Not the best idea .. A stuntman is consumed by flames as he desperately holds on to the car driving through flames. Picture: Fox SportsSource:Supplied

WHILE extreme stunts are fascinating — both to watch and try — they are more often than not dangerous.

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We have compiled a list of stunts that seemed like a good idea, but that, in the end, just went horribly wrong.

1. The “miracle” fall

While performing in Moscow, Russia, popular trapeze artist Kseniya Elkina, 21, fell 10 metres

while performing with partner Sergey Volkov, losing consciousness for some time.

It turned out that she had not tightened her safety harness properly.

Although terrified audience members thought she had either broken her spine or worse, five days after her fall, doctors think she will make a full recovery after suffering only from one crushed bone in her spine.

She is expected to remain in hospital for two weeks.

Kseniya Elkina was extremely luck to survive a 10m fall during a trapeze routine at the Idol 2015 festival in Moscow, Russia. Courtesy Life News

2. Buried alive - what could go wrong?

Daredevil and “escapologist” Anthony Britton decided to try being buried 2 metres under soil as part of a charity event titled Buried Alive in the UK.

Let the Challenge commence Saturday 5th

— Antony Britton (@AntonyBritton) September 3, 2015

However, after failing to resurface after nine minutes underground, a rescue crew intervened and dug him up with an oxygen mask in tow.

He was also treated for a cracked rib.

“I almost died,” Britton said afterwards.

“I was just seconds away from death. It was scary. The pressure of the soil was crushing around me.”

He credited his survival to an erroneous air pocket.

“[But] when I exhaled, the soil around me was crushing me even more. I could feel myself losing consciousness and there was nothing I could do. I was pretty much dying.”

3. Dean Potter’s extreme jump

Extreme American climber and base jumper Dean Potter, 43, known for stunts such as walking barefoot on a rope connected between two mountain peaks in Enshi, Hubei province in China, took it a step too far earlier this year when he and fellow extreme athlete Graham Hunt, 29, decided to jump off a cliff in Yosemite National Park.

Despite wearing wingsuits designed to help them fly clear of an outcrop on the cliff face, the pair failed to get past it, and tragically plunged to their death jumping from a spot 915 metres above the valley floor.

In 2008, Potter told The New York Times that while a part of him thought it was crazy for a person to attempt to fly, “another part of me thinks all of us had the dream that we can fly. Why not chase after it?”

2. The “Death Swing” at Hanging Rock

Only a week ago, Aussie daredevil Toby Benham, 32, known as Lucky Chance, fatally smashed into jagged rocks at Hanging Rock, Blackheath, while trying to complete a Blue Mountains clifftop stunt known as the “Death Swing”.

Hanging Rock, Blackheath .. Scene where Toby Benham, aka Lucky Chance, died. Picture: SuppliedSource:The Daily Telegraph

As a former Lennon Brothers Circus performer, he spent weeks recovering in a French hospital from another cliff jump gone wrong about four years ago, where broke his pelvis, his lung collapsed and he was in a coma.

This time, however, he wasn’t as lucky.

Hanging Rock, where Lucky Chance died, is a popular location for rope swinging.

Tragic end .. Toby Benham also known as 'Lucky Chance' who was killed after swinging from a rope attached to Hanging Rock in the Blue Mountains.Source:Facebook

3. A near-drowning

Escape artist Spencer Horsman’s public performance at the State Theater in New Jersey last night went seriously wrong after he got into massive trouble while performing his “Water Torture Cell” stunt, which includes Horsman submerging himself, wrapped in metal chains, in a see-through glass and metal box filled with water.

He and the box are hoisted into the air as he is supposed to be freeing himself.

Near death .. Magician and escape artist Spencer Horsman attempts a death-defying stunt. Picture: Alex Remnick/NJ.comSource:Supplied

However, the box had to be quickly lowered as Horsman struggled inside the water. Four men then rushed over to unlock the box and quickly dragged his limp body out. He was rushed to the hospital soon after.

Escape artist Spencer Horsman nearly drowns in stunt gone wrong in New Brunswick More

— Meg Baker (@megbakertv) September 15, 2015

4. Driving through fire

When one daredevil thought it’d be clever to lie down on the outside of a jeep and have someone drive it through a burning wall, he probably thought, what could go wrong?

Plenty. After crashing through the burning wall, the stuntman was lit on fire, he panicked, and let go of the car before he fell down on the ground and is run over by a car.

Curiously, the stuntman appears unharmed and just walks off afterwards. Hmmm.

Under the wheels .. The daredevil is shown being run over the car after the stunt goes horribly wrong. Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied

Here’s the full video, courtesy of Fox Sports:

5. The drunk trampoline bounce

Considering that most daredevil stunts are extremely dangerous, going into them drunk adds just another layer of insanity.

So when UK prankster Jordan Adlard, 26, decided to jump off a very high tree and onto a trampoline at a party while drunk, it’s a miracle he even survived.

Known as the “human cannonball”, Adlard was at his cousin’s party when he decided to leap onto a trampoline from a six metre tree.

While it’s not clear what he expected to happen, the result was pretty tragic: he bounced off and smashed into a wooden fence, breaking his back.

But wait for the kicker: he didn't actually find that out until eight days later, after he went to the hospital following a breakdancing episode which finally revealed the pain.

According to The Mirror, doctors told Adlard that he had in fact suffered a compression fracture in his spine, which would have almost certainly become permanently damaged had he waited much longer.

6. Vlogger condemned for act of ‘stupidity’

YouTuber Shah Faisal Shinwari has been widely condemned by various emergency services in the UK for a ‘prank’ video where he jumped off Tower Bridge, London, before getting into trouble while swimming to the banks of the Thames.

The stunt took place on July 16 but attracted local attention from July 23 this year when Shinwari uploaded edited footage from the day to his YouTube channel, Carnage.

Shinwari wrote: “I will be donating EVERYTHING I earn from this Tower Bridge Jump to @RNLI.”

7. Daredevil cliff-jumper escapes waves

On a visit to friends in New South Wales, this American group were brought on a cliff-jumping adventure.

Enjoying the moment, Pat decided he’d be first to take a leap into the ocean below.

But fun and games were soon swept aside as the daredevil found himself in real danger. Massive waves engulfed him and pushed him off the rocks to which he clung.

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Before he was swept away, fortunately, he managed to clamber to safety.

8. Surfer’s Wipeout on ‘World’s Heaviest Wave’

Surfer Niccolo Porcella was involved in a massive wipe-out as a huge wave came crashing down on him on Teahupo’o beach on the French Polynesian island of Tahi.

Porcella fell off his board and was picked up by the gigantic wave, churned in its barrel before being slammed down on top of his surf board.

The beach is famous of its massive waves, and daring surfers have long since attempted stunts there.

On July 22, pro surfer Jamie O’Brien lit himself on fire and rode the massive barrel at Teahupo’o.

Feeling beyond!! with a lot of FuzionFit Inc training and some heavenly angels, I escaped some serious injury on that..

Posted by Niccolo Porcella on Friday, 24 July 2015

9. The river slip

If practice does indeed make perfect, then it looks as though this adventurous guy might need to try a few more running jumps at this river.

His attempt to clear the water in just one leap appeared to be going smoothly right up until the last moment where, rather than landing on two feet on the other side, a slip backwards sent him rolling into the water behind.

Amusing, yet could have resulted in serious repercussions.

Being a daredevil comes with plenty of danger. Some stunts carry a risk of broken bones and other such injuries, while some stunts have a very good chance of killing you.

To be a daredevil, you have to accept these risks and accept that each stunt could be your last. For some, this day did eventually come.10Orvar Arnarson And Andrimar PordarsonOrvar Arnarson was an Icelandic skydiving instructor with over 1,000 jumps under his belt.

Andrimar Pordarson, while nowhere near as experienced as Arnarson, had jumped eight times himself. In 2013, the pair were part of an annual Icelandic skydiving excursion to Florida. Having already completed two jumps, they on the clear morning of March 23. They were seen jumping from the plane separately, but never returned to the ground.

Worried friends eventually called the police. It took nine hours of searching before their bodies were found in a wooded area approximately 1.5 kilometers (one mile) from where they were meant to land.The circumstances were immediately puzzling. Neither primary parachute had been deployed, and backups (designed to open automatically if the main chute failed) had not fully inflated before they hit the ground. It was not until police looked at the video from Arnarson’s helmet camera that the events took shape. The video showed Pordarson. Arnarson, noticing the less-experienced diver’s distress, heroically made the split-second decision to risk his life trying to save that of another. He made contact with Podarson mid-fall and frantically tried to free the chute.

The pair fell to their deaths, never managing to unfurl Pordarson’s parachute.9Kyle Lee StockingCanyon rope swinging, in which a person swings from a rope attached to the arch of large canyon, has gained huge popularity on YouTube in the last year. Numerous videos showing daredevils attempting to better their online competitors. In March 2013, 22-year-old Kyle Lee Stocking was to attempt his own rope swing at the Corona Arch in Moab, Utah. Stocking was clipped into a waist harness, surrounded by friends and onlookers. But as he jumped, it was quickly clear that something was wrong. Instead of swinging back and forth through the arch, he slammed straight into the floor of the canyon, dying instantly.

The group had how much rope would be needed for a successful swing. The area is famous for what is known as the World’s Biggest Rope Swing, and this the first such incident to happen at the location. 8Matt CranchScott May’s Daredevil Stunt Show had been touring the UK since 1991, performing dangerous stunts to.

In 2011, the group were performing at the Kent County Showground when stuntman Matt Cranch readied himself for his Human Cannonball act. The performance involved Cranch being placed in a hydraulic propulsion system—a large tube-like contraption mounted on the back of a truck. After signaling that he was ready, Cranch would be. While in the air, he had to turn around and land on a carefully placed safety net. But the safety net collapsed this time, leaving Cranch plummeting toward the ground. He landed, breaking his neck and suffering life-threatening head injuries.

He later died in hospital. Scott May’s show continues to perform around the UK.

7Audrey MestreFree-diving, where a diver does not use oxygen tanks or scuba gear, might not be what immediately comes to mind when you think of daredevils, but it is an incredibly dangerous sport with the potential to be as disastrous as anything performed in the sky. In 2006, French free-diver Audrey Mestre was determined to (held by her husband) by diving 171 meters (561 ft) into the depths of the ocean. She was attached to a 200-pound weight mounted on a steel cable to enable her to get to the target depth.Miraculously, Mestre made the dive, but on the way back up she lost consciousness at a depth of almost 90 meters (300 ft). Her team attempted to lift her from the water, but encountered numerous problems with the equipment they were using. Cables appeared to have, while the lift-bag intended to bring her back up was either inadequately inflated or had leaked. In total, Mestre’s dive took nine minutes, during which she had no access to oxygen. Consequently, she could not be revived and died at the scene.

A documentary titled No Limits details Mestre’s attempt at the record. 6Richard GuzmanIn the early 1970s, tightrope walker Richard Guzman performed with the world-famous. However, on the night he would lose his life, he wasn’t even the main attraction.

The performance took place in front of a crowd of 6,000 people at the open-air Wheeling Island Stadium in West Virginia. Headliner Karl Wallenda was about to finish his usual tightrope trick, having successfully navigated the treacherous journey. As he got toward the end of the rope, Guzman (who also happens to be Wallenda’s son-in-law) climbed a support and reached out to take Karl’s balancing pole, allowing him to descend steadily. Twelve years before, Guzman himself had fallen from the high wire and spent nine months in hospital, so he knew how important a safe return was.

As Guzman reached out to take the pole, he on a piece of live cable used to hold up metal rigging. The shock sent him flying to the ground, where he landed on a policeman who was attempting to catch him.

Despite being tended to almost immediately by an off-duty nurse, he later died from his injuries.5Todd GreenWing walking is a sport in which people attempt to of a biplane. The daredevils are usually attached to the plane using a support structure, which, while not making the experience completely risk-free, does add some element of safety.

Others however, prefer to do it without the safety equipment. Todd Green was one of these, even into the mix. At the 2011 Selfridge Air Show in Michigan, Green attempted to climb out of the passenger seat of a biplane and grab on to the bottom of the helicopter, which would whisk him away to safety. During the performance, Todd reached out to the helicopter but failed to grab hold, slipping off the wings of the plane. Spectators initially thought it was part of the act, not realizing that Green had fallen to his death. 4Sailendra Nath RoyIndian daredevil Sailendra Nath Roy was known for his freakishly strong hair, which he used to pull buses, trucks, and even small trains.

In 2013, Roy announced he would attempt to cross a river while suspended from a zip wire. The stunt, watched by hundreds of onlookers, was designed to outdo his own world record, held since 2011, by traveling 180 meters (590 ft). After covering approximately 90 meters (300 ft), Roy became stuck and began shouting for help. Despite the known danger involved in the stunt, it took over for the emergency services to arrive.

By the time they managed to get to Roy, he was motionless. Rushed to hospital, it was discovered that Roy had died from a massive heart attack while suspended from the wire. He had promised his worried wife that the performance would be his last. 3Pavel KashinPavel Kashin was a Russian freerunner famous for his death-defying feats and superb agility. In 2013, he was performing a stunt which would see him backflip on the edge of a in St.

His last moment was captured by a friend, on top of the roof with him, who snapped a picture mid-flip. Tragically Kashin missed the ledge on the way back down and fell to his death.

The image of his last backflip was released on to the internet by his family, who hoped it from attempting such dangerous stunts in the future. Videos of Kahin’s amazing freerunning ability can be found all over the Internet. 2Jane WickerJane Wicker was a true wing walker. She was so passionate about her calling that she even planned to get married to her fiance.

Unfortunately, her plans would never be brought to fruition. On June 22, 2013, at the Vectren Air Show, Ohio, Wicker took to the skies in front of an eager crowd with her pilot Charlie Schwenker. It would be her last performance.

Wicker’s trick involved climbing on to the wings and walking, with. However, the plane began moving erratically in the middle of the performance and almost immediately entered a barrel roll toward the earth. Schwenker apparently steered the aircraft away from onlookers. The plane hit the ground at tremendous speed, bursting into flames. Both Wicker and Schwenker were killed immediately.

1Sean CunninghamThe Red Arrows are the aerobatic team of the British Royal Air Force. A group of highly skilled pilots who perform daring aerial maneuvers in their trademark scarlet planes, they have entertained the public at air shows and special events around the world. From 1988 to 2011, there wasn’t a single fatality in the group: a remarkable accolade. Yet in 2011, two pilots died within months of each other. The first was Lt. John Egging who is thought to have due to G-forces before spiraling towards the ground.

The second was Sean Cunningham, whose death took place under much. Cunningham was not yet in the air when his accident occurred. He was readying for takeoff in his Hawk T1 on the runway at RAF Scampton, Lancashire when his ejector seat activated, firing him over 60 meters (200 ft) into the air. In a harsh twist of fate, Cunningham’s parachute failed to open, resulting in him plummeting to his death. An inquest into why the ejector seat was activated and why the parachute didn’t open found no manufacturer fault.John Sampson is an internet author who writes about anything that piques his interest.

He does not use social networking as he believes this makes him more mysterious and interesting.