her experiments can get a bit volatile. She resented Claude for a long time for his choices as a child.

However, now that she sees how much he's changed, her bitterness is fading. Partly out of vengeance, she spent time in Vinland refining ragnite technology for use against the Empire. Now, she questions those choices.

Cradle of empires - forum. Despite her grave injuries, she manages to recover and return to Hafen. Claude proposes at the Starchild Festival, and she accepts with a quiet nod.Story Pre-EWIIRiley grew up in the city of with,. Her family was killed in the that was attributed to the Empire, and while Riley survived she remained traumatized by fire. The death of her family also created a rift between Riley and Claude, who had stopped her from trying to save her. Claude's cowardice became a subject of Riley's derision.She left Hafen to study abroad, and to carry on her father's ragnite research in the hope of one day revenge upon the Empire. Her Ragnite engineering talent enabled her to skip a grade and advance to university in the United States of Vinland. Her compressed ragnite launching mechanism greatly contributed towards the development of, allowing a single person to use a weapon which used to require several people.When the broke out, she left the United States and joined the army, where she became reunited with the childhood friends she hasn't contacted for 10 years.Involvement in EWII.

This section is empty. You can help by adding to it. After-EWIIIn the true ending, Despite her grave injuries, she manages to recover and return to Hafen. Claude proposes at the Starchild Festival, and she accepts with a quiet nod. She now managed to rebuild and runs, the Miller Company along with Claude.GameplayFor information regarding Riley's stats, potentials and overall gameplay, please refer to:.QuotesFor information regarding Riley's quotes, please refer to:.GalleryFor information regarding Riley's images, please refer to:.TriviaRiley happens to be a skilled seamstress, making two custom uniforms for herself through the course of and; this was because she was technically a science officer/civilian contractor temporarily assigned to. Assuming her outfits give the same amount of protection from the elements as would a standard uniform, this implies she either managed to make effective cold-weather, polar-suitable outfits from scratch or she understanding sewing and the principles of thermodynamics so well that she can alter winter clothing without compromising their effectiveness.External Links.References.