In an alternate timeline, worldwide peace has finally been achieved after a total ban on nuclear weapons and research note. And airplanes. The remaining warheads are fired into space, where they collide and destroy each other.However, this peace was not to last, for a group of mysterious creatures known as 'Heaven Smiles' soon appear.

A story driven adult visual novel. Visual Novel. Killer7 is one of the most important games to ever be released in terms of actually talking about games. For decades in the west, ever since Nintendo sold games as toys, our judging of games was mainly focused on design and mechanics in terms of if something was fun or exciting to play.

Led by the enigmatic Kun Lan, they began to carry out a number of terrorist attacks across the world with no discernible purpose other than to create terror for the sake of terror.To combat this supernatural threat, the American government call on the services of the Smith Syndicate, aka the killer7. Led by the elderly and wheelchair-bound Harman Smith, a man who carries a history with Kun Lan, the killer7 are a group of specialized assassins trained to deal with high-level threats to the stability of the United States of America. And with each mission completed, they slowly draw closer to the truth behind the Heaven Smiles and Kun Lan. While this plot summary appears clear and concise, it only scratches the surface of the story of killer7.

As the Smiths keep getting called in to deal with each new threat from Kun Lan, a deep conspiracy with ties to the origins of both killer7 and the Heaven Smiles comes to light, and dozens of twists and turns follow.With that, we depart from the realm of sensibility. Killer7 can become an exceedingly confusing game, thanks to its multiple layers of metaphor and symbolism, its vignettes and non-sequiturs, and its tacked-on plot threads that don't come together until the ending—and even then you're likely to have more questions than answers. Themes of war, religion, personal conflict, and politics all weave into one gigantic, wrapping around each other like the bondage straps around. In contrast to the storyline, the developers uniquely streamlined the gameplay of Killer7: a character moves along a set of predetermined paths, so all a player can do is choose forks and turn around. When attacked, players hold down a button to switch into first-person view and aim crosshairs manually (similar to ). The Heaven Smiles remain invisible until players use another button to scan for them; as they approach, players can see an obvious glowing spot upon them, and while shooting this spot results in their instant death, players will find it difficult to do so.

Any enemy who gets in too close to the player will laugh at the player before exploding and causing damage. Most of the time — as Garcian can retrieve the severed heads of the other Smiths and revive them — but if Garcian himself dies, the game ends. The Killer7 themselves are as follows. Garcian Smith: The Cleaner. Uses a silenced pistol called ELECTROLITE. His special ability, as mentioned above, is to retrieve the dead corpses of his allies and revive them. In gameplay, he's the weakest out of all of the Personae ( ).

Dan Smith: The Hellion. Uses a magnum revolver known as HANDSOME DEVIL. His special ability is Collateral Shot, which fires a powerful destructive blast to clear obstacles and destroy Heaven Smile spawners. He's a slightly unhinged with a attitude. Notably the only member of the syndicate to have nothing but negative relations with the other Personae. In gameplay, he's, having high stopping power and reliable aim in exchange for little in the way of interesting tactics. KAEDE Smith: Barefoot.

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Uses a scoped magnum pistol called CONNECTION. Her special ability is breaking invisible barriers, and she excels at sniping from long distances. The only female member of the group, and is. In gameplay, she's the only long-distance fighter, and has difficulties fighting at close ranges. Coyote Smith: The Thief. Uses a revolver called FREAK SCENE.

His special ability is infiltration, with him being able to leap tall heights and pick locks. Coyote is aggressive and vicious, and this is reflected in gameplay, with him being about as strong as Dan but lacking in self control. He has a faster running speed, however, meaning he can back out of a sticky situation easier than Dan. Kevin Smith: Four-eyes. Uses a set of throwing knives and a larger knife for stabbing known as DEBASER. Cannot speak. Kevin can turn invisible at will, allowing him to evade enemies.

Kevin is incredibly fast in gameplay, and his subtle knives are quite fast- while he is bad in a close quarters fight, his lack of a gun means he never needs to reload, and can be quite dangerous if you're skilled. Con Smith: A blind punk with an attitude problem. Armed with two automatic pistols called DISARM. Con can run exceedingly fast for a price of thin blood, and his rapid agility combined with his automatic pistols and quick reload times make him quite dangerous in close combat. His style isn't suited for subtlety though, and as a result he is extremely bad in fights at range. MASK de Smith: The Mask.

Armed with dual grenade launchers known as DREAM ALL DAY. A mexican wrestler, MASK can use his super strength and powerful weapons to open holes in places the other Smiths cannot get through.

He can also charge his grenade launchers for powerful effect, and is quite slow. He's a through and through, though he's a soft-spoken if you can get to know him. Harman Smith: The Master, or God Killer. An enigmatic wheelchair bound man who uses a powerful anti-tank rifle known as GLIDER. Only comes out in set circumstances where his powers are needed.

Much about him is unknown.While players can practically count the polygons in the characters' faces, the game makes excellent use of shading and shadows to create a unique graphical style. Two levels also feature anime cutscenes, both done by different studios.The game was developed by, directed and written. Capcom published it on the Gamecube and Playstation 2. See also earlier Suda games and, games in the 'Kill the Past' universe that contain thematic links, as well as for a later Grasshopper game with a similar visual style and premise.On May 26 2018, Suda and Grasshopper Manufacture announced of the game to PC, with in charge of publication. This version released via in November.In the name of Harman.: Each member of the killer7 represents an inversion of one of the traditional Japanese values. Each one also has a moment where the irony disappears and they display their corresponding value.

KAEDE has various bloodstains on her dress, which signify betrayal (like the Camellia Smiles), so she represents Loyalty. She is also able to sacrifice herself for her teammates (such as with her self-harm). Dan, who kills for fun, represents Honor. Rather than, he agrees to a duel with him. Con, who is a teenage punk, represents Respect.

He is shown to have an admiration for the Handsome Men, and, he really looks up to Coyote and MASK. MASK, who has the power of a hero but still works as an assassin, represents Benevolence. Jean DePaul refers to MASK as a hero to children. Coyote, who is a thief, represents Honesty. In Cloudman, Coyote suddenly reveals some of his past on the TV without any prompting. Kevin, who can run away from battles, represents Courage.

Kevin is brave enough to have perfect aim and always pull out another knife; he also manned the front desk of the hotel in the past. Garcian, who hangs back and lets others take the leading role, represents Self-Control. At the end of the game, after other Smiths are killed, he assumes complete control of himself. Young Harman, who is brutal, represents Justice. He kills Kun Lan and the older Harman for the way they treated the rest of the cast.: The Heaven Smiles.: (warning: NSFW) basically sums up a most horrifying scenario for any parent.

Garcian: What is 'United States'? What is the purpose of the President?Matsuoka:.: Sure, what Pedro did was terrible, but Curtis's response (raping and killing Pedro's wife, murdering his son, and tossing his daughter's severed head to Pedro while going into detail about what he did to them) is overkill for anyone.: Through the form of padlocks, which have to be unlocked on the other side.: No matter which option the player takes in the game's between America or Japan, an entire people gets wiped out, and it is implied that the entire process will begin again in another century. Dan: Trying to die in style? Give me a break, you sick old man!.

Every Remnant Psyche has an ominous and conclusive speech before vanishing forever.: For some reason, the animated cutscenes in Cloudman work this way, with characters addressing the camera as if it were the killer7 (but sometimes the camera shifts, and sometimes when that happens the person doesn't look towards the camera's new angle so.who knows?). The killer7's dialogue is also unheard here too.

In one instance ('we don't get many black folk around here'), it's explicitly directed at Garcian.:. At the end of the Handsome Men fight, Garcian's counterpart Handsome Pink reveals her real identity as Love Wilcox, and explains how she wrote the story of this battle, implicitly making her the leader and not Handsome Red, Harman's counterpart.

All of this foreshadows Garcian's true identity as Emir and his position as the host personality of the Smiths, not Harman. In addition, Garcian is the one holding the anti-tank rifle Harman usually uses during the game-esque credits following the fight against the Handsome Men, once again hinting at his link to Harman. In the very first level of the game, Travis calls Garcian 'Emir'. Garcian being Emir is the big endgame plot twist.: The Heaven Smiles are viewed as causing 'terrorism for the sake of terror'.: At one point you have to match them to their directions.: In the famous Russian Roulette scene, when Keane pops out the cylinder for his revolver, if you count the amount of holes in said cylinder you can see the gun holds seven bullets, not the usual six. Nice attention to detail.: Harman and Kun Lan may be archenemies, but they're also best friends.: Handsome Pink and Handsome Light Brown display it with their. Handsome Purple, with his.: The ending of the penultimate chapter, Smile, has a very bizarre reveal about the true nature of the Smith Syndicate.

It even has the protagonist undergo a at the end. The chapter that follows clears none of it up and instead offers up an even more bizarre reveal.: The entire game, as revealed in the supplementary material, Jaco's Report. An FBI agent who lost his family to the Heaven Smiles uses a machine that predicts the future to predict the Last Smile, which will. As the probability of the predictions happening increases with each one that comes true and eventually reaches a point that a prediction will come true even if the machine has to to make it happen, he sets the events of each mission in motion to force the Last Smile into existence.: In the second chapter, a group of diplomats are playing Japanese Mahjong. One declares a victory for the round, only for another to realize the win broke the rules (which the former seems to have been unaware of) and points it out.: Con does a variation with, where the right sides of both guns are facing up, rather than the left-hand gun having its left side up.

Coyote has an especially bad case - he does not merely hold his gun sideways, but diagonally over his head.: Both the story and gameplay are nearly impossible to neatly categorize. In terms of gameplay, the limited movement, fixed camera angles, and light elements suggest a game (not surprising, seeing as it was produced by ), while the combat resembles a and the powerup system is more reminiscent of a traditional action game with. The plot, meanwhile, plays out like a bizarre lovechild of, and, having heavy elements of politics, horror, satire and crime drama.: Trevor Pearlharbor is utterly confident in his ability to write the future with his comic books. He's wrong, though, as he can only predict the future, not change it.: Harman and Kun Lan and their chess games.:.

The Heaven Smiles don't seem to care whether or not they ever reach their target. Your Remnant Psyches hold no grudge against you for killing them, with some of them even thanking you. So, really, it's after they go out. Susie, seems to be the exception.: There's one regarding federal elections in the United States. Specifically, since most polling places are at public schools, the Department of Education can easily switch out the ballots before they're counted. Thus, the Secretary of Education decides who becomes President.: The phrase 'Change the Wold' is written on a chalkboard at Coburn Elementary.: Con and Mask, with respectively handguns and grenade launchers.: What most of the characters are armed with. Two of them (Dan and Coyote) have revolvers, three (Con, KAEDE, and Garcian) have automatics.

Garcian later switches from his automatic to a gold-plated revolver after the other personalities are all defeated.: In a cast full of deranged and villainous characters, Samantha manages to come across as especially despicable despite simply being an extremely abrasive nurse. It helps that she's a rapist.: Your player character's head rolls over, opens its mouth and bellows a bloody Kanji.: Using the blood of their enemies, no less.: KAEDE, Andrei Ulmeyda.: You don't want the expanded hints. (If you want them, it will cost you precious blood. And Yoon-Hyun will explicitly call you a loser.

While flipping you off with both hands at once.).: Dan finishes Curtis off by activating the machinery in the room they fought in — Curtis is subsequently and hung up to dry.: Ulmeyda.: This game's hard mode is called Deadly. Killer8 forces you into a harder difficulty named Bloodbath, while hopper7 gives the joke Face the Swarm difficulty, which is a variant of Deadly.: Angel throws you straight into the game without a single bit of exposition. Additionally, the screen summing up the objective of it indicates it's the thirty-third job undertaken by the Smiths.: 'Ayame Blackburn, Survive!' .: In the end, it's incredibly easy to miss the connections.: Oh boy. Dan can talk, but can't back it up. In death, he has the strength to back it up. Coyote is outwitted by Emir.

In death, he has the ingenuity that could have saved his life. KAEDE tried to save herself by placing a barrier between her and Emir. In death, she can commit suicide in order to break barriers.

Con could not hear Emir coming nor could he escape. In death, he gains super hearing and super speed.

MASK presents the image of an invulnerable superhero with his mask, but is killed effortlessly whilst not wearing it. In death, his mask grants him incredible powers, making him the strongest of the group. Kevin's lackluster disguise fails to prevent Emir from detecting him. In death, he gains the ultimate means to avoid detection.

Last but not least, Garcian (Emir) kills the others, and then commits suicide out of guilt. In death, he can revive the other personas. Less ambiguously, several targets including Curtis being killed by his own organ harvesting machines, and Trevor Pearlharbor having a hole blown through him by Handsome Black's Handsome Wink.: Kaede's counterattacks, ironically tying in with her status as Barefoot.: Kevin Smith.: Kun Lan and the Heaven Smiles, of course.: Each level has one that highlights what room you're in and several other features. On Normal, Harman's Rooms, characters and rings needed for puzzles, and Soul Shells are shown.

Deadly removes all but the Harman's Rooms and Soul Shells, and killer8 removes the Soul Shells.:. By and General Ironicus, seen. Ironicus's thoughts on the ending:. Another one by can be found. SGF makes a valiant effort to, including snippets from Hand in killer7 and detailing supplemental material like the short-lived tie-in comic series.: Harman only ever wears Jesuit priest clothes, Garcian a white suit, and Kevin nothing but sunglasses and chinos (although he does change the former).

MASK changes his clothes exactly three times in the game, and in each case it's a plot point; on the other hand, before finding the blue mask, he wears a different mask in each level. In contrast, Dan, KAEDE, Coyote, and Con wear different clothes in each level, albeit always of the same style.: And Coyote's a thief; do the math. Kun Lan: Harman, the world won't change. All it does is turn.: The Smiles' laugh differently pending on their actions (hiding nearby, getting shot, blowing up.) and type (Poison Smiles laugh in reverse when getting up, Cammelia Smiles have a bizarre holler, etc.).:,.: Harman Smith and Kun Lan play chess while not engaging in their neverending conflict. Kun Lan only rarely wins, though.: Dan Smith.: 'Greensleeves' over a murder scene, loud as you're walking down a completely ordinary hall; it goes on.: Several instances when it comes to searching for the shells that give access to the boss rooms. Somewhat parodied by the name of the 'Odd Engravings', which don't even try to justify their existence in the world.: Subverted with the Remnant Psyches.

At first, it sounds like they're talking in distorted gibberish, but in the original Japanese it's instead various speaking in machine-translated (as heard,) and the overseas releases added extra filters over their voices to make them sound more garbled.:. The Smiths; it's on the box cover. But when it comes to whose personality they split from,. However, they're not regular split personalities, instead being examples of something called Multifoliate Personae Phenomenon, which is why they're seemingly able to physically manifest. To make matters even crazier about the history of the Smiths, the supplementary material seem to say that they were already dead when Emir killed them, and Harman had been using them as split personalities as the killer7 syndicate. So, they've been killed at least twice, can apparently manifest themselves separately from one another, and can be endlessly resurrected by Garcian/Emir. Oh, and Samantha used to be one, but isn't anymore, so it's apparently possible for a personality to leave and regain their body.

Somehow. Samantha at least comes off as an example, switching between and depending on whether or not the lights are on. Same with Yoon-Hyun, who puts on a mask to switch from his cordial demeanor to the abrasive True Mask.: Used by Cristopher Mills, in fear of wire tapping.: Many parts of the game.: Gary Wanderers, the Steward, who replaces Samantha after she is killed by Harman. Even Hand in killer7 notes that 'fans of Samantha will doubtlessly be disappointed by him'.: The Heaven Smiles, identified by the opening narrator as In the first chapter there's some talk from the Angel of them being 'chosen' and 'having a purpose in life', but that purpose turns out to simply be; even Suda in an interview described the Angel as merely a 'throwaway gag' from Kun Lan.:. All of Johnny's carrier pigeons are named after. Iwazaru, his handler Kikazaru, and his ex-wife Mizaru. Their names mean, respectively, 'Speak no evil', 'Hear no evil', and 'See no evil.'

.: has him muttering this trope after he blows the head off a Heaven Smile and realizes that their intel was wrong. There's more than 14. (spits) Those bastards are breeding.: All the Smiths are actually Garcian's split personalities. Furthermore, Garcian is actually Emir, the dangerous assassin of legend who killed the rest of the Smiths.:.

from way back in 2003, is particularly interesting as. An article in a gaming magazine prior to the game's release stated that the characters would each have different abilities than what made it into the game:. KAEDE was supposed to be able to kill the Smiles by raining blood down on them, like she does with the barriers. It was supposedly because she had some kind of.

Coyote was supposed to be able to preform a roundhouse kick, that would clear a room full of Smiles.: Con bounces empty magazines off his knees and slaps new ones in with his feet. Garcian and MASK appear to manifest new magazines/rounds from their hips. Dan and Coyote seem to use speedloaders, which is fine — except Coyote's spent casings pop right out of their own volition note Although his revolver is a top-break, and extensively customized - it's not unlikely that it has an automatic extractor like a lot of other famous top-break revolvers. And instead of slapping them in like the boys, KAEDE carefully slides her magazines into place — but she also fumbles with them when reloading while aiming. Then you get Dan and MASK's upgrades, both of which speed up their reloads by letting them skip the part where.: No matter who wins each time, Harman and Kun Lan begin the game again in a hundred years.

Worse still, their condescending attitude towards Young Harman and cordial attitude with eachother implies that it's not even vicious for them - they just get bored every few hundred years and decide to play with humanity.: Kurahashi and Akiba are quite a bit harder to deal with than Angel.: Many believe the entirety of the game's plot to be an extreme example of this.: The Speed Smile.: 'Collateral shot!' .: Duplicator and Mother Smiles lay eggs that roll towards the player. They hatch if they get close to the player, or if they're shot, turning into a vanilla Heaven Smile.: Gracian is the only character who can revive the others. If he dies, the game ends automatically., because all of the alternate personalities of the Smith Syndicate stem from him, and his death means they all die as well.: At the beginning of every chapter (or while loading a save file) the moon is shown pulsing and shaking to an ominous soundtrack, often appearing in strange colors like red or purple.: Smile, Part 1 pulls this at the end. The whole level has various characters building up this chapter as the big climactic finish, and when you finally get to the end of the stage, instead of finding the person you were looking for, you instead find two shadowy figures ( Young Harman and Dmitri Nightmare) who just dismissively tell you he's not here and you should go somewhere else.

It didn’t take me long to realize why, despite all the praise showered upon it by fans, Suda51’s Killer7 never gained mainstream popularity or critical acclaim. When your main companion is a man hanging from the ceiling like a puppet wearing bondage gear, there’s going to be some people who don’t quite mesh with it.

Hell, I consider myself open to new experiences and Killer7 quickly made me question many of my life’s decisions; namely what exactly happened in my life that led to me talking to a disembodied head taking refuge in a dryer because it’s comfy. Who spits at me and then tells me to turn the dryer back on and go away.

Otherwise an impeccable port, the Options/Graphics menu is different.Raising the bar on the seriously weird is the signature of any Suda51 game, and as what is often hailed as his best game, Killer7 is no exception. From the story that makes Metal Gear Solid look tame and sensible, to the over the top violence and gore, to the casual use of disturbing and unsettling imagery which is helped in no small part by the minimalistic environment design that really makes things stick out. Again, I must mention the creepy hanging bondage man. The point is that Killer7 doesn’t pull any kind of punches and in fact acts as if everything is totally normal and YOU’RE the weird one there.The gameplay tries to be just as unique as its setting and characters and while it succeeds in flying in the face of modern conventions (both now and in 2005), it does have a few minor issues. It plays essentially as a rail shooter. There’s no free movement or exploration, you spend the whole game moving either forward or backward (you can look behind you, which helps a bunch) along pre-determined paths through the maps. You do choose routes at junctions, which open the areas up to make exploration a factor, but it can still feel limiting at times.

Overall though it helps fuel the unsettling atmosphere by adding a feeling of claustrophobia by being unable to move how you want, something which could have gone disastrously (and for some people will feel as such), but for me it aided the tense of the game. You’ll meet all sorts of nice people on your journey.At any time you can hit the right trigger to enter FPS mode where you can attack using the weapon of your current Personality (more on that later), or just use the camera to look around if you wish. The shooting gameplay is very solid, controls were responsive, and hitting the weak spots on enemies to have them explode into Blood was fun instead of frustrating. Enemies do respawn in basically the same places every time you leave a room and then re-enter, which can make things start to feel repetitive as you kill the same enemies in the same places multiple times every time you enter the room. However, the progression system linked to Blood collected from defeated enemies makes it not a complete waste of time as those extra enemies could gain you a new skill point. At intersections, or inside of rooms with multiple interactable options, a branching path to choose between. It grows quite natural as moving forward and using the thumbstick (or mouse) is enough to choose, making movement fluid.It’s not all about combat though, exploration and puzzle solving is a significant factor of advancing through the game.

At the core of the system are the 7 different Personalities you’ll get to play as, each with their own unique weapon, upgrades, and skills, and the ability to switch among them at any time. You’ll use their abilities to solve classic Resident Evil styled puzzles, usually by finding items to be used on other items which in turn unlock something to pass and so on.

It’s actually quite an engaging part of the game, and you’ll quickly pick up on which Personality can do what, making puzzle solving much less obtuse then Resident Evil‘s and solvable without a google search, for the most part. Hidden throughout the levels are letters dropped off by carrier pigeons.

I think we can all agree they are a great reward and not at all unnerving.Killer7 is the kind of game that defines what a cult classic is. Off the wall story and characters which push the envelope far past what a lot of people are normally comfortable with combined with unique gameplay that may have some rough edges, but make up for them by feeling unique. This may be a remake of a under-performing console from over 10 years ago, but in today’s gaming market it looks and feels just as fresh as the day it was released. A game that not only deserved, but needed a port worthy of it, and I’m glad to say that it lives up to it.

Gameplay: 7.0Though the weakest link of the game, everything is still solid. Movement is along set rails, with the option to go forward or back and choose alternate routes when your path diverges. While movement is third-person, you shift into first-person for gunplay and this is smooth and responsive. Though it can take a while to get a handle on, movement and combat mesh well together. The puzzle solving aspect is well done as well, very much in the design of earlier Resident Evil‘s in the sometimes completely illogical way they are set up.

Fun Factor: 8.5The first hour with Killer7 is more confusing than anything else. The tutorial gives little more than the most basic controls and then you’re tossed into the game.

Once you get it down though, the story starts to untangle itself and the combination works well. It’s clear why this became a cult classic and more than deserving of a port of this quality. Still, the game does suffer from a bit of repetitiveness in that the first hour plays just like the 10th, but the combinations of fun gameplay and an off-the-wall MGS styled story more than makes up for it.